WEBVTT 1 00:00:10.804 --> 00:00:14.526 Free software is the first battle 自由软件 2 00:00:14.692 --> 00:00:16.805 in the liberation of cyberspace 是网络空间解放的第一战 3 00:00:18.000 --> 00:00:20.175 Who controls your computer? Is it you, 谁控制你的计算机? 你? 4 00:00:20.459 --> 00:00:25.127 or is it some big company that's really controlling it? 还是一些真正控制它的大公司? 5 00:00:25.127 --> 00:00:27.345 Well, what is a computer? 那么,什么是计算机? 6 00:00:27.436 --> 00:00:30.156 A computer is a universal machine. 计算机是通用机器。 7 00:00:30.134 --> 00:00:34.056 It will do any computation you want it to, 它执行你想要的任何处理, 8 00:00:34.203 --> 00:00:36.823 because you give it a program that says 因为你提供给它一个程序,这个程序告诉计算机 9 00:00:36.881 --> 00:00:39.199 what the computation is that you want. 你想做什么处理。 10 00:00:39.339 --> 00:00:41.210 So the computer only knows 所以计算机只知道 11 00:00:41.404 --> 00:00:43.416 how to get out an instruction and do it, 如何检索指令并执行它, 12 00:00:43.438 --> 00:00:45.448 and get another instruction and do it. 然后检索另一条指令并执行它,依此类推。 13 00:00:45.640 --> 00:00:47.870 The program has the instructions. 程序就含有这些指令。 14 00:00:47.901 --> 00:00:49.414 It says what to do. 它告诉计算机该做什么。 15 00:00:49.626 --> 00:00:52.609 So by writing the right program, 所以通过编写正确的程序 16 00:00:52.624 --> 00:00:54.231 you can make it do anything. 你可以做任何事情。 17 00:00:53.731 --> 00:00:56.145 Well, almost anything. 好吧,几乎任何事情。 18 00:00:56.455 --> 00:00:59.679 So who gives instructions to your computer? 那么,谁将指令提供给你的计算机? 19 00:00:59.923 --> 00:01:03.146 You might think it's obeying your instructions, 你可能以为它在听从你的命令, 20 00:01:03.415 --> 00:01:05.666 when really 而事实上, 21 00:01:05.732 --> 00:01:06.836 it's obeying somebody else first, 它首先服从别人, 22 00:01:06.576 --> 00:01:09.147 and you, only as much as 而你,只能在 23 00:01:09.221 --> 00:01:10.834 that company wants it to, 公司希望的程度上, 24 00:01:10.810 --> 00:01:12.821 will let it listen to you. 让它听从你。 25 00:01:13.017 --> 00:01:15.537 With software, there are two possibilities: 软件有两种可能性: 26 00:01:15.554 --> 00:01:17.570 either the users control the program, 要么用户控制程序, 27 00:01:17.617 --> 00:01:20.342 or the program controls the users. 要么程序控制用户。 28 00:01:20.517 --> 00:01:22.934 It's inevitably one or the other. 必然是这两者之一。 29 00:01:23.052 --> 00:01:25.456 So, in order for the users 所以,对于用户来说 30 00:01:25.528 --> 00:01:26.733 to control the program, 要控制程序, 31 00:01:26.549 --> 00:01:29.268 they need the four essential freedoms. 他们需要四个基本的自由。 32 00:01:30.167 --> 00:01:33.596 And that's the definition of free software. 这就是自由软件的定义。 33 00:01:33.748 --> 00:01:36.605 Free software respects the users' freedom 自由软件尊重用户的自由 34 00:01:36.636 --> 00:01:37.657 and community. 和社区。 35 00:01:37.658 --> 00:01:39.725 Now, we often call it “libre”, 现在我们通常称其为“libre”, 36 00:01:39.829 --> 00:01:42.047 using the French or Spanish word. 使用法语或西班牙语单词 37 00:01:42.050 --> 00:01:43.865 Pronounce it as you like. 发音随你便。 38 00:01:43.984 --> 00:01:45.375 The point is, that's what we mean. 重点是,我们在其中表达的意思。 39 00:01:45.417 --> 00:01:46.727 We don't mean it's gratis. 我们的意思不是它是免费的。 40 00:01:46.544 --> 00:01:48.157 We are not talking about price; 我们不是在谈论价格; 41 00:01:48.203 --> 00:01:50.121 We're concerned with your freedom, 我们关心的是你的自由, 42 00:01:50.218 --> 00:01:54.048 and we sometimes say “free/libre” to show that. 我们有时说 free/libre 来表达这个意思。 43 00:01:54.317 --> 00:01:56.812 So, freedom zero is the freedom 所以自由之零的自由 44 00:01:56.908 --> 00:01:58.822 to run the program as you wish, 是你可以按你意愿运行程序, 45 00:01:58.656 --> 00:02:00.475 for whatever purpose. 无论你出于什么目的。 46 00:02:00.551 --> 00:02:02.584 Freedom 1 is the freedom 自由之一的自由 47 00:02:02.635 --> 00:02:04.463 to study the source code of the program, 是可以让你可以研究程序的源代码 48 00:02:04.678 --> 00:02:07.073 and change it so it does 并更改它,以便它可以执行 49 00:02:07.255 --> 00:02:08.964 the computing you want it to do. 你想要的处理。 50 00:02:08.734 --> 00:02:11.049 But what is the source code? 但是,什么是源代码? 51 00:02:11.145 --> 00:02:12.552 Well, every program typically 好吧,每个程序通常 52 00:02:12.628 --> 00:02:13.939 will have two forms: 具有以下两种可能的形式之一: 53 00:02:13.526 --> 00:02:16.246 there's the form that you can read 其一是你可以阅读 54 00:02:16.328 --> 00:02:18.037 and you can understand 而且可以理解的格式 55 00:02:17.966 --> 00:02:19.685 if you know the programming language 如果你懂得编程语言 56 00:02:19.828 --> 00:02:20.889 -- this is the source. -- 这是源代码。 57 00:02:21.061 --> 00:02:23.683 That's what programmers write and change. 这就是程序员编写和更改(的内容)。 58 00:02:23.694 --> 00:02:25.194 Then, there's the executable, 然后,就是可执行文件, 59 00:02:25.231 --> 00:02:26.540 a bunch of numbers, 由很多数字构成, 60 00:02:26.412 --> 00:02:28.726 which even a programmer can't figure out. 甚至连程序员都无法理解。 61 00:02:28.904 --> 00:02:30.817 If all you get is the executable, 如果你只有可执行文件, 62 00:02:30.831 --> 00:02:34.000 it's a horrible pain in the neck to figure out what it does, 要搞明白它究竟干了什么将不胜其烦, 63 00:02:34.112 --> 00:02:35.929 and even harder to change it. 而要更改它则更为困难。 64 00:02:35.938 --> 00:02:39.246 So, to give you the real possibility 所以,为了让你真正有可能 65 00:02:39.298 --> 00:02:40.506 to study and change it, 去研究和改变它, 66 00:02:40.333 --> 00:02:42.624 they've gotta give you the source code. 您需要使源代码可获得。 67 00:02:42.712 --> 00:02:43.819 That's a requirement. 这是一个基本要求 68 00:02:43.804 --> 00:02:46.318 Well, with those two freedoms, 这样,有了这两个自由, 69 00:02:46.458 --> 00:02:48.676 each user separately 每个用户 70 00:02:48.898 --> 00:02:51.118 can make a copy and start changing it, 都可以单独制作一份副本并开始进行更改, 71 00:02:51.176 --> 00:02:53.089 and make it do what she wants. 让它做用户要它做的事情。 72 00:02:53.241 --> 00:02:55.656 That's individual control. 这是个人对程序的控制。 73 00:02:55.890 --> 00:02:58.407 But, what if you are not a programmer? 但是,如果您不是程序员怎么办? 74 00:02:58.436 --> 00:02:59.717 You look at the source code 你看源代码 75 00:02:59.797 --> 00:03:01.006 and you don't understand it. 却无法理解它。 76 00:03:01.122 --> 00:03:03.941 So, individual control isn't enough. 个人控制是不够的。 77 00:03:04.046 --> 00:03:06.560 We also need collective control, 我们还需要集体控制, 78 00:03:06.624 --> 00:03:08.479 which means any group of users 意思是任何一组用户 79 00:03:08.575 --> 00:03:09.783 are free to work together, 可以自由地合作, 80 00:03:09.736 --> 00:03:12.152 to adapt the program to what they want. 使程序适应他们的需求。 81 00:03:12.259 --> 00:03:15.308 Of course, in the group some are programmers. 当然,在其中有的用户是程序员。 82 00:03:15.312 --> 00:03:18.059 They're the ones who actually write changes. 他们是真正编写更改的人。 83 00:03:17.844 --> 00:03:20.162 but they're doing this as part of the group, 但他们将作为小组的一部分 84 00:03:20.333 --> 00:03:21.840 for what the group wants. 满足团队的需求。 85 00:03:22.101 --> 00:03:24.523 Of course, the group doesn't have to be everybody, 当然,这个小组不必包含所有人, 86 00:03:24.546 --> 00:03:26.961 so others can use it some other way. 其他人可能会以其他方式使用它。 87 00:03:27.115 --> 00:03:28.625 They're all free to do that. 他们有这样的做的自由。 88 00:03:28.757 --> 00:03:31.182 Collective control requires 这种集体控制需要 89 00:03:31.214 --> 00:03:33.127 two more essential freedoms: 另外两个基本自由: 90 00:03:32.583 --> 00:03:34.603 Freedom 2 is the freedom 自由之二的自由 91 00:03:34.669 --> 00:03:36.280 to redistribute exact copies, 你可以重新发布精确副本, 92 00:03:36.279 --> 00:03:40.687 to make copies and then give them away or sell them, when you wish. 在你想的时候复制,并分发或者出售它们。 93 00:03:40.688 --> 00:03:42.714 And Freedom 3 is similar 自由之三与之类似 94 00:03:42.815 --> 00:03:44.726 but it's for your modified versions. 但适用于程序经过修改后的版本: 95 00:03:44.572 --> 00:03:48.679 You're free to make copies and give them or sell them, when you wish. 在你希望的时候自由复制,分发或者出售它们。 96 00:03:48.780 --> 00:03:50.695 We do have these freedoms. 我们确实享有这些自由。 97 00:03:50.745 --> 00:03:51.897 When it's free software, 当它是自由软件时, 98 00:03:51.939 --> 00:03:53.348 the users control the program. 用户控制程序。 99 00:03:53.437 --> 00:03:55.849 But if any of those freedoms is missing, 但是,如果其中任何一种自由缺失, 100 00:03:55.946 --> 00:03:59.071 then the users don't control the program. 那么用户就无法控制程序。 101 00:03:59.223 --> 00:04:01.234 Instead, the program controls the users, 而是由程序控制用户, 102 00:04:01.352 --> 00:04:04.581 and the developer controls the program. 由开发人员控制程序。 103 00:04:04.773 --> 00:04:07.382 So, that means this program is an 这意味着该程序是一种 104 00:04:07.523 --> 00:04:13.783 instrument of unjust power for its developer over the users. 其开发者凌驾于用户的不公正力量的工具。 105 00:04:13.952 --> 00:04:16.877 This means that users don't have freedom. 这意味着用户没有自由。 106 00:04:16.949 --> 00:04:19.869 That's nonfree proprietary software, 它是专有的,非自由的软件, 107 00:04:19.820 --> 00:04:20.928 which we've got to get rid of. 我们必须消灭。 108 00:04:20.986 --> 00:04:22.790 Well, when you've got proprietary software, 那么,当你拿到一份专有软件, 109 00:04:22.826 --> 00:04:24.337 what happens? 会发生什么? 110 00:04:24.608 --> 00:04:27.929 Sometimes the program snoops on the user. 有时程序会收集有关用户的信息。 111 00:04:28.036 --> 00:04:31.059 Sometimes it tracks the user. 有时它会跟踪用户。 112 00:04:31.581 --> 00:04:34.902 Sometimes it restricts the user 有时会限制用户 113 00:04:35.143 --> 00:04:37.663 and stops users from doing what they want to do.. 阻止用户执行他们想做的事情。 114 00:04:37.837 --> 00:04:40.657 You can see that the Blu-ray is your enemy. 你可以看到,蓝光是你的敌人。 115 00:04:41.245 --> 00:04:45.274 Sometimes, the software remotely deletes books, 有时,软件会远程擦除书籍, 116 00:04:45.409 --> 00:04:47.727 as Amazon did with “1984”, 就像亚马逊对《1984》所做的那样。 117 00:04:48.636 --> 00:04:52.362 but sometimes the developer 嗯,有时候是开发商 118 00:04:52.647 --> 00:04:57.280 compels users to install a harmful upgrade 强制用户安装有害更新, 119 00:04:57.759 --> 00:05:02.679 by threatening to take away other functionality if it's not installed, 威胁不安装更新就删除一些其他功能, 120 00:05:02.968 --> 00:05:04.189 as Sony did. 如 Sony 那样。 121 00:05:04.279 --> 00:05:05.715 And sometimes they can even 有时他们甚至可以 122 00:05:05.802 --> 00:05:08.866 forcibly change the software at a distance, 远程强制对软件进行更改, 123 00:05:08.970 --> 00:05:11.181 as Microsoft can with Windows 就像 Microsoft 可以在 Windows 上 124 00:05:11.253 --> 00:05:13.172 through the universal backdoor. 通过通用后门(“backdoor”)做的那样。 125 00:05:13.283 --> 00:05:17.606 Sometimes, they even sabotage users, 有时候他们甚至危害用户, 126 00:05:17.851 --> 00:05:20.574 as Microsoft does when it tells the NSA 就像 Microsoft 通知 NSA 127 00:05:20.851 --> 00:05:22.862 about bugs in Windows, Windows 中的缺陷时那样, 128 00:05:23.141 --> 00:05:24.091 so it can use them 这样它就可以使用它们 129 00:05:24.104 --> 00:05:25.616 to attack people's computers. 去攻击人们的计算机。 130 00:05:25.928 --> 00:05:28.143 Well, what you get is, basically 好吧,结果基本上是: 131 00:05:28.177 --> 00:05:30.205 with proprietary software, 通过专有软件, 132 00:05:30.302 --> 00:05:32.820 the owner has power over users, 其所有者拥有了控制用户的权力, 133 00:05:33.024 --> 00:05:35.441 and takes advantage of this power 并利用这种力量 134 00:05:35.624 --> 00:05:41.400 putting in those various malicious functionalities to hurt the users. 插入那些各种各样的恶意功能来伤害用户。 135 00:05:41.457 --> 00:05:44.250 Of course, they don't do this because they're sadists. 当然,这么做不是因为他们是虐待狂。 136 00:05:44.300 --> 00:05:46.865 They're doing it just for money, for greed. 他们只是为了金钱、因为贪婪而这么做。 137 00:05:47.229 --> 00:05:50.148 They have various ways 他们有几种方法 138 00:05:50.489 --> 00:05:52.802 that they can profit from having this power over users, 可以从对用户的控制权中获利, 139 00:05:53.064 --> 00:05:57.640 which does not make it even the tiniest bit less evil. 这丝毫没有减小他们的邪恶。 140 00:05:57.683 --> 00:05:59.788 But they have no shame about it: 但是他们对此并不感到羞耻: 141 00:05:59.963 --> 00:06:04.177 they have conferences where they talk about the latest ways they can 他们在会议上讨论了最现代的方式 142 00:06:04.200 --> 00:06:08.000 take advantage of users through the power they have. 来通过他们的权力利用用户。 143 00:06:08.360 --> 00:06:11.277 Basically, proprietary software 基本上,专有软件 144 00:06:11.576 --> 00:06:16.650 which is now — for almost all the uses of proprietary software — 现在对几乎所有专有软件的使用来说 145 00:06:15.454 --> 00:06:17.971 proprietary malware, 都是专有恶意软件, 146 00:06:18.043 --> 00:06:20.156 it's software for suckers. 是针对容易受骗之人的软件。 147 00:06:20.532 --> 00:06:23.757 So, how do you stop being a victim? 那么,如何停止成为受害者呢? 148 00:06:23.915 --> 00:06:27.389 Formerly, you had to stop using computers, 在从前,您将不得不停止使用计算机, 149 00:06:27.462 --> 00:06:28.569 but not anymore. 今天不再是(这样了)。 150 00:06:28.487 --> 00:06:32.615 Now, you can come join us in the free world that we've built. 现在,您可以加入我们建立的自由世界。 151 00:06:33.195 --> 00:06:37.124 In 1983, I announced I would develop 在1983年,我宣布我将开发一个 152 00:06:37.265 --> 00:06:40.200 a completely free software operating system, 完全自由的操作系统 153 00:06:40.223 --> 00:06:41.223 called GNU. 叫做 GNU。 154 00:06:41.206 --> 00:06:44.933 In 1992, we had it almost finished, 在1992年,它几乎准备就绪, 155 00:06:45.107 --> 00:06:47.823 but one piece was missing, the kernel. 但是缺少一颗内核。 156 00:06:48.229 --> 00:06:49.557 Linus Torvalds in that year 那年,林纳斯·托瓦兹 157 00:06:49.641 --> 00:06:51.652 freed his kernel Linux, 将他的 Linux 内核发布为自由软件, 158 00:06:51.971 --> 00:06:54.390 which filled the last gap, and gave us 它填补了最后的空白,为我们提供了 159 00:06:54.518 --> 00:06:57.440 the first complete system you could run on a PC: PC 上的第一个完整(且自由的)系统: 160 00:06:57.448 --> 00:06:59.466 GNU plus Linux. GNU 加上 Linux。 161 00:06:59.781 --> 00:07:02.107 Unfortunately, 不幸的是, 162 00:07:02.161 --> 00:07:04.704 having freedom at one more point 一时拥有自由 163 00:07:04.723 --> 00:07:06.857 doesn't guarantee you'll keep it. 并不能保证您会保持自由。 164 00:07:06.900 --> 00:07:11.124 There are over a thousand different variants of GNU/Linux (GNU slash Linux); GNU/Linux 有数千种不同的变体; 165 00:07:11.145 --> 00:07:12.742 they are called "distributions". 它们被称为“发行版”。 166 00:07:12.936 --> 00:07:15.452 A few of them are entirely free software; 其中很少有完全自由的软件。 167 00:07:15.862 --> 00:07:18.380 most of them have nonfree software added, 其中大多数包含非自由软件, 168 00:07:18.574 --> 00:07:20.395 because they are maintained by people 因为它们 169 00:07:20.370 --> 00:07:21.884 who are not concerned with freedom. 由不关心自由的人维护。 170 00:07:22.510 --> 00:07:24.712 They'd rather add convenience, 他们添加一些东西来寻求方便, 171 00:07:24.795 --> 00:07:25.805 but at the cost of freedom. 但以自由为代价。 172 00:07:26.244 --> 00:07:29.669 So, So, you have to check which is a free distro. 所以,您不得不检查一下,哪个是自由发行版。 173 00:07:30.080 --> 00:07:33.402 To keep your freedom sometimes requires a sacrifice, 维护你的自由,有时需要牺牲, 174 00:07:33.470 --> 00:07:35.077 sometimes a big sacrifice 有些时候是很大的牺牲, 175 00:07:35.139 --> 00:07:37.053 as in Lexington. 如列克星敦。 (开始争取美国独立的斗争) 176 00:07:37.490 --> 00:07:40.106 Sometimes ... but in our campaign, 有些时候 ... 但是在我们的运动中, 177 00:07:40.168 --> 00:07:42.583 they tend to be little sacrifices. 他们往往是小的牺牲: 178 00:07:43.883 --> 00:07:45.751 Anybody with a little bit of maturity 任何有一点成熟的人 179 00:07:45.796 --> 00:07:47.303 can make these sacrifices. 都可以做出这些牺牲。 180 00:07:47.855 --> 00:07:50.273 For instance you want applications, 例如,您需要应用程序, 181 00:07:50.645 --> 00:07:51.941 but some of them are nonfree. 但其中一些不是自由的: 182 00:07:52.009 --> 00:07:53.217 if you want freedom, 如果你想要自由, 183 00:07:53.508 --> 00:07:55.116 you've got to do without them 你需要离开它们。 184 00:07:55.160 --> 00:08:00.370 So there may be some inconveniences you have to suffer for your freedom sake. 为了捍卫自己的自由,你会遇到一些不便。 185 00:08:00.868 --> 00:08:05.302 Then many web sites send nonfree programs 许多网站发送非自由程序, 186 00:08:05.545 --> 00:08:08.461 written in JavaScript to the user's browser. 它们用 JavaScript 语言编写,供用户浏览器使用。 187 00:08:08.808 --> 00:08:10.818 if you don't want to run nonfree programs, 如果您不想运行非自由程序, 188 00:08:10.858 --> 00:08:13.073 you should install LibreJS 你应该安装 LibreJS, 189 00:08:13.231 --> 00:08:17.058 which blocks, keeps out nonfree Javascript. 它阻挡了非自由的 JavaScript。 190 00:08:17.228 --> 00:08:19.321 And sometimes servers will 有时服务器 191 00:08:19.361 --> 00:08:21.475 offer to do your computing; 会提供进行处理的功能; 192 00:08:21.800 --> 00:08:23.711 they say, “Send us all your data.” 他们说:“将你的所有数据发送给我们” 193 00:08:23.812 --> 00:08:25.625 --- obviously for "suckers". --- 显然针对容易受骗的人. 194 00:08:25.694 --> 00:08:27.741 Then the server does the computing, 然后服务器执行处理 195 00:08:27.811 --> 00:08:29.220 and sends you back the results, 并发送回结果, 196 00:08:30.036 --> 00:08:30.926 but you're not supposed to think about 但是您不会考虑 197 00:08:30.935 --> 00:08:32.247 what's happening 正在发生的事情, 198 00:08:32.577 --> 00:08:33.663 "because it's the cloud!" “因为它是云!” 199 00:08:33.861 --> 00:08:36.683 and you don't see what's going on. 而且您不能看到发生了什么。 200 00:08:36.996 --> 00:08:38.302 Well, you should look. 好吧,你本应看到! 201 00:08:38.476 --> 00:08:41.614 It's software as a service, as a software substitute, 它是“软件即服务”,替代软件的服务, 202 00:08:41.849 --> 00:08:44.871 and it takes away control of your computing. 它使您无法控制其处理。 203 00:08:45.527 --> 00:08:49.857 So, a large fraction of the world's web servers 因此,(虽然)世界上大多数Web服务器 204 00:08:50.032 --> 00:08:52.645 are running GNU/Linux (GNU slash Linux) and other free software, 都在运行 GNU/Linux 或其他一些自由软件, 205 00:08:53.018 --> 00:08:55.191 but I think the most important computers 但是我认为 206 00:08:55.265 --> 00:08:56.167 to put freedom in 释放自由的最重要的计算机 207 00:08:56.399 --> 00:08:58.111 are YOUR computers, 是您的计算机, 208 00:08:58.209 --> 00:09:00.422 not the companies' web servers. 而不是公司的Web服务器。 209 00:09:00.485 --> 00:09:01.994 They deserve freedom also, 他们也应得自由, 210 00:09:02.075 --> 00:09:03.584 but above all, 但是重要的是, 211 00:09:03.651 --> 00:09:05.666 it's people that deserve freedom. 是人民应得自由 212 00:09:05.864 --> 00:09:08.379 So, we need to advance 所以我们需要前进, 213 00:09:08.508 --> 00:09:12.005 and to do that, we have to cross obstacles. 为此,我们需要克服一些障碍: 214 00:09:12.050 --> 00:09:13.258 One of them is 一是, 215 00:09:13.413 --> 00:09:17.422 there are big companies that make a lot of money by having control over users, 一些大公司通过控制用户赚了很多钱 216 00:09:17.491 --> 00:09:19.104 and they don't want to let us advance. 他们不想让我们前进。 217 00:09:19.222 --> 00:09:21.941 We have to overcome their opposition. 我们必须克服他们的反对。 218 00:09:22.135 --> 00:09:25.156 Another is that the mainstream media 另一个是主流媒体 219 00:09:25.294 --> 00:09:26.802 don't talk about free software; 不谈论自由软件。 220 00:09:26.849 --> 00:09:28.686 They have a term 他们有一个术语, 221 00:09:28.764 --> 00:09:31.683 that they use to bury these ethical issues: 用来掩盖这些道德问题: 222 00:09:31.628 --> 00:09:34.350 They say “open source” instead. 他们说,或者,用“开源”(表达) 223 00:09:34.630 --> 00:09:37.429 Now, it talks about more or less, 此时,他们在或多或少谈论 224 00:09:37.440 --> 00:09:38.544 the same programs, 同样的软件, 225 00:09:38.715 --> 00:09:40.527 but with different ideas. 但是却有着不同的理念。 226 00:09:40.680 --> 00:09:43.003 We, the free software activists, say 我们自由软件活动家说: 227 00:09:43.151 --> 00:09:44.868 “This is a matter of right and wrong. “这是对与错的问题; 228 00:09:45.132 --> 00:09:46.421 Users deserve freedom. 用户们应得自由 229 00:09:46.656 --> 00:09:47.460 We demand freedom.” 我们需要自由” 230 00:09:47.643 --> 00:09:48.961 The people who say “open source”, 那些说“开源”的人, 231 00:09:49.175 --> 00:09:49.984 they don't want to say that. 他们不想要去谈论它。 232 00:09:50.440 --> 00:09:51.553 Instead, they say, 相反,他们说, 233 00:09:51.727 --> 00:09:55.259 “Let the users change the software and redistribute it, “让用户修改软件并重新分发 234 00:09:55.432 --> 00:09:57.194 and they'll make the code better. 他们会让代码更好, 235 00:09:57.248 --> 00:09:58.354 They'll fix some bugs.” 他们将会修复一些缺陷。” 236 00:09:58.639 --> 00:10:00.958 It may be true, but it's a less important issue. 这可能是事实,但没那么重要。 237 00:10:01.230 --> 00:10:02.786 If we want to keep our freedom, 如果我们想要去保持我们的自由, 238 00:10:02.857 --> 00:10:04.266 we gotta talk about freedom. 我们必须谈论我们的自由, 239 00:10:04.530 --> 00:10:06.162 So, say “free software”, 所以,说“自由软件”, 240 00:10:06.260 --> 00:10:07.771 and you're helping us every time. 您每一次这样说,都是在帮助到我们。 241 00:10:07.880 --> 00:10:10.100 Another obstacle is that 另一个障碍是, 242 00:10:10.165 --> 00:10:11.753 lots of schools teach nonfree software, 很多学校教授非自由软件, 243 00:10:11.988 --> 00:10:15.489 which is basically like teaching the kids to smoke tobacco. 这基本上就是教孩子们抽烟。 244 00:10:15.603 --> 00:10:17.619 It's implanting dependence, 这是植入依赖性, 245 00:10:17.808 --> 00:10:19.825 which is the opposite of what a school should do. 这与学校应该做的相反。 246 00:10:19.947 --> 00:10:24.663 A school should prepare citizens to live 学校应该培养公民生活在一个 247 00:10:25.489 --> 00:10:30.777 in a strong, capable, independent, cooperating and free society, 强大、有能力、独立、合作和自由的社会中, 248 00:10:30.785 --> 00:10:33.707 which means teaching free software in school. 这意味着在学校教授自由软件。 249 00:10:33.979 --> 00:10:35.954 But there's another reason to do that: 但是这样做还有另外一个原因: 250 00:10:35.978 --> 00:10:36.785 for education. 为了教育。 251 00:10:37.287 --> 00:10:39.104 Some kids want to become programmers, 有些孩子想成为程序员, 252 00:10:39.178 --> 00:10:39.984 they are curious, 他们很好奇, 253 00:10:40.289 --> 00:10:42.105 They wanna know how the programs work. 他们想要去懂得程序如何工作。 254 00:10:42.194 --> 00:10:43.914 Well the one studying free software 好了,使用自由软件学习的人 255 00:10:43.967 --> 00:10:44.873 can understand it. 可以理解软件; 256 00:10:45.119 --> 00:10:47.233 The one who is studying a nonfree program 一个学习非自由程序的人 257 00:10:47.321 --> 00:10:48.633 can't learn anything, 什么都学不到, 258 00:10:48.937 --> 00:10:52.471 because the knowledge in the nonfree program 因为非自由程序中的知识 259 00:10:52.551 --> 00:10:53.658 is withheld, 是隐藏的, 260 00:10:53.950 --> 00:10:55.861 denied to the students. 不让学生获取的。 261 00:10:56.143 --> 00:10:58.260 So, to uphold a spirit of education, 因此,为了捍卫教育精神, 262 00:10:58.440 --> 00:11:00.760 the school should make sure its programs are free. 学校必须确保其程序是自由的。 263 00:11:00.959 --> 00:11:02.974 But there is an even more important reason: 但是,还有一个更重要的原因: 264 00:11:03.156 --> 00:11:06.183 schools should teach the spirit of goodwill, 学校应该教导善意的精神, 265 00:11:06.460 --> 00:11:08.475 the habit of helping other people. 帮助别人的习惯。 266 00:11:08.666 --> 00:11:10.382 So the class should say, 所以课堂上应该说, 267 00:11:10.562 --> 00:11:12.785 “If you bring a program to class, “如果您带了一个程序在课堂上使用, 268 00:11:12.822 --> 00:11:15.039 just as if you bring cookies to class, 就像您将曲奇带到课堂上, 269 00:11:15.277 --> 00:11:17.294 you gotta share it with everyone else. 你将必须去与所有人分享它。 270 00:11:17.557 --> 00:11:18.970 You can't keep it to yourself; 你不应该仅仅为你自己保留它; 271 00:11:19.019 --> 00:11:20.835 you got to share the source code, 你必须分享(这个程序的)源代码, 272 00:11:20.949 --> 00:11:23.068 so other people can learn. 以便于其他人可以学习。 273 00:11:23.251 --> 00:11:25.956 So, don't bring any proprietary software for this class. ” 所以,不要将任何专有软件带进这个班级。” 274 00:11:26.336 --> 00:11:29.259 The school has to set a good example 学校必须树立好榜样 275 00:11:29.458 --> 00:11:31.777 by following its own rule; 通过遵循它自己的规则; 276 00:11:31.864 --> 00:11:34.081 It should bring only free software to class, 你只能携带自由软件到课堂上, 277 00:11:34.198 --> 00:11:37.524 except as a reverse engineering exercise. 除非是练习逆向工程。 278 00:11:39.284 --> 00:11:40.992 Another obstacle is there's hardware we 另一个障碍是,有些硬件 279 00:11:41.117 --> 00:11:43.535 we don't know how to write free software for, 我们不知道该如何为它编写自由软件, 280 00:11:44.013 --> 00:11:46.534 because they won't tell us how to use the hardware. 因为他们不会告诉我们如何使用这种硬件。 281 00:11:46.550 --> 00:11:48.200 That's shocking. 这太荒谬了! 282 00:11:48.318 --> 00:11:49.830 They want to sell you the product, 他们想要向您出售产品, 283 00:11:49.932 --> 00:11:51.643 and they won't tell you how to use it. 而不告诉你可以怎样使用它。 284 00:11:51.928 --> 00:11:54.851 They say, "Here's a nonfree program you can use, 他们说,“你可以用这个非自由的程序, 285 00:11:55.023 --> 00:11:57.646 run it and shut up. Don't bother us. " 运行它,然后闭嘴,不要烦我们。” 286 00:11:59.065 --> 00:12:00.696 Well, how do we find out 那么,我们如何知道 287 00:12:00.781 --> 00:12:01.885 how to run their hardware? 如何使用他们的硬件? 288 00:12:02.029 --> 00:12:03.368 With reverse engineering. 进行逆向工程。 289 00:12:03.529 --> 00:12:05.647 you gotta study all those zeros and ones 你不得不研究所有的那些 0 和 1 290 00:12:05.690 --> 00:12:07.809 to figure out what they really do 以了解它们的实际作用 291 00:12:08.109 --> 00:12:10.928 write down how to use that hardware, 并说明如何使用那个硬件 292 00:12:10.978 --> 00:12:12.239 so someone else can write 以便于其他人可以编写 293 00:12:12.307 --> 00:12:13.515 a free program to do it. 一个与之兼容的自由程序。 294 00:12:13.761 --> 00:12:16.281 It's hard work, but it can be done. 这是一项艰巨的工作,但它是可以做到的。 295 00:12:16.356 --> 00:12:17.145 If you wanna make 如果您想做出 296 00:12:17.172 --> 00:12:18.482 a big technical contribution, 重大的技术贡献, 297 00:12:18.631 --> 00:12:20.699 that's what you should do. 这就是你应该做的。 298 00:12:20.834 --> 00:12:24.051 Each new area or life activity, 每一个新的领域和生活活动 299 00:12:24.240 --> 00:12:26.571 can bring with it new human rights 可以带来新的人权 300 00:12:26.672 --> 00:12:27.880 that are necessary, 这种人权是必要的 301 00:12:28.178 --> 00:12:30.702 If you lose one, it becomes harder to maintain the others. 并且人权之间相互依赖: 302 00:12:31.068 --> 00:12:34.550 if you lose one, it becomes harder to maintain the others. 失去了其中一个,会更难以维护其他的人权。 303 00:12:35.129 --> 00:12:38.954 So, nowadays computing is so important in society 所以,如今,计算在社会中是如此重要 304 00:12:39.185 --> 00:12:41.198 that the freedoms of free software 以至于自由软件的自由 305 00:12:41.364 --> 00:12:46.330 are among the human rights that society must establish and protect. 是社会必须认可和保护的人权之一。 306 00:12:46.515 --> 00:12:49.134 Thus... how to help? 那么,如何提供帮助? 307 00:12:49.640 --> 00:12:50.949 Well, you can write free software. 好的,你可以编写自由软件。 308 00:12:51.248 --> 00:12:52.756 You can organize groups 您可以组织团体 309 00:12:52.777 --> 00:12:56.300 to campaign and persuade schools and governments 并宣传和说服学校和政府 310 00:12:56.464 --> 00:12:57.263 to move to free software. 迁移到自由软件。 311 00:12:57.440 --> 00:13:00.887 You can help other people when they have trouble using free software, 您可以帮助在使用自由软件上遇到问题的人, 312 00:13:01.277 --> 00:13:02.588 or help them install it. 或者,您可以帮助他们进行安装。 313 00:13:02.885 --> 00:13:05.298 You can say “free software”, 您可以说“自由软件” 314 00:13:05.456 --> 00:13:07.229 and spread the philosophical ideas. 并传播其哲学思想。 315 00:13:08.161 --> 00:13:10.499 Moving to free software is the first 迁移到自由软件 316 00:13:10.583 --> 00:13:12.797 is the first step in the liberation of cyberspace. 是解放网络空间的第一步。 317 00:13:12.898 --> 00:13:14.810 But, of course, we also use the Internet; 但是,当然,我们也使用互联网; 318 00:13:14.950 --> 00:13:16.466 we need other freedoms there, 我们在那里需要其他自由, 319 00:13:16.597 --> 00:13:18.212 like network neutrality, 例如网络中立 320 00:13:18.393 --> 00:13:23.633 and putting an end to surveillance of people in general. 和终止对普通人的监视。