![[3D baby GNU and baby Tux]](png/babygnutux.80.png) |
3D Baby Gnu & Baby Tux
by Nicolas Rougier |
![[Portrait of GNU]](png/3dgnuhead.80.png) |
Portrait of GNU
by Dale Mellor |
![[A Gnu Body]](png/agnubody.80.png) |
A Gnu Body
by Graham Wilson |
![[Image of the head of a GNU]](png/gnu-head.80.png) |
A GNU Head
by Etienne Suvasa,
and derived images |
![[GNU Head for terminal]](png/agnuheadterm.80.png) |
A GNU Head in terminals
by Mattias Andrée |
![[Spherical Hurd Logo]](png/hurd-logo.80.png) |
Spherical Hurd Logo
by Teddy Hogeborn |
![[ASCII GNU head]](png/alternative-ascii.80.png) |
An Alternative ASCII GNU
by Vijay Kumar |
![[Poster defining the four freedoms]](png/amihud-4-freedoms.80.png) |
Four-Freedoms Poster
by Jeison Yehuda Amihud |
![[FSF Logo on black]](png/fsf-bk.80.png) |
FSF logos
by Shawn Ewald |
![[Statue of Liberty protecting software freedoms]](png/liberty.80.png) |
An LPF logo
by Etienne Suvasa |
![[Typing GNU hacker]](png/gnu-type.80.png) |
A typing GNU hacker
by Jamal Hannah |
![[Another typing GNU hacker]](png/another-gnu-type.80.png) |
Another typing GNU hacker
by Peter McLachlan |
![[Glitch]](png/arantxa-glitch.80.png) |
Sunny GNU designs
by Arantxa Serantes |
![[Satire on EULA and proprietary software]](png/babiichuk-devil-eula.80.png) |
Devil EULA
by Yevhen Babiichuk |
![[Baby GNU sucking its thumb]](png/baby-gnu.80.png) |
Baby GNU
by Etienne Suvasa |
![[GNU logo]](png/barr-gnu.80.png) |
GNU Logo
by Paul Barr |
![[GNU logo]](png/bokma-gnu.80.png) |
GNU and Emacs Logos
by John Bokma |
![[Winking GNU Head]](png/bold-initiative-gnu-head.80.png) |
Winking GNU
by Bravo Edison |
![[GNU Head logo]](png/bvbn-logo-small.80.png) |
GNU/Linux buttons
by Vladimir Tsarkov |
![[The Gnu and the Penguin in flight]](png/gnu-and-penguin-color.80.png) |
The Dynamic Duo: The Gnu and the Penguin in flight
by Lissanne Lake |
![[Banner in cartoon style promoting free software]](png/chan-i-love-fs-banner.80.png) |
I Love Free Software
by Carlos Chan |
![["Copyleft (L)" sticker]](png/copyleft-sticker.80.png) |
“Copyleft (L)” sticker
by Don Hopkins |
![[The chains of Digital Restrictions
Management]](png/ichain.80.png) |
GNU Art — Digital Restrictions Management
by Chris Hayes |
![[Dragora Logo]](png/distros-dragora.80.png) |
Dragora Logo
by Claudio Santillan |
![[Modern Dragora Logo]](svg/distros-dragora-modern.svg) |
Modern Dragora Logo
by Lorenzo L. Ancora |
![[Running gnu]](png/dittberner_gnu.80.png) |
Running Gnu
by Dorothea and Jan Dittberner |
![[Dog, wondering at pop-up ads]](png/dog.80.png) |
Dog Cartoon
by Richard Stallman and Antonomakia |
![[Reference card with GNU face]](png/emacs-ref.80.png) |
GNU Emacs Reference Card
by Loic Duros |
![[Flying GNU design]](png/flying-gnu.80.png) |
Flying Gnu
by Ernesto Bazzano |
![[A penguin getting out of the shower]](png/freedo_improved.80.png) |
by Rubén Rodríguez Pérez (and other versions) |
![[Levitating RMS speaking about freedom]](png/stallman.80.png) |
What Freedom Means
by Michael Pagnotti |
![[Reflecting on GNU and freedom]](png/freedom-reflection.80.png) |
Freedom Reflection
by Crista Moreno |
![[Freedo taking a vacation on the beach]](png/freedo_on_the_beach.80.png) |
Freedo on the beach
by Jason Self |
![[Gnu and Tux as messengers of free software in the
desolate land of proprietary software]](png/free-software-dealers.80.png) |
Free Software Dealers & derived game card
by Péhä |
![[Free Your Soul wallpaper]](png/free-your-soul-wallpaper.80.png) |
Free Your Soul wallpaper
by Sayem Chaklader |
![[liberty, equality, brotherhood button]](png/lef.fr.80.png) |
French Motto button
by Lutz Bürger |
![[Fromagnulinux]](png/fromagnulinux.80.png) |
by Denis Trimaille |
![[The official FSF logo]](png/fsf-logo-notext.80.png) |
Free Software Foundation Logo
by Li Jiang |
![[The book cover logo for 'Free Software, Free Society']](png/fsfs-title2.80.png) |
Book cover logo for Free Software, Free Society
by Jonathan Richard |
![[New GNU]](png/gg3po-newgnu.80.png) |
by gg3po |
![[Colorful rounded image of the head of a GNU]](png/gleeson_head.80.png) |
by Brendon Gleeson |
![[gNewSense Logo]](png/gnewsense.80.png) |
gNewSense Logo
by Li Jiang |
![[GNU 30th - Celebrating 30 years]](png/gnu-30-badge.80.png) |
GNU 30th birthday |
![[Stylized gnu mask]](png/gnu-alternative.80.png) |
GNU Alternative
by Martin R. Peck |
![[Gnu and Tux icon]](png/gnu-and-tux-icon.80.png) |
Gnu and Tux Icon
by Nadia Sventsitsky |
![[ASCII Gnu head]](png/gnu-ascii.80.png) |
by Przemysław Borys |
![[Small ASCII Gnu head]](png/gnu-ascii2.80.png) |
Another ASCII GNU (for email signatures)
by Martin Dickopp |
![[ASCII Gnu is liberty]](png/gnu-ascii-liberty.80.png) |
ASCII “GNU is Liberty”
by Carlos Contreras A. |
![[GNU Born Free Runs Free]](png/gnu-born-free-run-free.80.png) |
GNU Born Free Runs Free
by Alicia Lapekas |
![[Luk's GNU head]](png/gnu-head-luk.80.png) |
Stylized GNU Head
by Luk |
![[GNU banner saying: run free run gnu]](png/gnu_headshadow.80.png) |
GNU Head shadowed
by Vladimir Zúñiga |
![[Fragment of the head of a GNU]](png/gnu-inside.80.png) |
GNU Inside
by Mike Gerwitz |
![[Gnu wearing a jacket]](png/gnu-jacket.80.png) |
A Gnu Wearing a Jacket
by Sarah Katzenell Rabkin |
![[Powered by GNU/Linux]](png/powered-by-gnu-linux.80.png) |
GNU/Linux logos
by Burkhard Jäckel |
![[Gnu and Tux on black]](png/gnu-linux-on-black.80.png) |
GNU/Linux Art
by Rui Damas |
![[Smiling GNU head]](png/gnu-smiling.80.png) |
GNU Smiling
by Las |
![[Come and see what GNU creates for YOU]](png/gnubanner-2.80.png) |
GNU banners and link
resp. by Stefan Rieken, John M. Wooten
and SpAwN |
![[GNU Horned Word Logo]](png/gnu_hornedword.80.png) |
GNU Horned Logo
by Vladimir Zúñiga |
![[GNU Love]](png/gnulove.80.png) |
GNU Love
by Alison Upton |
![[GNUoLantern]](png/gnuolantern.80.png) |
GNU o Lantern
carved by Lorena Cid-Montiel |
![[A Gnu and Blaise Pascal]](png/gnu%2bpascal.80.png) |
GNU and Blaise Pascal
by Markus Gerwinski |
![[GNU Pumpkin]](png/gnupumpkin.80.png) |
GNU Pumpkin
carved by Jimmy Rustles |
![[Silhouette of a GNU head, in profile]](png/gnu-profile.80.png) |
GNU Silhouette Logos
by JC |
![[Flower fractal]](png/goschler-flower-fractal.80.png) |
It's Me and GNU
by Stefan Goschler |
![[Head of a GNU with a printing press]](png/groff-head.80.png) |
GNU Head with Printing Press
by Imogen Mulley |
![[Freedo stands in place of the 0 of 2019, and the gnu
is holding the 9.]](png/happy_gnu_year_2019.80.png) |
Happy GNU Year 2019!
by Jason Self |
![[Bold image of the head of a GNU]](png/heckert_gnu.80.png) |
A Bold GNU Head
by Aurélio A. Heckert |
![[GNU coin]](png/hitflip-gnu.80.png) |
GNU Coin and Herd
by the Hitflip Team |
![[Freedo, the gnu and the Libreboot deer deliver software freedom]](png/holiday_deliveries.80.png) |
Holiday Deliveries
by Jason Self |
![[HTTPTunnel logo]](png/httptunnel-w.80.png) |
HTTPTunnel Logo
by Harri Manni |
![[Hurd Metafont logo]](png/hurd_mf.80.png) |
Hurd Logo in Metafont
by Stephen McCamant |
![[Bill Gates and Jesus]](png/jesus-cartoon.80.png) |
A cartoon featuring Jesus and...
by Phil Garcia and Don Berry |
![[Abstract art of the GNU]](png/kafa_gnu.80.png) |
Abstract GNU Art
by Kursad Karatas |
![[Listening Gnu]](png/listen.80.png) |
Listening Gnu
by the Nevrax Design Team |
![[Colored GNU head]](png/gnu_head_colour.80.png) |
Colored GNU Head
by Lisa J. Lovchik |
![[Levitating, Meditating, Flue-playing Gnu]](png/meditate.80.png) |
Levitating, Meditating, Flute-playing Gnu
by the Nevrax Design Team |
![[Modern-style GNU head]](png/modern_art_gnu.80.png) |
Modern-style GNU Head
by Angelo A. |
![[GNU liberating a computer]](png/gnu-gives-freedom.80.png) |
GNU Gives Freedom poster
by Nandakumar |
![[A computer dreaming about GNU for freedom]](png/give-me-freedom.80.png) |
Give Me Freedom poster
by Navaneeth |
![[Philosophical Gnu]](png/philosophical-gnu.80.png) |
A Philosophical Gnu
by Markus Gerwinski |
![[Digital philosopher]](png/philosoputer.80.png) |
by Braydon Fuller |
![[Gnu and Tux plant onions]](png/plant-onion.80.png) |
Plant Onions!
by Péhä |
![[GNU Vaporwave Design]](png/r4sh-gnu-vaporwave.80.png) |
GNU Vaporwave Design
by R4sH |
![[Colored GNU head]](png/reiss-head.80.png) |
Color GNU Head
by Joseph W. Reiss |
![['Run free run GNU' banner]](png/runfreegnu.80.png) |
Run free run GNU banner
by Vladimir Zúñiga |
![[Santa Claus GNU]](png/santa_gnu.80.png) |
Santa Claus GNU
by Luciano Lourenço |
![[GNU beast poster]](png/gnu-beast.80.png) |
Gnu Characters
by Carol Anne Scowcroft |
![[Watercolor GNU Head]](png/sevinc-gnu-watercolor.80.png) |
GNU Mascot Watercolor
by Uzay Onat Sevinç |
![[Skwetu's GNU Logo]](png/skwetu-gnu-logo.80.png) |
Salish GNU logo
by Skwetu |
![[Free Side of the Force wallpaper]](png/skwid-free-side-wallpaper.80.png) |
GNU Designs
by Ben “Skwid” Gailly |
![[A slick GNU logo]](png/slickgnu.80.png) |
A Slick GNU Logo
by Brian Bush |
![[GNU social Logo]](png/gnu-social-logo.80.png) |
GNU Social logo
by Jonas Laugs and Steven DuBois |
![[The Spirit of Freedom]](png/o_espirito_da_liberdade.fondo.80.png) |
The Spirit of Freedom
by Denís Fernández Cabrera |
![[Stallman as Saint Ignucius]](png/stallman-as-saint-ignucius.80.png) |
Stallman as Saint Ignucius
by Alicia Lapekas |
![[GNU banner]](png/gnu_herd_banner.80.png) |
GNU Herd Banner
by Stephan Baumann, usegroup |
![[ASCII Super Gnu]](png/supergnu-ascii.80.png) |
ASCII Super Gnu
by Vijay Kumar |
![[Simplified GNU Head]](png/nu-gnu.80.png) |
Simplified GNU Head
by Sven H. |
![[Sad GNU and Tux]](png/sventsitsky-sadgnu.80.png) |
Sad GNU and Tux
by Nadia Sventsitsky |
![[Gnu and Tux bivouac in the desert]](png/techy-gnu-tux-bivouac.80.png) |
Gnu and Tux Bivouac
by Muhammed Omar Ali & Fatamy |
![['This is freedom' wallpaper]](png/this-is-freedom-wallpaper.80.png) |
This is Freedom wallpaper
by Vadim Gush |
![[Trisquel Logo]](png/trisquel.80.png) |
Trisquel Logo
by Rubén Rodríguez Pérez |
![[Pseudo-Lisp (Use 'GNU)]](png/use-gnu.80.png) |
Use 'GNU
by Etienne Suvasa and the FSF staff |
![[GNU head with motto on banderoles]](png/whats-gnu.80.png) |
What's GNU
by Etienne Suvasa |
![[Embossed GNU-head tiling]](png/wilgus-gnutiling-embossed.80.png) |
GNU-Head Tiling wallpapers
by Kacper Wilgus |
![[Kyle's Alternative GNU logo]](png/winkler-gnu.80.png) |
Alternative GNU Logo
by Kyle Winkler |
![[A dancing GNU]](png/dancing-gnu.80.png) |
GNU art
by Adrienne Thompson |
![[3D Gnu head]](png/3d-gnu-head.80.png) |
GNU Head in 3D
by Georg Bahlon |
![[We run GNU]](png/behroze-gnu-button1.80.png) |
GNU buttons
by Behroze Nejaati |
![[GNU party]](png/party.80.png) |
GNU Party
by Etienne Suvasa |
![[GNU Post seal]](png/gnu-post-2007.80.png) |
GNU Post images
by Tomasz W. Kozłowski |
![[Freedo]](png/freedo-logo.80.png) |
GNU and Freedo
by José Miguel Silva Lara and Márcio Alexandre
Silva Delgado |
![[Tux riding a strong GNU]](png/gnu-tux.80.png) |
Designs for the UMSA course
“Núcleo GNU/Linux”
by Ruth García |