usage: xorriso [settings|actions] This program creates, loads, manipulates and writes ISO 9660 filesystem images with Rock Ridge extensions. Write targets can be drives with optical media or local filesystem objects. The program operations are controlled by a sequence of commands, of which the initial ones are given as program arguments or as lines in startup files. Further commands may get read from files in batch mode or from standard input in dialog mode. -x Only in effect if given as program argument: Execute commands given as program arguments in a sequence that most likely makes some sense. Default is to execute program arguments exactly in the sequence as given. Preparation commands: Drive addresses are either /dev/... as listed with command -devices or disk files, eventually with prefix "stdio:" if non-CD-drive in /dev tree. E.g. /dev/sr0 , /tmp/pseudo_drive , stdio:/dev/sdc -dev address Set input and output drive and load eventual ISO image. Set the image expansion method to growing. -indev address Set input drive and load eventual ISO image. Use expansion methods modifying or blind growing. -outdev address Set output drive and use modifying or blind growing. -drive_class "harmless"|"banned"|"risky"|"clear_list" disk_pattern Add a drive path pattern to one of the safety lists or make those lists empty. Defaulty entry in "risky" is "/dev". -drive_access "exclusive"|"shared":"unrestricted"|"readonly" Enable or disable device file locking mechanisms. Enable or disable status and content changes of drive. -scsi_dev_family "default"|"sr"|"scd"|"sg" Linux specific: Choose device file type. -read_speed number["k/s"|"[x]CD"|"[x]DVD"|"[x]BD"]|keyword Set the read speed. Default is "none" = do not set speed before reading. Prefix "soft_force:" enables slowdown by software. -grow_blindly "off"|predicted_nwa Switch between modifying and blind growing. -load "session"|"track"|"lba"|"sbsector"|"volid"|"auto" id -load "at_time"|"before"|"after"|"not_before"|"not_after" time Load a particular (outdated) ISO session from a -dev or -indev which hosts more than one session. -displacement [-]block_address When loading ISO tree or reading data files compensate a displacement versus the start address for which the image was prepared. -read_fs "any"|"norock"|"nojoliet"|"ecma119" Specify which kind of filesystem tree to load if present. -rom_toc_scan "on"|"force"|"off"[:"emul_on"|"emul_off"] [:"emul_wide"|"emul_narrow"] Enable scanning for ISO sessions on read-only drives/media and on overwritable media with emulated TOC. -calm_drive "in"|"out"|"all"|"on"|"off"|"leave" Reduce drive noise until it gets actually used again. -assert_volid pattern severity Accept input image only if its volume id matches pattern. -charset name Set the character set name to be used for file name conversion from and to media. -in_charset name Like -charset but only for conversion from media. -auto_charset "on"|"off" Enable writing and reading of character set name in image. -out_charset name Like -charset but only for conversion to media. -local_charset name Override system assumption of the local character set name. -hardlinks mode[:mode ...] Enable or disable recording and restoring of hard links. Modes are "on", "off", "perform_update", "without_update", "discard_extract", "cheap_sorted_extract", "normal_extract" -acl "on"|"off" Enable or disable reading and writing of ACLs. -xattr "on"|"user"|"any"|"off" Enable or disable reading and writing of xattr. -lfa_flags mode[:mode ...] Enable or disable reading and restoring of Linux chattr flags. -md5 "on"|"all"|"off" Enable or disable processing of MD5 checksums. -for_backup Shortcut for: -hardlinks on -acl on -xattr any -md5 on possibly: -lfa_flags default:on:restore_mask=aAcCdDijmPsStTux -ecma119_map "unmapped"|"stripped"|"uppercase"|"lowercase" Choose conversion of file names if neither Rock Ridge nor Joliet is present in the loaded ISO session. -joliet_map "unmapped"|"stripped" Choose conversion of file names if the Joliet tree is read when loading the ISO session. -iso_nowtime "dynamic"|timestring Choose use of current time or a fixed point in time for timestamps where libisofs would normally use the current (i.e. dynamic) time. -disk_dev_ino "on"|"ino_only"|"off" Enable or disable recording of disk file dev_t and ino_t and their use in file comparison. -scdbackup_tag list_path record_name Enable production of scdbackup tag with -md5 on -ban_stdio_write Allow for writing only the usage of optical drives. -early_stdio_test "on"|"appendable_wo"|"off" Classify stdio drives by effective access permissions. -data_cache_size number_of_tiles blocks_per_tile Adjust size and granularity of the data read cache. -blank ["force:"]"fast"|"all"|"deformat"|"deformat_quickest" Blank medium or invalidate ISO image on medium. Prefix "force:" overrides medium evaluation. -truncate_overwritable entity id adjust Activate an older session on overwritable medium. Adjust its size to some value not smaller than original old size. -close_damaged "as_needed"|"force" Close track and session of damaged medium. -format "as_needed"|"full"|"fast"|"by_index_#"|"by_size_#" Format BD-RE, BD-R, DVD-RAM, DVD-RW, DVD+RW. -volid volume_id Specifies the volume ID text. (32 chars out of [A-Z0-9_]) -volset_id name Specifies the volume set id. (128 chars) -publisher name Specifies the publisher name. (128 chars) -application_id name Specifies the application id. (128 chars) -system_id name Specifies the system id for the System Area. (32 chars) -volume_date type timestring Specifies volume timestamps. ["c","m","x","f","uuid"] -copyright_file name Specifies the name of the Copyright File. (37 chars) -biblio_file name Specifies the name of the Bibliographic File. (37 chars) -abstract_file name Specifies the name of the Abstract File. (37 chars) -application_use character|0xXY|disk_path Specifies the content of Application Use field. (512 bytes) A single character or a hex code gets repeated 512 times. Other text gets opened as data file and 512 bytes are read. -joliet "on"|"off" Generate Joliet info additional to Rock Ridge info. -hfsplus "on"|"off" Generate a HFS+ partition and filesystem within ISO image. -rockridge "on"|"off" Opportunity to omit Rock Ridge info. (Do not do it !) -jigdo "clear"|"template_path"|"jigdo_path"|"md5_path" |"min_size"|"checksum_iso"|"checksum_template" |"checksum_path"|"demand_checksum"|"checksum_algorithm" |"compression"|"exclude"|"demand_md5"|"mapping" |"checksum_iso"|"checksum_template" value Clear Jigdo Template Extraction parameter list or add a parameter with its value to that list. -compliance rule[:rule...] Allow more or less harmless deviations from strict standards compliance. -rr_reloc_dir name Specifies name of relocation directory in root directory, to which deep subtrees will get relocated if -compliance is set to "deep_paths_off". -boot_image "any"|"isolinux"|"grub" |"discard"|"keep"|"patch"|"replay" |"dir="|"bin_path=" |"cat_path="|"cat_hidden=on|iso_rr|joliet|off" |"load_size="|"boot_info_table=" |"grub2_boot_info="|"grub2_mbr="|"partition_offset=" |"partition_hd_cyl="|"partition_sec_hd=" |"partition_cyl_align="|"mbr_force_bootable=" |"system_area="|"partition_table=on|off" |"partition_entry="|"appended_part_as=" |"part_like_isohybrid="|"iso_mbr_part_type=" |"gpt_disk_guid="|"gpt_iso_bootable"|"gpt_iso_not_ro=" |"chrp_boot_part=on|off="|"prep_boot_part=" |"efi_boot_part="|"efi_boot_part=--efi-boot-image" |"mips_path="|"mipsel_path="|"mips_discard" |"sparc_label="|"grub2_sparc_core="|"sparc_discard" |"hppa_cmdline="|"hppa_bootloader="|"hppa_kernel_32=" |"hppa_kernel_64="|"hppa_ramdisk="|"hppa_hdrversion=" |"hppa_discard"|"alpha_boot="|"alpha_discard" |"hfsplus_serial="|"hfsplus_block_size=" |"apm_block_size="|"show_status" Whether to discard or keep an exiting El Torito boot image, or to freshly set up boot equipment. "replay" performs the commands proposed by -report_system_area "cmd". ISOLINUX can be made bootable by dir=/ or dir=/isolinux or dir=/boot/isolinux. Others, like GRUB, by bin_path=... and cat_path=... The boot image and its helper files need to be added to the ISO image by the usual commands like -map or -add. system_area= and partition_table= are for MBR based booting from USB stick. The system_area= file needs not to be added. chrp_boot_part= and prep_boot_part= are for PowerPC. efi_boot_part= is for booting EFI systems from USB stick. mips_path= adds Big Endian MIPS boot files. mipsel_path= sets one Little Endian MIPS boot file. sparc_label= activates SUN Disk Label. hppa_* is for HP PA-RISC via PALO. alpha_boot= is for DEC Alpha SRM. MIPS, SUN, HP, and Alpha are mutually exclusive and exclusive to production of MBR and to booting via EFI from USB stick. -append_partition partition_number type_code disk_path Append a prepared filesystem image after the end of the ISO image. Caution: Will be overwritten by multi-session. -uid uid User id to be used for the whole multi-session ISO image. -gid gid Group id for the same purpose. -devices Show list of available optical drives and their addresses. -device_links Like devices, but showing link paths which are hopefully persistent over reboot on modern Linux systems. -toc Show media specific tables of content (sessions). -toc_of "in"|"out"|"all"[":short"] Show -toc of either input drive or output drive or both. -toc_info_type "volid"|"creation_time[_gmt]"|"modification_time[_gmt]" Choose what to show in the right column of -toc and -toc_of. -assess_indev_features "plain"|"cmd"|"as_mkisofs"|"replay" Inspect the filesystem on -indev for features like ISO level, Rock Ridge, or file name relaxations. -mount_cmd drive entity id path Print to result channel a command suitable to mount the depicted entity (see -load) at the given directory path. -mount_opts "exclusive"|"shared" Set options for -mount and -mount_cmd. -session_string drive entity id "linux:"path|"freebsd:"path|form Print foreign OS command or custom line. -list_formats Show media specific list of format descriptors. -list_speeds Show media specific list of write speed descriptors. -list_profiles "in"|"out"|"all" Show list of media types supported by indev and/or outdev. -print_size Print the foreseeable consumption by next -commit. -tell_media_space Print foreseeable available space on output medium -pvd_info Print various id strings of the loaded ISO image. -report_el_torito "plain"|"help"|"cmd"|"as_mkisofs" "plain" prints information about the El Torito boot catalog and boot images of the loaded ISO image. "help" prints an explanation of the output format. "cmd" and "as_mkisofs" propose commands to reproduce the boot equipment reported by -report_el_torito "plain" and -report_system_area "plain" -report_system_area "plain"|"help"|"gpt_crc_of:"disk_path |"cmd"|"as_mkisofs" "plain" prints information about recognized data "help" prints an explanation of the output format. in the System Area of the loaded ISO image: MBR, GPT, ... "gpt_crc_of:" prints GPT CRC of file disk_path. For "cmd" and "as_mkisofs" see -report_el_torito. Commands with variable length path list [...] need the list delimiter text as end mark if they are followed by another command. By default this delimiter is "--". In dialog and with commands read from files, the line end serves as such a mark. With program arguments this mark can be omitted only with the last command in the list of program arguments. For brevity the list delimiter is referred as "--" throughout this text. -list_delimiter text Set the list delimiter to be used instead of "--" It has to be a single word, must not be empty, not longer than 80 characters, may not contain quotation marks. Manipulation commands: disk_path is a path to an object in the local filesystem tree. iso_rr_path is the Rock Ridge name of a file object in the ISO image. pathspec is either a disk_path or (if allowed) a pair: iso_rr_path=disk_path Commands marked by [***] have variable length parameter lists and perform pattern expansion if enabled by -iso_rr_pattern or -disk_pattern. -pathspecs "on"|"off"|"as_mkisofs" Allow or disallow pathspecs of form iso_rr_path=disk_path Only "off" allows -disk_pattern expansion. -file_name_limit number Set truncation size for file names [64 ... 255]. -file_size_limit value [...] Set limit for file content size. One or more numbers to add. -add pathspec [...] | disk_path [***] Insert the given files or directory trees from filesystem into the ISO image. Much like mkisofs. -add_plainly "none"|"unknown"|"dashed"|"any" Whether to add lonely arguments as pathspec or disk_path. -path_list disk_path Like -add but read the pathspecs from file disk_path. -quoted_path_list disk_path Like -path_list but with line rules as -dialog "on". -map disk_path iso_rr_path Insert disk file object at the given iso_rr_path. -map_single disk_path iso_rr_path Like -map but with directory do not insert its sub tree. -map_l disk_prefix iso_rr_prefix disk_path [***] Performs -map with each disk_path. -update disk_path iso_rr_path Compare both file objects and do what is necessary to make iso_rr_path a matching copy of disk_path. -update_r disk_path iso_rr_path Like -update but affecting all files below directories. -update_l disk_prefix iso_rr_prefix disk_path [***] Performs -update_r with each disk_path. -update_li iso_rr_prefix disk_prefix iso_rr_path [***] Performs -update_r with each iso_rr_path. -update_lxi disk_prefix iso_rr_prefix disk_or_iso_rr_path [***] Performs -update_r with each disk_path or corresponding iso_rr_path after exchange of disk_prefix by iso_rr_prefix. -cut_out disk_path byte_offset byte_count iso_rr_path Map a byte interval of a regular disk file into a regular file in the ISO image. -cpr disk_path [***] iso_rr_path Insert the given files or directory trees from filesystem into the ISO image, according to the rules of cp -r. -rm iso_rr_path [***] Delete the given files from the ISO image. -rm_r iso_rr_path [***] Delete the given directory trees from ISO image. -move iso_rr_path iso_rr_path Rename the single file given by the first iso_rr_path to the second iso_rr_path. -mv iso_rr_path [***] iso_rr_path Like shell command mv rename the given file objects in the ISO tree to the last of the iso_rr_path parameters. -chown uid iso_rr_path [***] Equivalent to chown in the ISO image. -chown_r uid iso_rr_path [***] Like -chown but affecting all files below directories. -chgrp gid iso_rr_path [***] Equivalent to chgrp in the ISO image. -chgrp_r gid iso_rr_path [***] Like -chgrp but affecting all files below directories. -chmod mode iso_rr_path [***] Equivalent to chmod in the ISO image. -chmod_r mode iso_rr_path [***] Like -chmod but affecting all files below directories. -setfacl acl_text iso_rr_path [***] Replace the permissions and eventual ACL of the given files in the ISO image by the ACL which is defined by acl_text. -setfacl_r acl_text iso_rr_path [***] Like -setfacl but affecting all files below directories. -setfacl_list disk_path Read output of getfacl from file disk_path. Set owner, group and ACL of the iso_rr_path given by line "# file:". -setfattr [-]name value iso_rr_path [***] Set xattr pair with the given name to the given value, or delete pair if name is prefixed with "-" and value is an empty text. -setfattr_r [-]name value iso_rr_path [***] Like -setfattr but affecting all files below directories. -setfattr_list disk_path Read output of getfattr from file disk_path. Replace the xattr of the iso_rr_path given by line "# file:". -chattr "+"|"-"|"="|"."mode iso_rr_path [***] Set or unset Linux chattr flags of the given files. -alter_date type timestring iso_rr_path [***] Alter the date entries of a file in the ISO image. type is one of "a", "m", "b" for: access time, modification time, both times. -alter_date_r type timestring iso_rr_path [***] Like -alter_date but affecting all files below directories. -hide on|iso_rr:joliet:hfsplus|off iso_rr_path [***] Keep names of files out of directory trees, but store their data content in the image. -find iso_rr_path [test [op] [test ...]] [-exec action [params]] performs an action on files below the given directory in the ISO image. Tests: -name pattern, -wholename pattern, -disk_name pattern, -disk_path pattern, -use_pattern on|off, -or_use_pattern on|off, -name_limit_blocker length, -type b|c|d|p|f|l|s|e, -pending_data, -hidden, -lba_range start count, -damaged, -has_acl, -has_xattr, -has_aaip, -has_filter, -has_md5, -has_any_xattr, -has_lfa_flags letters, -has_some_lfa_flags_of letters, -has_hfs_crtp, -has_hfs_bless, -bad_outname, -name_limit_blocker, -maxdepth, -mindepth, -size, -prune, -decision yes|no, -true, -false Operators: -not, -or, -and, -sub, (, -subend, ), -if, -then, -elseif, -else, -endif Action may be one of: echo, chown, chown_r, chgrp, chgrp_r, chmod, chmod_r, alter_date, alter_date_r, set_to_mtime, lsdl, compare, rm, rm_r, compare, update, report_damage, report_lba, report_sections, getfacl, setfacl, getfattr, setfattr, get_any_xattr, list_extattr, get_md5, check_md5, make_md5, set_hfs_crtp, get_hfs_crtp, set_hfs_bless, get_hfs_bless, set_filter, show_stream, show_stream_id, mkisofs_r, hide, print_outname, estimate_size, in_iso, not_in_iso add_missing, empty_iso_dir, is_full_in_iso, sort_weight update_merge, rm_merge, clear_merge, lsattrd, chattr, find params are their parameters except iso_rr_path. -mkdir iso_rr_path [...] Create empty directories if they do not exist yet. -lns target_text iso_rr_path Create a symbolic link pointing to target_text -rmdir iso_rr_path [***] Delete empty directories. -clone iso_rr_path_original iso_rr_path_copy Create an ISO copy of an ISO file or ISO directory tree. -cp_clone iso_rr_path_original [***] iso_rr_path_dest Create ISO to ISO copies according to the rules of cp -r. -- Default list delimiter marking the end of command parameter lists. It may be changed by command -list_delimiter. -not_paths disk_path [***] Add the given paths to the list of excluded absolute paths. -not_leaf pattern Add the given pattern to the list of leafname exclusions. -not_list disk_path Read lines from disk_path and use as -not_paths (with "/") or as -not_leaf (without "/"). -quoted_not_list disk_path Like -not_list but with line rules as -dialog "on". -not_mgt "reset"|"on"|"off"|"param_on"|"subtree_on"|"ignore_on" Control effect of exclusion lists. -follow "on"|"pattern:param:link:concat:mount:limit=#"|"default"|"off" Follow symbolic links and mount points within disk_path. -overwrite "on"|"nondir"|"off" Allow or disallow to overwrite existing files in ISO image. -split_size number["k"|"m"] Set the threshold for automatic splitting of regular files. -reassure "on"|"tree"|"off" If "on" then ask the user for "y" or "n" with any file before deleting or overwriting it in the ISO image. Filter commands: External filter processes may produce synthetic file content by reading the original content from stdin and writing to stdout whatever they want. -external_filter name option[:option] program_path [arguments] -- Define an external filter. Options are: suffix=...: remove_suffix:if_nonempty:if_reduction:if_block_reduction. -unregister_filter name Undefine an external filter. -close_filter_list Irrevocably ban -external_filter and -unregister_filter. -set_filter name iso_rr_path [***] Apply a defined filter to the given data files. Special name "--remove-all-filters" revokes filtering. Builtin filters are --gzip , --gunzip, --zisofs . -set_filter_r name iso_rr_path [***] Like -set_filter but affecting all files below directories. zisofs is a compression format which is recognized by some Linux kernels. xorriso supports it by builtin filter "--zisofs" which is to be applied by the user, and by "--zisofs-decode" which is applied automatically when compressed content is detected with a file in the ISO image. -zisofs option[:options] Set global zisofs parameters: level=0|...|9 , block_size=32k|64k|128k , by_magic=on|off version_2=off|as_needed|on , block_size_v2=32k|...|1024k max_bpt=1k...128g , max_bpt_f=1k...128g , bpt_target=num bpt_free_ratio=-1|[0.0...1.0] , susp_z2=off|on Write-to-media commands: -rollback Discard the manipulated ISO image and reload it. -changes_pending "no"|"yes"|"mkisofs_printed"|"show_status" Override the automatically determined change status of the loaded image, or show the current status. -commit Perform the write operation if changes are pending. Then perform -dev outdrive. Hint: To perform a final write operation with no new -dev and no new loading of image, execute command -end. -commit_eject "in"|"out"|"all"|"none" Like -commit but rather eject than load image from outdrive. Give up any unejected drive afterwards. -write_type "auto"|"tao"|"sao/dao" Set write type for CD-R[W], DVD-R[W], DVD+R, BD-R. -close "on"|"off"|"as_needed" If "on" then mark the written medium as not appendable. -padding number["k"|"m"]|"included"|"appended" Append extra bytes to image stream. (Default is 300k) -dummy "on"|"off" If "on" simulate burning. Refuse if medium cannot simulate. -speed number["k/s"|"m/s"|"[x]CD"|"[x]DVD"|"[x]BD"] Set the burn speed. Default is "max" = maximum speed. -stream_recording "on"|"off" Try to circumvent slow checkread on DVD-RAM, BD-RE, BD-R. -modesty_on_drive ["on"|"off"|min_percent_number] [:"min_percent="number][:"max_percent="number] [:"min_usec="number][:"max_usec"=number] [:"timeout_sec="number] Keep drive buffer hungry to ease concurrent burn run. -dvd_obs "default"|"32k"|"64k"|"obs_pad"|"bdr_obs_exempt" Set number of bytes per DVD/BD write operation or control end alignment padding with DAO DVD-R[W] or BD-R. -use_immed_bit "on"|"off"|"default" Control whether long running SCSI commands shall run asynchronously with progress messages. -stdio_sync "on"|"off"|"end"|number Set number of bytes after which to force output to stdio pseudo drives. "on" is the same as 16m. -fs number["k"|"m"] Set the size of the fifo buffer. (Default is 4m) -eject "in"|"out"|"all" Immediately eject the medium in -indev, -outdev, or both. Navigation commands: -cd iso_rr_path Change working directory in the ISO image. iso_rr_paths which do not begin with '/' will be inserted beginning at the path given with -cd. -ls patterns will eventually looked up at this path. -cdi disk_path Same as -cd disk_path -cdx disk_path Change the current working directory in the local filesystem. disk_paths which do not begin with '/' will be looked up beginning at the path given with -cdx. -lsx patterns will eventually be looked up at this path. -pwd tells the current working directory in the ISO image. -pwdi same as -pwd. -pwdx tells the current working directory in the local filesystem. -iso_rr_pattern "on"|"ls"|"off" Enable or disable pattern expansions for ISO image commands marked by [***]. "ls" restricts it to -ls and -du. -disk_pattern "on"|"ls"|"off" Enable or disable pattern expansions for local filesystem commands marked by [***]. "ls" restricts to -ls*x and -du*x. -ls pattern [***] lists files of the ISO image which match one of the given shell parser patterns. (I.e. wildcards '*' '?'). Directories are listed by their content. -lsd pattern [***] like -ls but listing directories as single items. -lsl pattern [***] like -ls but also telling some file attributes. -lsdl pattern [***] like -lsd but also telling some file attributes. -lsx pattern [***] lists files of the local filesystem which match one of the patterns. Directories are listed by their content. -lsdx pattern [***] like -lsx but listing directories as single items. -lslx pattern [***] like -lsx but also telling some file attributes. -lsdlx pattern [***] like -lsdx but also telling some file attributes. -lsattr pattern [***] lists Linux chattr flags of the given files. -lsattrd pattern [***] like -lsattr but listing directories as single items. -getfacl pattern [***] list eventual ACLs of the given files. -getfacl_r pattern [***] like -getfacl but listing whole file trees. -getfattr pattern [***] list eventual xattr of the given files. -getfxattr_r pattern [***] like -getfxattr but listing whole file trees. -du pattern [***] recursively lists sizes of files or directories in the ISO image which match one of the shell parser patterns. -dux pattern [***] recursively lists sizes of files or directories in the local filesystem which match one of the shell parser patterns. -dus pattern [***] like -du but summing up subdirectories without listing them explicitly. -dusx pattern [***] like -dux but summing up subdirectories without listing them explicitly. -findx disk_path [-name pattern] [-type t] [-exec action [params]] Like -find but operating on local filesystem. Most -exec actions are defaulted to action echo. Supported actions are: in_iso, not_in_iso, is_full_in_iso, add_missing, empty_iso_dir -compare disk_path iso_rr_path compare attributes and in case of regular data files the content of filesystem object and ISO object. -compare_r disk_path iso_rr_path Like -compare but affecting all files below directories. -compare_l disk_prefix iso_rr_prefix disk_path [***] Performs -compare_r with each disk_path. -show_stream iso_rr_path [***] Show content stream chain of data files in the ISO image. -show_stream_r iso_rr_path [***] Like -show_stream but affecting all files below directories. Restore commands which copy file objects from ISO image to disk filesystem: -osirrox "on"|"device_files"|"off"|"blocked"|"unblock"|"banned" [:"concat_split_on"|"concat_split_off"] [:"auto_chmod_on"|"auto_chmod_off"] [:"sort_lba_on"|"sort_lba_off"] [:"strict_acl_on"|"strict_acl_off"] [:"check_md5_on"|"check_md5_off"|"check_md5_force"] [:"sparse=off"|"sparse="number] By default "off" the inverse operation of xorriso from ISO image to disk filesystem is disabled. "on" allows xorriso to create, overwrite, delete files in the disk filesystem. "banned" is irrevocably "off". "blocked" can only be revoked by "unblock". ("device_files" is dangerous.) -extract iso_rr_path disk_path Copy tree under iso_rr_path onto disk address disk_path. This avoids the pitfalls of cp -r addressing rules. -extract_l iso_rr_prefix disk_prefix iso_rr_path [***] Perform -extract with each iso_rr_path. -extract_single iso_rr_path disk_path Like -extract but with directory do not restore sub tree. -extract_cut iso_rr_path byte_offset byte_count disk_path Copy a byte interval from iso_rr_path to disk_path. This is governed in part by -check_media_defaults. -extract_boot_images disk_path Copy boot images into files in directory disk_path with names which tell the role inside the ISO. -cpx iso_rr_path [***] disk_path Copy leaf file objects from ISO image to disk filesystem. -cpax iso_rr_path [***] disk_path Like -cpx but trying to restore timestamps and ownership. -cp_rx iso_rr_path [***] disk_path Copy directory trees from ISO image to disk filesystem. -cp_rax iso_rr_path [***] disk_path Like -cp_rx but trying to restore timestamps and ownership. -paste_in iso_rr_path disk_path byte_offset byte_count Copy ISO file content into a byte interval of a disk file. -concat "append"|"overwrite" target iso_rr_path [***] Write content of iso_rr_paths into disk file target. Target may be a disk_path or "-" for writing to standard output. -concat "pipe" lim prog [args [...]] lim iso_rr_path [***] Start prog with given args and write content of iso_rr_paths into its standard input. prog must at least contain one '/'. lim may be any word that is not among prog and args. -mount drive entity id path Like -mount_cmd but actually performing that command if not setuid or setgid is active. Evaluation of readability: -check_media [options] -- Try to read data blocks from the medium and report about the outcome. Several options modify the behavior: use=indev|outdev , what=track|session , min_lba=blockadr , max_lba=blockadr , abort_file=path , time_limit=seconds , item_limit=number , retry=on|off|default , data_to=filepath , sector_map=filepath , map_with_volid=on|off , patch_lba0=on|off|force|blockadr[:force] , report=blocks|files|blocks_files event=severity , bad_limit=quality , slow_limit=seconds , chunk_size=bytes -check_media_defaults [options] -- Preset options for runs of -check_media and -extract_cut. Compatibility emulation (option list may be ended by list delimiter --): -as mkisofs [-help|-version|-o|-R|-r|-J|-V|-P|-f|-m|-exclude-list| -no-pad|-M|-C|-graft-points|-path-list|pathspecs|-z| -no-emul-boot|-b|-c|-boot-info-table|-boot-load-size|-G|...] Perform some mkisofs gestures, understand pathspecs as mkisofs does. Commit happens outside emulation at usual occasions. For a list of options see -as mkisofs -help. -read_mkisofsrc Read and interpret the .mkisofsrc configuration file. -genisoimage_completion "on"|"off" Enable completion of genisoimage options during -as mkisofs. -as cdrecord [-help|-v|dev=|speed=|blank=|fs=|-eject|-atip|padsize=|-multi] path|- Perform some cdrecord gestures, eventually write at most one data track to blank, appendable or overwritable media. -pacifier "xorriso"|"cdrecord"|"mkisofs" Choose format of UPDATE pacifier during write operations. General commands: -help Print this text -abort_on severity Set the threshold for events to abort the program. Useful severities: NEVER, ABORT, FATAL, FAILURE, SORRY, WARNING -return_with severity exit_value Set the threshold for events to return at program end the given exit_value even if not aborted. exit_value may be 0 or 32 to 63. -report_about severity Set the threshold for events to be reported. Use -abort_on severities or: HINT, NOTE, UPDATE, DEBUG, ALL -signal_handling "on"|"off"|"sig_dfl"|"sig_ign" Handling of signals. Default "on" uses libburn handler. -error_behavior "image_loading"|"file_extraction" behavior Behavior "best_effort" is most endurant but may produce results which are correct only on the first glimpse. -dialog "on"|"off"|"single_line" After all program arguments are processed, enter dialog mode. "single_line" does not support newline characters within open quotation marks and no line continuation by trailing \. -page len width Prompt user after len output lines (0=no prompt). width (default 80) can adjust line number computation to the output terminal's line width. -use_readline "on"|"off" Whether to use libreadline for dialog if available. -history text Copy text into libreadline history. This command itself is not copied to the history list. -sh_style_result "on"|"off" If "on" do not wrap file addresses in quotation marks with -pwd -pwdx -ls -lsd -lsl -lsdl -lsx -lsdx -lslx -lsdlx -du -dus -dux -dusx -findx -find -backslash_codes "on"|"off"| "in_double_quotes"|"in_quotes"|"with_quoted_input" [:"with_program_arguments"][:"encode_output"] Disable or enable interpretation of \a \b \e \f \n \r \t \v \\ \NNN \xNN \cC in input or program arguments. -pkt_output "on"|"off" Direct output to stdout and prefix each line by a short header which tells channel id and a mode number. Each such output packet is finalized by a newline. Channel ids are 'R:' for result lines, 'I:' for notes and error messages, 'M:' for -mark texts. Bit 0 of the mode number tells whether the newline is also part of the packet payload. Example of a info message with newline: I:1: enter option text : -pkt_output:on is intended for use by frontend programs. -msg_op "start_sieve"|"read_sieve"|"clear_sieve"|"end_sieve"| "parse"|"parse_silently"|"parse_bulk"|"parse_bulk_silently"| "compare_sev"|"list_sev" param_text Enable, use, or disable message sieve. Or parse lines into words. Or compare or list severity names. -named_pipes_loop mode[:mode] disk_path_stdin disk_path_stdout disk_path_stderr Enter an EOF resistant dialog loop at a named pipe as input and zero, one or two named pipes as output. "-" = no pipe. Mode "cleanup" removes pipes at loop end. "keep" does not. Mode "buffered" reads all lines from input pipe before it opens the output pipes. "direct" opens after first input. -launch_frontend program [args ...] -- Start a program, connect its stdin to xorriso stdout and stderr, connect its stdout to xorriso stdin. Use any given parameters as arguments for the started program. -logfile channel fileaddress Copy output of a channel to the given file. channel may be 'R','I','M' as with -pkt_output or '.' for the consolidated -pkt_output stream. -mark text If text is not empty it will get put out each time a command is completed. -temp_mem_limit number["k"|"m"] Set the maximum size for pattern expansion. (Default is 16m) -prog text Use text as this program's name in subsequent messages -prog_help text Use text as this program's name and perform -help -status mode|filter Report the current settings of persistent commands. Modes: short... print only important or altered settings long ... print settings even if they have default values long_history like long plus -history: lines Filters begin with '-' and are compared literally against the output lines of -status long_history. A line is put out only if its start matches the filter. -status_history_max number Maximum number of history lines to be reported with -status:long_history -options_from_file fileaddress Reads lines from the given file and executes them as commands. -no_rc Only if used as first program argument, this command prevents reading and interpretation of these startup files: /etc/default/xorriso , /etc/opt/xorriso/rc /etc/xorriso/xorriso.conf , $HOME/.xorrisorc -print text Print a text to result channel. -print_info text Print a text to info channel. -print_mark text Print a text to mark channel. -prompt text Wait for Enter key or for a line of input at stdin. -sleep number Do nothing during the given number of seconds. -errfile_log mode path|channel Log disk paths of files involved in problem events. -session_log path Set path of a file where a log record gets appended after each session. Form: timestamp start_lba size volume-id -scsi_log "on"|"off" Enable or disable logging of SCSI commands to stderr. # any text Is ignored. In dialog mode the input line will be stored in the eventual readline history, nevertheless. -list_extras code Tell whether certain extra features were enabled at compile time. Code "all" lists all features and a headline. Other codes pick a single feature. "codes" lists the known codes. -list_arg_sorting Print the sorting order of xorriso commands with option -x. -version Tell program and version number -end End program. Commit eventual pending changes. -rollback_end End program. Discard pending changes. Command -page causes a user prompt after the given number of result lines. Empty input resumes output until the next prompt. Other input may be: @ suppresses paging until the current action is done @@ suppresses further result output but continues the action @@@ aborts the current action other aborts the current action and executes input as new command Report any bugs to or in private to .