GNU SRC Release Collection package list

This is a list of all the packages that are currently present in GSRC. This list is automatically updated daily to reflect the latest software versions or package additions. Updated Mon 23 Sep 2024 03:18:51 AM UTC.

For a better, bigger curated list of free software that exists see the FSF's Free Software Directory.

If you're interested in a complete source-based GNU/Linux distribution that is well-debugged, see the project Gentoo [GNU/]Linux, although it is not recommended by the GNU project because it offers some non-free software in its installation scripts. ( Explaining Why We Don't Endorse Other Systems). Just don't install the non-free software part. See also: GNU/Linux distros recommended by The very wonderful Guix System Distribution, a project using Scheme as its configuration language, features strictly controlled binary installation for security, reproducibility, and version controlability. Or look at the very wonderful, wherein you may build your GNU/linux system from source in a step-by-step educational process. Highly recommended.

If you're interested in a much more complete bioinformatics distribution, see .

If you're interested in a distribution about Geospatial systems, see

If you're interested in a monster conglomeration of mathematics software, see

It's all free (in the sense of freedom) software; the world is replete with wonderful things. You can help.

In this table the "dir/name" of a package is the filesystem name, one that you would use to install the package via GSRC, e.g.

make -C pkg/gnu/hello
The "Name" of the package is its canonical name as might be used in text to communicate among humans.

GNU Source Release Collection has now merged with Bioinformatics Source Release Collection, created by Brandon Invergo.

Main pkg subdirectories in order in this listing currently are:

bio freedesktop gnome gnu gnustep gstreamer hurd other xorg

Name dir/name Version Description
aragorn bio/aragorn 1.2.38 ARAGORN identifies tRNA and tmRNA genes by predicting their secondary structure and performing homology comparisons with consensus sequences.
bambamc bio/bambamc master bambamc is a C library implementing functions for BAM file input and output.
BamTools bio/bamtools master BamTools provides both an API and a user-level toolkit for handling and processing BAM files. (Binary Alignment Mapping)
Barrnap bio/barrnap 0.9 Barrnap predicts the location of ribosomal RNA genes.
bcftools bio/bcftools 1.18 BCFtools is a set of utilities that manipulate variant calls in the Variant Call Format (VCF) and its binary counterpart BCF. All commands work transparently with both VCFs and BCFs, both uncompressed and BGZF-compressed.
BEAGLE-lib bio/beagle-lib 4.0.1 BEAGLE is a library of functions for evaluating phylogenetic likelihoods, both via Bayesian samplers and Maximum Likelihood optimizers.
BEDTools bio/bedtools 2.27.1 bedtools consists of a set of utilities for performing a wide range of genomic analysis tasks. They may primarily be used to enable genome arithmetic, such as intersecting, merging or complementing genomic intervals.
BFAST bio/bfast 0.7.0a BFAST is a tool for mapping short reads to reference sequences. Its focus is on high-efficiency for mapping billions of reads.
Bismark bio/bismark 0.23.1 Bismark is a tool to map bisulfate-converted sequence reads and to determine cytosine methylation states.
Bowtie2 bio/bowtie2 Bowtie is a fast, memory-efficient tool for aligning short DNA sequences (reads) to long reference sequences. It supports gapped, local and paired-end alignment modes.
Breakway bio/breakway 0.7.1 Breakway is a suite of programs that can be used to determine structural variation breakpoints in genomic data.
Burrows-Wheeler Aligner bio/bwa 0.7.8 BWA is a package for mapping low-divergent sequences against a large reference genome.
CD-HIT bio/cd-hit 4.6.1 CD-HIT is a program for clustering and comparing protein or nucleotide sequences.
Clustal Omega bio/clustal-omega 1.2.4 Clustal Omega is a multiple sequence alignment tool geared towards high-performance and scalability.
Clustal W bio/clustalw 2.1 Clustal W is a general purpose multiple alignment program for DNA or proteins.
CS-BLAST bio/csblast 2.2.4 CS-BLAST is an extension to NCBI BLAST that improves sensitivity by adding context-specific pseudocounts to the input sequence to build a profile that more accurately captures the local sequence environment.
Cufflinks bio/cufflinks 2.2.1 Cufflinks is a tool that assembles transcripts and estimates their abundances for RNA-Seq samples. It can be used to test for differential expression and regulation.
DWGSIM bio/dwgsim 0.1.14 Whole genome simulation can be performed with dwgsim. dwgsim is based on wgsim found in SAMtools written by Heng Li, and forked from DNAA. It was modified to handle ABI SOLiD and Ion Torrent data, as well as various assumptions about aligners and positions of indels. No longer under development
EMBOSS bio/emboss 6.6.0 EMBOSS is a package of programs for use in molecular biology research. The programs cover a range of uses, from sequence alignment, to protein motif identification, to nucleotide sequence pattern analysis.
FastTree bio/fasttree 2.1.11 FastTree is a program for the rapid inference of approximately maximum-likelihood phylogenetic trees from sequence alignments, using relatively low system resources.
FASTX-Toolkit bio/fastx-toolkit 0.0.14 FASTX-Toolkit is a collection of tools for pre-processing short reads in FASTA/FASTQ format before mapping them to a reference genome. Their functionality includes filetype conversion, producing quality statistics, collapsing identical sequences, or splitting files.
FSA bio/fsa 1.15.9 FSA performs sequence alignments in a probabilistic manner via a distance-based approach, similar to distance-based phylogenetic reconstruction methods. It builds multiple alignments of homologous protein, RNA or DNA sequences using only pairwise estimations of homology.
HMMER bio/hmmer 3.4 HMMER is used for searching sequence databases for homologs of protein sequences, and for making protein sequence alignments. It implements methods using probabilistic models called profile hidden Markov models (profile HMMs).
HTSlib bio/htslib 1.18 HTSlib is a library for accessing common file formats used for high- throughput sequencing data, such as SAM, CRAM and VCF
HyPhy bio/hyphy 2.5.59 Hypothesis testing using Phylogenies. The analysis of genetic sequences using techniques in phylogenetics, molecular evolution, and machine learning for comparative sequence analysis using stochastic evolutionary models. GUI and shared lib.
Infernal bio/infernal 1.1.5 Infernal ("INFERence of RNA ALignment") is for searching DNA sequence databases for RNA structure and sequence similarities. It is an implementation of a special case of profile stochastic context-free grammars called covariance models (CMs). A CM is like a sequence profile, but it scores a combination of sequence consensus and RNA secondary structure consensus, so in many cases, it is more capable of identifying RNA homologs that conserve their secondary structure more than their primary sequence.
Jellyfish bio/jellyfish 2.3.1 Jellyfish is a tool for efficient counting of k-mers in DNA sequences.
Kraken bio/kraken 0.10.4 Kraken is a system for assigning taxonomic labels to short DNA sequences, usually obtained through metagenomic studies. It operates by utilizing exact alignments of k-mers and a classification algorithm.
MACS 3 bio/macs 3.0.0b1 MACS is a program for predicting protein-DNA interactions from ChIP- Seq data. It works via a model-based analysis that empirically models the length of the sequence fragments in order to improve the spatial resolution of predicted binding sites.
MAFFT bio/mafft 7.505 MAFFT is a multiple sequence alignment program offering a variety of different alignment methods.
MEGAHIT bio/megahit master MEGAHIT is an ultra-fast and memory-efficient NGS assembler. It is optimized for metagenomes, but also works well on generic single genome assembly (small or mammalian size) and single-cell assembly.
MELTING bio/melting 5.2.0 GNU MELTING computes the enthalpy, entropy and melting temperature of helix-coil transitions of a nucleic acid duplex.
MinCED bio/minced 0.2.0 MinCED predicts Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPRs) in genomes or metagenomes.
MOODS bio/moods Motif occurrence detection suite MOODS is a library containing algorithms for matching position weight matrices (PWM) against DNA sequences.
MrBayes bio/mrbayes 3.2.7a MrBayes is a program for the inference of phylogenies and model choice that uses Markov chain Monte Carlo methods to estimate the posterior distribution of model parameters. It supports a range of phylogenetic and evolutionary models.
MUMmer bio/mummer 3.23 MUMmer is a system for rapidly aligning entire genomes from the nucleotide sequence or, if the species are too divergent, from the translations of the input sequences.
BLAST+ bio/ncbi-blast 2.16.0 BLAST+ is a sequence similarity search program. It can be used to search a sequence database for regions of similarity to the query sequence.
NCBI Software Development Toolkit bio/ncbi-tools 2017-01-06 The NCBI Software Development Toolkit is a general collection of code used in developing various NCBI services. It also includes some demo tools that are useful in their own right, such as file-format convertors.
The Newick Utilities bio/newick-utils 1.6 The Newick Utilities are a suite of command-line tools for processing phylogenetic trees. Their functionality includes re-rooting, extracting subtrees, trimming, pruning, condensing and drawing.
OMA bio/oma 1.0.6 OMA is a program for inferring orthologs between genomes.
OpenMS bio/openms 2.8.0 OpenMS is a C++ library for LC/MS data management and analyses. It offers an infrastructure for the rapid development of mass spectrometry related software.
PAGAN bio/pagan-msa 20150723 PAGAN is a general-purpose method for the alignment of sequence graphs. It can be used for, for example, phylogenetic multiple sequence alignment, alignment extension by phylogenetic sequence placement or inference of ancestral sequences.
Bioperl bio/perl-bioperl 1.7.8 BioPerl is a collection of Perl modules that facilitate the development of Perl scripts for bioinformatics applications.
Ensembl bio/perl-ensembl 105 The Ensembl Perl API allows you to programmatically access the Ensembl database.
Ensembl Compara bio/perl-ensembl-compara 78 The Ensembl Compara Perl API allows you to programmatically access the Ensembl Compara database.
Ensembl Funcgen bio/perl-ensembl-funcgen 78 The Ensembl Funcgen Perl API allows you to programmatically access the Ensembl Funcgen database.
Ensembl Variation bio/perl-ensembl-variation 78 The Ensembl Variation Perl API allows you to programmatically access the Ensembl Variation database.
PfamScan bio/pfamscan 1.6 PfamScan is a perl script for searching the Pfam protein (families) libraries locally.
PhyML bio/phyml 20140223 PhyML is a program for estimating maximum likelihood phylogenies from nucleotide or amino acid sequence alignments. It features a large variety of substitution models and many options for exploring the phylogenetic tree topologies.
PRANK bio/prank-msa 140110 PRANK is a probabilistic multiple alignment program that can work with DNA, codon or amino-acid sequences. Unlike many alignment programs, it handles insertions correctly and it avoids over-estimation of the number of deletion events. It also supports including potential structural information to which sequences can be aligned, assisting in the prediction of locations of structural features in the sequences.
Primer3 bio/primer3 2.3.6 Primer3 is a program for designing PCR primers for a given sequence. It can also design hybridization probes and sequencing primers.
Prodigal bio/prodigal 2.6.1 Prodigal is a program for predicting genes in prokaryotic genomes.
prokka bio/prokka 1.14.5 Prokka is a tool for the rapid annotation of prokaryotic genomes.
PROVEAN bio/provean 1.1.5 PROVEAN (Protein Variation Effect Analyzer) is a tool for predicting the effects of amino an acid substitution or indel on the biological function of a protein.
Pscan bio/pscan 1.6 Pscan is a tool for finding transcription factor binding motifs in sequences from co-regulated genes.
Biopython bio/python-biopython 1.79 Biopython is a set of Python modules for biological computation. Biopython features include parsers for various Bioinformatics file formats, access to online services, interfaces to common and not-so- common programs, a standard sequence class, various clustering modules, and a KD tree data structure.
Biopython (Python 2) bio/python2-biopython 1.67 Biopython is a set of Python modules for biological computation. Biopython features include parsers for various Bioinformatics file formats, access to online services, interfaces to common and not-so- common programs, a standard sequence class, various clustering modules, and a KD tree data structure. (Python 2 version)
HTSeq bio/python2-htseq 0.6.0 HTSeq is a Python framework for processing and analyzing data from high-throughput sequencing assays. Its purpose is to allow you to write your own, customized analysis scripts without having to implement the basic functionality.
PySam (Python 2) bio/python2-pysam 0.8.1 Pysam is a python module for reading and manipulating files in the SAM/BAM format. The SAM/BAM format is a way to store efficiently large numbers of alignments, such as those routinely created by next-generation sequencing methods.
QmmRAxML bio/qmmraxml 2.0 QmmRAxML is a variant of RAxML that accounts for site-specific amino acid frequencies in phylogenetic inference via a class-frequency mixture model.
Quake bio/quake 0.3.5 Quake is a package for correcting substitution sequencing errors in experiments with deep coverage, particularly for Illumina sequencing reads. It utilizes a robust mixture model of erroneous and genuine k-mer distributions to determine where errors are located.
RAxML bio/raxml 8.1.9 RAxML (Randomized Axelerated Maximum Likelihood) is a program for sequential and parallel Maximum Likelihood based inference of large phylogenetic trees. It can also be used for post-analyses of sets of phylogenetic trees, analyses of alignments and, evolutionary placement of short reads.
REAPR bio/reapr 1.0.17 REAPR is a tool for evaluating the accuracy of a genome assembly via mapped paired end reads, without the use of a reference genome for comparison.
RNAz bio/rnaz 2.1.1 RNAz is a program for predicting structurally conserved and thermodynamically stable RNA secondary structures in multiple sequence alignments.
SAMtools bio/samtools 1.18 SAMtools provides utilities for manipulating alignments in the SAM format, which is a generic format for storing large nucleotide sequence alignments. The functionality of the tools includes sorting, merging, indexing and generating alignments in a per-position format.
Seq Crumbs bio/seq_crumbs 0.1.9 Seq_crumbs is modeled after the Unix command line text processing utilities so every utility tries to perform a specific task and most of them take a sequence file as input and create a new processed sequence file as output. This design encourages the assembly of the seq_crumbs utilities with Unix pipes to create complex pipelines.
SeqAn3 bio/seqan3 3.2.0 SeqAn is a C++ library of algorithms and data structures for the analysis of sequences with the focus on biological data.
SeqSuite bio/seqsuite 2013-12-03 SeqSuite is a suite of sequence analysis programs. It includes SLiMSuite, which contains software for short linear motif analysis.
Seqtk bio/seqtk 1.0 Seqtk is a tool for processing sequences in FASTA or FASTQ format. It can perform basic file format conversions, file clean-up such as line-wrapping, and data extraction or manipulation.
SLiMSuite bio/slimsuite 2014-08-25 SLiMSuite contains software for short linear motif analysis.
SMALT bio/smalt 0.7.6 SMALT employs a hash index of short nucleotide words sampled along a reference genome to identify potentially matching segments from DNA sequencing reads. The reads are then aligned using a banded Smith- Waterman algorithm.
SNP-o-matic bio/snpomatic 1.0 SNP-o-matic is a fast, stringent tool for mapping short-read sequences and offers a variety of analytical output functions, with an emphasis on genotyping.
T-Coffee bio/t-coffee T-Coffee is a multiple sequence alignment package. Besides performing alignments, it can also combine the output of many alignmnent methods into one unique alignment. It can also combine sequence information with protein structural information, profile information or RNA secondary structures.
Tabix bio/tabix 0.2.6 Tabix indexes a TAB-delimited genome position file and creates an index file.
TopHat bio/tophat 2.1.1 TopHat is a fast splice junction mapper for RNA-Seq reads. It aligns RNA-Seq reads to genomes using using Bowtie and then analyzes the results to identify splice junctions between exons "TopHat has entered a low maintenance, low support stage as it is now largely superseded by HISAT2 which provides the same core functionality (i.e. spliced alignment of RNA-Seq reads), in a more accurate and much more efficient way."
TreeBeST bio/treebest 1.9.2 TreeBeST is a program for building, manipulating and displaying phylogenetic trees.
trimAl bio/trimal 1.5.0 trimAl is a tool for the automated removal of spurious sequences or poorly aligned regions from a multiple sequence alignment.
Weeder bio/weeder 2.0.1 Weeder is a tool for transcription factor binding motif discovery from co-regulated genes of a single species. It has been optimized for ChIP-Seq data.
WeederH bio/weederh 1.0 WeederH implements an algorithm for identifying conserved regulatory motifs and regions in homologous sequences.
ModemManager freedesktop/ModemManager 1.18.4 A DBus system service which provides a unified high level API for communicating with mobile broadband modems.
PackageKit freedesktop/PackageKit 1.2.4 System designed to make installing and updating software easier. The primary design goal is to unify all the software graphical tools used in different distributions, and use some of the latest technology like PolicyKit.
AccountsService freedesktop/accountsservice 23.13.9 AccountsService is a D-Bus service for accessing the list of user accounts and information attached to those accounts.
appstream freedesktop/appstream 1.0.3 appstream metadata
AppStream-Glib freedesktop/appstream-glib 0.7.18 AppStream-Glib library provides GObjects and helper methods to make it easy to read and write AppStream metadata. It also provides a simple DOM implementation that makes it easy to edit nodes and convert to and from the standardized XML representation.
bustle freedesktop/bustle 0.8.0 Bustle records and shows sequence diagrams of D-Bus traffic
colord freedesktop/colord 1.4.7 color management daemon
colord-gtk freedesktop/colord-gtk 0.1.26 colord-gtk
cppunit freedesktop/cppunit 1.15.1 software testing for c++, based on junit
D-Bus freedesktop/dbus master D-Bus is a message bus system, a simple way for applications to talk to one another. In addition to interprocess communication, D-Bus helps coordinate process lifecycle; it makes it simple and reliable to code a "single instance" application or daemon, and to launch applications and daemons on demand when their services are needed.
desktop-file-utils freedesktop/desktop-file-utils 0.27 utils to connect apps with mime-types
evemu freedesktop/evemu 2.7.0 evemu records and replays device descriptions and events, making it possible to emulate input devices through the kernel s input system. Emulated devices are for most practical purposes indistinguishable from real devices.
farstream freedesktop/farstream 0.2.9 The Farstream project is an effort to create a framework to deal with all known audio/video conferencing protocols. On one side it offers a generic API that makes it possible to write plugins for different streaming protocols, on the other side it offers an API for clients to use those plugins.
Fontconfig freedesktop/fontconfig 2.15.0 Fontconfig can discover new fonts when installed automatically, perform font name substitution, identify the set of fonts required to completely cover a set of languages, efficiently and quickly find the fonts you need among the set of fonts you have installed, be used in concert with the X Render Extension and FreeType to implement high quality, anti-aliased and subpixel rendered text on a display.
geoclue freedesktop/geoclue 2.7.1 Geoclue gathers info to determine current location.
harfbuzz freedesktop/harfbuzz 9.0.0 An OpenType text-shaping engine, Middle Eastern scripts
hicolor-icon-theme freedesktop/hicolor-icon-theme 0.15 hicolor-icon-theme
intltool freedesktop/intltool 0.51.0 An internationalization tool collection
libevdev freedesktop/libevdev 1.13.2 wrapper library for kernel event devices.
libgusb freedesktop/libgusb 0.4.9 libgusb
libinput freedesktop/libinput 1.25.0 wrapper library for input devices.
libmbim freedesktop/libmbim 1.26.2 libmbim is an open source library to manage MBIM-powered mobile broadband modems.
libnice freedesktop/libnice 0.1.17 libnice
libqmi freedesktop/libqmi 1.30.2 open source library to manage QMI-powered mobile broadband modems.
media-player-info freedesktop/media-player-info 24 usb media player hardware info
mesa3D freedesktop/mesa 24.2.1 Mesa, 3D graphics, OpenGL 4.5 implementation and more
mesa-demos freedesktop/mesa-demos 9.0.0 Mesa, 3D graphics, OpenGL demos
pixman freedesktop/pixman 0.43.4 pixman, low level pixel manipulations
pkg-config freedesktop/pkg-config 0.29.2 is a system for managing library compile/link flags
plymouth freedesktop/plymouth 0.9.3 start-up animation
polkit freedesktop/polkit master policy kit controls process access
pulseaudio freedesktop/pulseaudio 17.0 PulseAudio is a sound system for POSIX OSes, meaning that it is a proxy for your sound applications. It allows you to do advanced operations on your sound data as it passes between your application and your hardware, such as transferring the audio to a different machine, changing the sample format or channel count and mixing several sounds into one.
shared-mime-info freedesktop/shared-mime-info 2.4 mime info sharing
sound-theme-freedesktop freedesktop/sound-theme-freedesktop 0.8 sound-theme-freedesktop
systemd freedesktop/systemd 256.4 Init replacement, daemon manager, and more.
telepathy-farstream freedesktop/telepathy-farstream 0.6.2 telepathy-farstream
telepathy-glib freedesktop/telepathy-glib 0.24.2 telepathy-glib
telepathy-logger freedesktop/telepathy-logger 0.8.2 telepathy-logger
telepathy-mission-control freedesktop/telepathy-mission-control 5.16.6 telepathy-mission-control
telepathy-spec freedesktop/telepathy-spec 0.27.3 Telepathy D-Bus API Specification
uchardet freedesktop/uchardet 0.0.6 uchardet is an encoding detector library, which takes a sequence of bytes in an unknown character encoding without any additional information, and attempts to determine the encoding of the text. Returned encoding names are iconv-compatible.
udisks freedesktop/udisks 2.1.8 udisks
upower freedesktop/upower v1.90.2 UPower is an abstraction for enumerating power devices, listening to device events and querying history and statistics.
virglrenderer freedesktop/virglrenderer 0.7.0 gl renderer
Wayland freedesktop/wayland 1.23.0 Wayland is intended as a simpler replacement for X, easier to develop and maintain. Wayland is a protocol for a compositor to talk to its clients as well as a C library implementation of that protocol.
wayland-protocols freedesktop/wayland-protocols 1.36 wayland-protocols
Weston freedesktop/weston 10.0.0 a compositor for Wayland
xdg-utils freedesktop/xdg-utils 1.2.1 xdg-utils
BuildStream gnome/BuildStream 1.6.1 BuildStream is a flexible and extensible framework for the modelling of build pipelines in a declarative YAML format, written in python. These pipelines are composed of abstract elements which perform mutations on on "filesystem data" as input and output, and are related to each other by their dependencies. Datafiles available for GNOME allow building all of GNOME; might be better than GSRC for building GNOME.
NetworkManager gnome/NetworkManager 1.49.6 NetworkManager
NetworkManager-fortisslvpn gnome/NetworkManager-fortisslvpn 1.4.0 NetworkManager-fortisslvpn
NetworkManager-iodine gnome/NetworkManager-iodine 1.2.0 NetworkManager-iodine
NetworkManager-libreswan gnome/NetworkManager-libreswan 1.2.22 NetworkManager-libreswan
NetworkManager-openconnect gnome/NetworkManager-openconnect 1.2.10 NetworkManager-openconnect
NetworkManager-openswan gnome/NetworkManager-openswan 1.0.8 NetworkManager-openswan
NetworkManager-openvpn gnome/NetworkManager-openvpn 1.12.0 NetworkManager-openvpn
NetworkManager-pptp gnome/NetworkManager-pptp 1.2.12 NetworkManager-pptp, uses point-to-point-protocol
NetworkManager-sstp gnome/NetworkManager-sstp 1.3.2 NetworkManager-sstp
NetworkManager-vpnc gnome/NetworkManager-vpnc 1.2.8 NetworkManager-vpnc
accerciser gnome/accerciser 3.44.1 Interactive Python accessibility explorer
adwaita-icon-theme gnome/adwaita-icon-theme 47.0 Standard Icons gnome theme
aisleriot gnome/aisleriot 3.22.9 A collection of patience games (solitaire) written in guile scheme
alacarte gnome/alacarte 3.52.0 GUI for manipulation desktop files
almanah gnome/almanah 0.12.3 Small GTK+ application to allow you to keep a diary of your life
Amtk gnome/amtk 5.6.1 Amtk is the acronym for “Actions, Menus and Toolbars Kit”. It is a basic GtkUIManager replacement based on GAction. It is suitable for both a traditional UI or a modern UI with a GtkHeaderBar.
anjuta gnome/anjuta 3.34.0 Integrated Development Environment (IDE) on GNOME Desktop
anjuta-extras gnome/anjuta-extras 3.26.0 Integrated Development Environment (IDE) on GNOME Desktop extras
aravis gnome/aravis 0.8.10 Aravis is a glib/gobject based library for video acquisition using Genicam cameras. It currently implements the gigabit ethernet and USB3 protocols used by industrial cameras. It also provides a basic ethernet camera simulator and a simple video viewer.
at-spi2-atk gnome/at-spi2-atk 2.38.0 GTK+ module for bridging AT-SPI to ATK
at-spi2-core gnome/at-spi2-core 2.54.0 D-Bus accessibility specifications and registration daemon
atk gnome/atk 2.38.0 The interface definitions for accessibility infrastructure
atkmm gnome/atkmm 2.36.3 C++ bindings for the ATK library
atomix gnome/atomix 44.0 puzzle game, moving atoms around to make molecules
babl gnome/babl 0.1.108 babl is a dynamic, any to any, pixel format translation library.
baobab gnome/baobab 47.0 A graphical disk usage analyzer
bijiben gnome/bijiben 40.1 Simple note editor, Notes, formerly Bijiben (Notebook in Chinese)
brasero gnome/brasero 3.12.3 CD/DVD mastering tool
cairo gnome/cairo 1.18.0 Cairo is a 2D graphics library with support for multiple output devices. Currently supported output targets include the X Window System (via both Xlib and XCB), Quartz, Win32, image buffers, PostScript, PDF, and SVG file output. Experimental backends include OpenGL, BeOS, OS/2, and DirectFB.
cairomm gnome/cairomm 1.18.0 cairomm, access cairo library with c++
calls gnome/calls 47.0 phone dialer and calls handler
camorama gnome/camorama 0.19 webcam app
cantarell-fonts gnome/cantarell-fonts 0.303.1 Cantarell, a Humanist sans-serif font family
caribou gnome/caribou 0.4.21 Text entry and UI navigation application
cheese gnome/cheese 44.1 Take photos and videos with your webcam, with fun graphical effects
chrome-gnome-shell gnome/chrome-gnome-shell 10 GNOME Shell integration for Chrome
chronojump gnome/chronojump 1.9.0 Athletic jump timer software
clutter gnome/clutter 1.26.4 A toolkit for creating fast, portable, compelling dynamic UIs
clutter-gst gnome/clutter-gst 3.0.27 A GStreamer integration library for Clutter
clutter-gtk gnome/clutter-gtk 1.8.4 Clutter integration with GTK+
cogl gnome/cogl 1.22.8 A hardware accelerated 3D graphics API
conduit gnome/conduit 0.3.17 Conduit is a synchronization application for GNOME. It allows you to synchronize your files, photos, emails, contacts, notes, calendar data and any other type of personal information and synchronize that data with another computer, an online service, or even another electronic device.
connections gnome/connections 3.38.1 GNOME Connections, A remote desktop client. Connections aims at replacing Vinagre as the remote desktop client for GNOME.
d-feet gnome/d-feet 0.3.16 D-Feet is an easy to use D-Bus debugger. D-Feet can be used to inspect D-Bus interfaces of running programs and invoke methods on those interfaces.
d-spy gnome/d-spy 47.0 d-spy
dconf gnome/dconf 0.40.0 Configuration database system
dconf-editor gnome/dconf-editor 45.0.1 dconf Editor
devhelp gnome/devhelp 43.0 API documentation browser
dia gnome/dia 0.97.3 Dia is a program for drawing structured diagrams
EasyTAG gnome/easytag 2.4.3 View and edit tags for MP3, MP2, MP4/AAC, FLAC, Ogg Speex, Ogg Opus, Ogg Vorbis,...
ekiga gnome/ekiga 4.0.1 Videoconferencing and VoIP software: Talk to and see people over the Internet
empathy gnome/empathy 3.25.90 Send and receive messages
eog gnome/eog 47.0 Image viewer, browse, rotate, display images. Slideshow.
eog-plugins gnome/eog-plugins 44.1 A set of plugins for Eye of GNOME image viewer
epiphany gnome/epiphany 47.0 A web browser
evince gnome/evince 46.3.1 View multipage documents. File types it can display include PDF, Postscript, djvu, tiff, dvi, XPS, SyncTex support with gedit, comics books (cbr, cbz, cb7 and cbt), and more
evolution gnome/evolution 3.54.0 Manage your email, contacts and schedule
evolution-data-server gnome/evolution-data-server 3.54.0 Centralized access to appointments and contacts
evolution-ews gnome/evolution-ews 3.54.0 MS Exchange integration through Exchange Web Services
evolution-mapi gnome/evolution-mapi 3.54.0 MS Exchange integration through OpenChange
file-roller gnome/file-roller 44.3 Create and modify archives
five-or-more gnome/five-or-more 3.32.3 Remove colored balls from the board by forming lines
folks gnome/folks 0.15.9 People aggregation library
four-in-a-row gnome/four-in-a-row 3.38.1 Make lines of the same color to win
frogr gnome/frogr 1.8.1 Flickr Remote Organizer for GNOME
gcab gnome/gcab 1.6 A GObject library to create cabinet files
GConf gnome/gconf 3.2.6 Process-transparent configuration system (deprecated)
gconf-editor gnome/gconf-editor 3.0.1 edits gconf configuration
gcr gnome/gcr 4.3.0 A library for bits of crypto UI and parsing etc.
gdk-pixbuf gnome/gdk-pixbuf 2.42.12 An image loading library
gdl gnome/gdl 3.40.0 GNOME docking library
gdlmm gnome/gdlmm 3.7.3 C++ bindings for the gdl library
gdm gnome/gdm 47.0 Display manager and login screen
geary gnome/geary 46.0 Send and receive email
gedit gnome/gedit 48.0 GNOME Text Editor
gedit-latex gnome/gedit-latex 46.2.2 gedit-latex, gui for TeX
gedit-plugins gnome/gedit-plugins 48.0 GNOME Text Editor plugins
gegl gnome/gegl 0.4.48 GEGL (Generic Graphics Library) is a data flow based image processing framework, providing floating point processing and non-destructive image processing capabilities to GNU Image Manipulation Program and other projects (imgflo, GNOME Photos, iconographer, ...)
genius gnome/genius 1.0.26 Genius Math Tool
geocode-glib gnome/geocode-glib 3.26.4 Helper library for geocoding services
gexiv2 gnome/gexiv2 0.14.3 GObject-based wrapper around the Exiv2 library
gfbgraph gnome/gfbgraph 0.2.4 gfbgraph
ghex gnome/ghex 45.1 Hex Editor
gi-docgen gnome/gi-docgen 2024.1 gi docgen
gingerblue gnome/gingerblue 6.2.0 gingerblue music software
gitg gnome/gitg 41 git repository viewer for GTK+/GNOME
gjs gnome/gjs 1.82.0 GNOME JavaScript/Spidermonkey bindings
glabels gnome/glabels 3.4.1 gLabels is a small stand-alone program for creating labels and business cards using a laser or ink-jet printer.
glade gnome/glade 3.40.0 User Interface Builder for GTK+ and Gnome applications
Glib gnome/glib 2.82.0 Low level core library for GNOME
glib-networking gnome/glib-networking 2.80 Network extensions for GLib
glib-openssl gnome/glib-openssl 2.50.8 Network extensions for GLib using OpenSSL
glibmm gnome/glibmm 2.82.0 C++ bindings for Glib
glycin-loaders gnome/glycin-loaders 1.0.1 Glycin allows decoding images into gdk::Texture ( and to extract image metadata. The decoding happens in sandboxed modular image loaders.
gmime gnome/gmime 3.2.7 Glorious MIME Utility Library
gnome-2048 gnome/gnome-2048 3.38.2 2048 game
gnome-applets gnome/gnome-applets 3.52.0 Small programs for the panel
gnome-autoar gnome/gnome-autoar 0.4.5 Automatic archive-creating and extracting library
gnome-backgrounds gnome/gnome-backgrounds 47.0 Background images for the GNOME desktop
gnome-bluetooth gnome/gnome-bluetooth 47.0 GNOME Bluetooth Subsystem
gnome-books gnome/gnome-books 40.0 Gnome e-book organizer
gnome-boxes gnome/gnome-boxes 47.0 A simple GNOME 3 application to access remote or virtual systems
gnome-builder gnome/gnome-builder 47.0 An IDE for writing GNOME-based software
gnome-calculator gnome/gnome-calculator 47.0 Desktop calculator
gnome-calendar gnome/gnome-calendar 47.0 Calendar application for GNOME
gnome-characters gnome/gnome-characters 47.0 A character map application
gnome-chess gnome/gnome-chess 47.0 Classic two-player board game of chess
gnome-clocks gnome/gnome-clocks 47.0 Clocks applications for GNOME
gnome-code-assistance gnome/gnome-code-assistance 3.16.1 Code assistance services for gnome
gnome-color-manager gnome/gnome-color-manager 3.36.0 GNOME Color Profile Tools
gnome-commander gnome/gnome-commander 1.18.1 Light and fast file manager for GNOME
gnome-common gnome/gnome-common 3.18.0 A module that is required only when building GNOME from the repository.
gnome-connections gnome/gnome-connections 47.0 remote desktop client for the GNOME desktop environment
gnome-console gnome/gnome-console 47.1 Command line terminal
gnome-contacts gnome/gnome-contacts 47.0 Contacts manager for GNOME
gnome-control-center gnome/gnome-control-center 47.0.1 GNOME s main interface to configure various aspects of the desktop
gnome-desktop gnome/gnome-desktop 44.1 Library with common API for various GNOME modules
gnome-desktop-testing gnome/gnome-desktop-testing 2021.1 gnome-desktop-testing
gnome-devel-docs gnome/gnome-devel-docs 40.3 Developer documentation (incl. HIG, Platform Guide, a11y Guide, etc.)
gnome-dictionary gnome/gnome-dictionary 40.0 Look up words in dictionary sources
gnome-directory-thumbnailer gnome/gnome-directory-thumbnailer 0.1.11 directory-thumbnailer
gnome-disk-utility gnome/gnome-disk-utility 46.1 Disk Management Utility for GNOME
gnome-doc-utils gnome/gnome-doc-utils 0.20.10 Collection of tools for building and converting documentation
gnome-documents gnome/gnome-documents 3.34.0 A document manager application for GNOME
gnome-epub-thumbnailer gnome/gnome-epub-thumbnailer 1.8 epub-thumbnailer
gnome-flashback gnome/gnome-flashback 3.52.1 GNOME Flashback session and helper application
gnome-font-viewer gnome/gnome-font-viewer 47.0 A font viewer utility for GNOME
gnome-games gnome/gnome-games 40.0 gnome games
gnome-getting-started-docs gnome/gnome-getting-started-docs 3.38.1 Help a new user get started in GNOME
gnome-initial-setup gnome/gnome-initial-setup 47.0 Bootstrapping your OS
gnome-keyring gnome/gnome-keyring 46.2 Stores passwords and encryption keys
gnome-kiosk gnome/gnome-kiosk 47.0 gnome-kiosk
gnome-klotski gnome/gnome-klotski 3.38.2 Slide blocks to solve the puzzle
gnome-kra-ora-thumbnailer gnome/gnome-kra-ora-thumbnailer 1.4
gnome-latex gnome/gnome-latex 3.46.0 gnome-latex, gui for TeX
gnome-logs gnome/gnome-logs 45.0 A log viewer for the systemd journal
gnome-mahjongg gnome/gnome-mahjongg 47.0 Disassemble a pile of tiles by removing matching pairs gamme
gnome-maps gnome/gnome-maps 47.0 A simple GNOME 3 maps application
gnome-menus gnome/gnome-menus 3.36.0 Library for the Desktop Menu specification
gnome-mime-data gnome/gnome-mime-data 2.18.0 gnome mime data
gnome-mines gnome/gnome-mines 40.1 Clear hidden mines from a minefield game.
gnome-multi-writer gnome/gnome-multi-writer 3.35.90 GNOME MultiWriter
gnome-music gnome/gnome-music 47.0 Music player and management application
gnome-nettool gnome/gnome-nettool 42.0 Graphical interface for various networking tools
gnome-network-displays gnome/gnome-network-displays 0.93.0 gnome-network-displays
gnome-nibbles gnome/gnome-nibbles 4.1.alpha Guide a worm around a maze game
gnome-online-accounts gnome/gnome-online-accounts 3.52.0 Single sign-on framework for GNOME
gnome-online-miners gnome/gnome-online-miners 3.34.0 Crawls through your online content
gnome-packagekit gnome/gnome-packagekit 43.0 PackageKit GNOME Client Tools
gnome-panel gnome/gnome-panel 3.52.0 Launch other applications and provide various utilities to manage windows
gnome-photos gnome/gnome-photos 44.0 Access, organize and share your photos on GNOME
gnome-power-manager gnome/gnome-power-manager 43.0 Power management tools
gnome-radio gnome/gnome-radio 64.0 Gnome radio locator, find stations on internet. successor to gnome-internet-radio-locator
gnome-recipes gnome/gnome-recipes 2.0.4 GNOME recipes, non-metaphorical.
gnome-remote-desktop gnome/gnome-remote-desktop 47.0 gnome-remote-desktop
gnome-robots gnome/gnome-robots 40.0 Avoid the robots and make them crash into each other
gnome-screenshot gnome/gnome-screenshot 41.0 Take pictures of your screen
gnome-session gnome/gnome-session 47.0 The GNOME Session Manager
gnome-settings-daemon gnome/gnome-settings-daemon 47.1 GNOME Settings Daemon
gnome-shell gnome/gnome-shell 47.0 Next generation GNOME desktop shell
gnome-shell-extensions gnome/gnome-shell-extensions 47.0 Modify and extend GNOME Shell functionality and behavior
gnome-software gnome/gnome-software 47.0 GNOME Software Tools
gnome-sound-recorder gnome/gnome-sound-recorder 42.0 Make simple recordings from your desktop
gnome-sudoku gnome/gnome-sudoku 47.0 Number grid puzzle
gnome-system-monitor gnome/gnome-system-monitor 1.1.3 View current processes and monitor system state
gnome-taquin gnome/gnome-taquin 3.38.1 Move tiles so that they reach their places.
gnome-terminal gnome/gnome-terminal 3.44.1 Command line terminal
gnome-tetravex gnome/gnome-tetravex 3.38.2 Complete the puzzle by matching numbered tiles
gnome-text-editor gnome/gnome-text-editor 47.0 GNOME Text editor
gnome-themes-extra gnome/gnome-themes-extra 3.28 Extra themes for GNOME applications
gnome-themes-standard gnome/gnome-themes-standard 3.27.90 Standard Themes for GNOME Applications
gnome-todo gnome/gnome-todo 41.0 Task manager for GNOME
gnome-tour gnome/gnome-tour 47.0 Tour of GNOME
gnome-tweak-tool gnome/gnome-tweak-tool 3.27.3 Customize advanced GNOME 3 options
gnome-tweaks gnome/gnome-tweaks 46.1 Customize advanced GNOME options
gnome-usage gnome/gnome-usage 46.0 view use of system resources, like memory and disk space.
gnome-user-docs gnome/gnome-user-docs 47.0 User and system administration help
gnome-user-share gnome/gnome-user-share 47.0 Launch User Sharing if enabled
GnomeVFS gnome/gnome-vfs 2.24.4 The GNOME virtual file system
gnome-video-arcade gnome/gnome-video-arcade 0.8.8 video arcade
gnome-video-effects gnome/gnome-video-effects 0.6.0 A collection of GStreamer effects to be used in different GNOME Modules 2 weeks
gnome-voice gnome/gnome-voice 1.2.0 gnome-voice public voice mapping application
gnome-weather gnome/gnome-weather 47.0 Access current weather conditions and forecasts
gnote gnome/gnote 47.0 A note taking application
Gnumeric gnome/gnumeric 1.12.57 GNUmeric is a GNU spreadsheet application, running under GNOME. It is interoperable with other spreadsheet applications. It has a vast array of features beyond typical spreadsheet functionality, such as support for linear and non-linear solvers, statistical analysis, and telecommunication engineering.
gobject-introspection gnome/gobject-introspection 1.82.0 GObject introspection tools and libraries
goffice gnome/goffice 0.10.57 A GLib/GTK+ set of document-centric objects and charting library
gok gnome/gok 1.2.5 On screen keyboard for GNOME, useful for accessibility
gom gnome/gom 0.5.3 A GObject to SQLite object mapper.
goobox gnome/goobox 3.6.0 CD player and ripper
goocanvas gnome/goocanvas 3.0.0 GTK+ canvas widget using cairo 2d library for drawing
graphene gnome/graphene 1.10.8 A thin layer of types for graphic libraries
grilo gnome/grilo 0.3.16 Grilo is a framework to access various sources of multimedia.
grilo-plugins gnome/grilo-plugins 0.3.16 A collection of plugins for the Grilo framework
gsettings-desktop-schemas gnome/gsettings-desktop-schemas 47.1 Shared GSettings schemas for the desktop
gsound gnome/gsound 1.0.3 GObject library for playing system sounds
gspell gnome/gspell 1.14.0 Spell-checking library for GTK+
gssdp gnome/gssdp 1.6.3 A GObject-based API for handling resource discovery and announcement over SSDP.
gstreamermm gnome/gstreamermm 1.10.0 C++ bindings for the GStreamer multimedia library
gthumb gnome/gthumb 3.12.6 Image viewer and browser, also imports from cameras.
GTK 4 gnome/gtk 4.16.1 gtk 4 GNOME toolkit to create user interfaces
GTK+ 3 gnome/gtk+ 3.94.0 gtk+ 3 GNOME toolkit
gtk-doc gnome/gtk-doc 1.34.0 GTK-Doc is used to document C code.
gtk-engines gnome/gtk-engines 2.91.1 Several GTK+ engines and default themes
gtk-mac-integration gnome/gtk-mac-integration 3.0.1 gtk integration for other system
gtk-vnc gnome/gtk-vnc 1.3.0 A VNC viewer widget for GTK+
GTK+ 1 gnome/gtk1 1.3.15 A multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces
GTK+ 2 gnome/gtk2 2.24.33 A multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces
GtkGLExt gnome/gtkglext 1.2.0 OpenGL extension to gtk
gtkglextmm gnome/gtkglextmm 1.2.0 OpenGL extension to gtk c++ bindings
gtkmm gnome/gtkmm 4.16.0 C++ bindings for GTK+
gtkmm-documentation gnome/gtkmm-documentation 4.10.1 GNOME C++ bindings documentation
gtksourceview gnome/gtksourceview 5.14.0 Source code editing widget
gtksourceviewmm gnome/gtksourceviewmm 3.21.3 C++ bindings for GtkSourceView
gtranslator gnome/gtranslator 46.1 gtranslator for working with translation of docs
gucharmap gnome/gucharmap 12.0.1 gucharmap
gupnp gnome/gupnp 1.6.6 Core UPnP API built on top of gssdp.
gupnp-av gnome/gupnp-av 0.14.1 Utility library that eases the handling and implementation of UPnP A/V profiles.
gupnp-dlna gnome/gupnp-dlna 0.12.0 A library to ease DLNA-related bits for applications.
gupnp-igd gnome/gupnp-igd 1.6.0 A library to handle UPnP Internet Gateway Device port mappings
gupnp-tools gnome/gupnp-tools 0.12.1 some gupnp things
gvfs gnome/gvfs 1.56.0 Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO
gxml gnome/gxml 0.20.0 GObject XML and Serialization API
hitori gnome/hitori 44.0 GTK+ application to generate and let you play games of Hitori
iagno gnome/iagno 3.38.1 Dominate the board in a classic version of Reversi
java-atk-wrapper gnome/java-atk-wrapper 0.40.0 access java wrapper lib
jhbuild gnome/jhbuild 3.38.0 utility for building from source
json-glib gnome/json-glib 1.10.0 GLib-based JSON manipulation library
jsonrpc-glib gnome/jsonrpc-glib 3.44.1 GLib-based JSON manipulation library
krb5-auth-dialog gnome/krb5-auth-dialog 44.0.alpha1 Kerberos login dialog
lasem gnome/lasem 0.5.1 Lasem aims to be a C/Gobject based SVG/Mathml renderer and editor, supporting CSS style sheets (only rendering is implemented for now). It uses cairo and pango as it_s rendering abstraction layer, and then support numerous output formats: xlib, PNG, SVG, PDF, PS, EPS... Executable is lasem-render, which takes a filename as argument and generates either a SVG, a PDF or a PS file, depending on the output file extension.
latexila gnome/latexila 3.27.1 LaTeXila, an Integrated LaTeX Environment
libadwaita gnome/libadwaita 1.6.rc libadwaita, building blocks for Gnome applications
Libbonobo gnome/libbonobo 2.32.1 GNOME Bonobo library
Libbonoboui gnome/libbonoboui 2.24.5 GNOME Bonobo UI library
libchamplain gnome/libchamplain 0.12.21 A map widget
libcloudproviders gnome/libcloudproviders 0.3.6 libcloudproviders is a DBus API that allows cloud storage sync clients to expose their services. Clients such as file managers and desktop environments can then provide integrated access to the cloud providers services.
libcroco gnome/libcroco 0.6.13 A CSS parsing library
libdazzle gnome/libdazzle 3.44.0 The libdazzle library is a companion library to GObject and Gtk+.
libdex gnome/libdex 0.8.0 Dex provides Future-based programming for GLib-based applications. It both integrates with and brings new features for application and library authors who want to structure concurrent code in an easy to manage way.
libepc gnome/libepc 0.4.6 Easy Publish and Consume library
libepoxy gnome/libepoxy 1.5.10 library to wrap opengl
libgames-support gnome/libgames-support 1.0.2 libgames-support
libgda gnome/libgda 6.0.0 GNU Data Access (GDA) is an attempt to provide uniform access to different kinds of data sources (databases, information servers, mail spools, etc). It is defined by a set of plugin APIs as generic as possible libgda is an interface to the GDA architecture, providing a nice wrapper around the GDA interfaces, for both the client and the server parts. It also provides a bunch of tools to help you both in the development and management of your data sources, all done through the GDA model_s interfaces.
libgdata gnome/libgdata 0.18.1 libgdata is a GLib-based library for accessing online service APIs using the GData protocol --- most notably, Google_s services. It provides APIs to access the common Google services, and has full asynchronous support.
libgee gnome/libgee 0.20.6 A collection library providing GObject-based interfaces and classes for commonly...
libgepub gnome/libgepub 0.7.1 Simple library to read epub files using glib
libgit2-glib gnome/libgit2-glib 1.2.0 GLib wrapper for libgit2
Libglade gnome/libglade 2.6.4 GNOME interface definition library
libgnome gnome/libgnome 2.32.1 GNOME 2 library
libgnome-games-support gnome/libgnome-games-support 2.0.0 Code shared among GNOME games.
libgnomecanvas gnome/libgnomecanvas 2.30.3 GNOME canvas library
libgnomekbd gnome/libgnomekbd 3.28.1 Keyboard management library
libgnomeui gnome/libgnomeui 2.24.5 GNOME 2 UI library
libgovirt gnome/libgovirt 0.3.9 GObject-based library to access oVirt REST API
libgrss gnome/libgrss 0.7.0 A Glib-based library to manage RSS and Atom feeds
libgsf gnome/libgsf 1.14.52 An extensible I/O abstraction library for dealing with structured file formats
libgsystemservice gnome/libgsystemservice 0.2.0 libgsystemservice is a utility library providing common components needed for building system services to be exposed on the D-Bus system bus.
libgtop gnome/libgtop 2.41.3 LibGTop2
libgudev gnome/libgudev 232 libgudev
libgweather gnome/libgweather 4.4.4 Location and timezone database and weather-lookup library
libgxps gnome/libgxps 0.3.2 XPS Documents library
libhandy gnome/libhandy 1.8.3 The aim of the Handy library is to help with developing UI for mobile devices using GTK/GNOME. The documentation can be found online
libhttpseverywhere gnome/libhttpseverywhere 0.8.3 Lib for HTTPS Everywhere
libical-glib gnome/libical-glib 1.0.4 calendar library
libmanette gnome/libmanette 0.2.9 libmanette is a small GObject library giving you simple access to game controllers. This library is intended for software needing a painless access to game controllers from any programming language and with little dependencies.
libmediaart gnome/libmediaart 1.9.6 Library for handling media art
libmks gnome/libmks 0.1.5 libmks mouse keybourd screen for QEMU or something
libnma gnome/libnma 1.10.6 libnma
libnotify gnome/libnotify 0.8.3 libnotify is a library for sending desktop notifications
libpeas gnome/libpeas 2.0.5 A GObject plugins library
librsvg gnome/librsvg 2.59.0 SVG rendering library
libsecret gnome/libsecret 0.21.4 Secret Service D-Bus client library
libshumate gnome/libshumate 1.3.alpha libshumate is a GTK4 widget to display maps.
libsigcplusplus gnome/libsigcplusplus 3.6.0 Typesafe callback framework for C++, a.k.a. libsigc++
libsoup gnome/libsoup 3.6.0 HTTP client/server library for GNOME
libspelling gnome/libspelling 0.4.0 libspelling
libvirt-glib gnome/libvirt-glib 0.2.3 libvirt-glib virtual machine access library
libwacom gnome/libwacom 0.29 libwacom for tablet input
libwnck gnome/libwnck 43.0 Library to manage X windows and workspaces (via pagers, tasklists, etc.)
libxkbcommon gnome/libxkbcommon 0.6.1 libxkbcommon , keyboard event processing
libxml2 gnome/libxml2 2.13.4 XML parser and markup toolkit
libxmlplusplus gnome/libxmlplusplus 5.2.1 libxml++ is C++ binding for libxml2
libxslt gnome/libxslt 1.1.42 XSLT transformation library
libzapojit gnome/libzapojit 0.0.3 GLib/GObject wrapper for the SkyDrive and Hotmail REST APIs
lightsoff gnome/lightsoff 46.0 Turn off all the lights
localsearch gnome/localsearch 3.8.rc localsearch
loupe gnome/loupe 47.0 loupe image viewer
meld gnome/meld 3.22.2 Compare files, directories and working copies
metacity gnome/metacity 3.52.0 Metacity is a simple compositing window manager that integrates nicely with GNOME
mm-common gnome/mm-common 1.0.6 gnome. Common build files for the C++ bindings
mobile-broadband-provider-info gnome/mobile-broadband-provider-info 20220511 mobile broadband provider info
moserial gnome/moserial 3.0.21 Serial terminal for hardware hackers
mousetweaks gnome/mousetweaks 3.32.0 Mouse accessibility enhancements
msgraph gnome/msgraph 0.2.3 lib to access msgraph protocol
msitools gnome/msitools 0.103 Tools and a library to manipulate MSI files
mutter gnome/mutter 47.0 Window and compositing manager based on Clutter
nautilus gnome/nautilus 47.0 A file manager for GNOME, also is web-browser
nautilus-media gnome/nautilus-media 0.8.1 nautilus media components
nautilus-python gnome/nautilus-python 4.0.1 nautilus python components
nautilus-sendto gnome/nautilus-sendto 3.8.6 Easily send files via email
nemiver gnome/nemiver 0.9.6 Graphical C/C++ Debugger project. Does not compile for me.
network-manager-applet gnome/network-manager-applet 1.36.0 Applet for managing network connections
orca gnome/orca 47.0 Screen reader for individuals who are blind or visually impaired
ostree gnome/ostree 2014.4 OSTree is a tool for managing bootable, immutable, versioned filesystem trees.
pango gnome/pango 1.90.0 Internationalized text layout and rendering library
pangomm gnome/pangomm 2.54.0 C++ bindings for Pango
papers gnome/papers 47.0 papers, a fork of evince
phodav gnome/phodav 2.5 A soup DAV server
phosh gnome/phosh 0.41.1 A pure wayland shell for mobile devices like Purism_s Librem 5.
pitivi gnome/pitivi 2023.03 A GTK+-based video editor
polari gnome/polari 46.0 An IRC Client for GNOME
prompt gnome/prompt 46.alpha new terminal with support for containers
ptyxis gnome/ptyxis 47.0 Ptyxis is a terminal for GNOME with first-class support for containers.
pyatspi gnome/pyatspi 2.46.1 pyatspi
pybliographer gnome/pybliographer 1.4.0 Pybliographer is a tool for managing bibliographic databases, Includes Gnome interface for editing, searching, inserting your citations in LyX, Kile and, searching external databases like PubMed, Web of Science, Citeseer, and such. Has powerful APIs to integrate these features into your own custom application, with your own specific database schema.
pygobject gnome/pygobject 3.50.0 Python bindings for GObject Introspection
qqwing gnome/qqwing 1.3.4 qqwing Sudoku generating and solving software
quadrapassel gnome/quadrapassel 40.2 game of fitting falling blocks together
raw-thumbnailer gnome/raw-thumbnailer 47.0.1 raw-thumbnailer
rest gnome/rest 0.9.1 Library to access web services that claim to be "RESTful".
retro-gtk gnome/retro-gtk 1.0.2 retro-gtk
rhythmbox gnome/rhythmbox 3.4.7 Music playback and management application
rygel gnome/rygel 0.44.0 A UPnP AV media server and renderer
seahorse gnome/seahorse 47.0.1 Seahorse is a graphical interface for managing and using encryption keys.
shotwell gnome/shotwell 0.32.9 Digital photo organizer
simple-scan gnome/simple-scan 46.0 gnome GUI interface to SANE scanner library
snapshot gnome/snapshot 47.0.1 snapshot
sound-juicer gnome/sound-juicer 3.40.0 A lean and friendly audio CD extractor for GNOME
speech-dispatcher gnome/speech-dispatcher 0.8.7 Speech Dispatcher project provides a high-level device independent layer for access to speech synthesis through a simple, stable and well documented interface.
spice-gtk gnome/spice-gtk 0.34 spice-gtk
spice-protocol gnome/spice-protocol 0.12.13 spice-protocol
startup-notification gnome/startup-notification 0.12 startup-notification
sushi gnome/sushi 46.0 A quick previewer for Nautilus
swell-foop gnome/swell-foop 46.0 Clear the screen by removing groups of colored and shaped tiles game
sysprof gnome/sysprof 47.0 Sysprof kernel based performance profiler for Linux
tali gnome/tali 40.9 game
tecla gnome/tecla 47.0 tecla keyboard layout viewer
telegnome gnome/telegnome 0.3.6 telegnome displays teletext pages over the internet
template-glib gnome/template-glib 3.36.2 template-glib thingee
tepl gnome/tepl 6.9.0 Tepl is a library that eases the development of GtkSourceView-based text editors and IDEs. Tepl was previously named Gtef.
tinysparql gnome/tinysparql 3.8.rc The TinySPARQL library offers a complete RDF triplestore with SPARQL 1.1 interface and a minimal footprint. It allows creating local databases in memory or the filesystem, and accessing/creating endpoints for federated queries.
tomboy gnome/tomboy 1.15.9 Take notes, link ideas, and stay organized
totem gnome/totem 43.0 Movie player for the GNOME desktop based on GStreamer
totem-pl-parser gnome/totem-pl-parser 3.26.6 Simple GObject-based library to parse and save a host of playlist formats
tracker gnome/tracker 3.7.2 Desktop-neutral user information store, search tool and indexer
tracker-miners gnome/tracker-miners 3.7.2 Desktop-neutral user information store, search tool and indexer miner
uhttpmock gnome/uhttpmock 0.5.1 library for mocking web service APIs which use HTTP or HTTPS
usbredir gnome/usbredir 0.7.1 usbredir
vala gnome/vala 0.56.17 Vala compiler-to-C for the GNOME GObject type system
vinagre gnome/vinagre 3.22.0 Remote desktop viewer
vino gnome/vino 3.22.0 GNOME Desktop Sharing Server
vte gnome/vte 0.78.0 vte terminal widget
WebKitGTK gnome/webkitgtk 2.45.6 lib for applications interacting with the WWW, using GTK+
xdg-desktop-portal-gnome gnome/xdg-desktop-portal-gnome 47.0 xdg-desktop-portal-gnome
xdg-user-dirs-gtk gnome/xdg-user-dirs-gtk 0.11 xdg-user-dirs-gtk is a companion to xdg-user-dirs that integrates it into the Gnome desktop and Gtk+ applications. It gets run during login and does two things. Tracks changes of locale and prompts the user so the directories can be changed. Creates a default gtk bookmarks file if there is none, based on a set of xdg user dirs.
yelp gnome/yelp 42.2 Get help with GNOME
yelp-tools gnome/yelp-tools 42.1 Collection of tools for building and converting documentation
yelp-xsl gnome/yelp-xsl 42.1 Document transformations from Yelp
zenity gnome/zenity 4.0.2 Display dialog boxes from the command line and shell scripts
3DLDF gnu/3dldf 2.0.3 GNU 3DLDF supports 3D drawing with output to the MetaPost format via a language similar to Metafont. It is primarily intended to provide a means of creating 3D content for TeX documents, but it can also create animations containing text typeset by TeX.
8sync gnu/8sync 0.4.2 8sync (pronounced "eight-sync") is an asynchronous programming library for GNU Guile. It makes use of delimited continuations to avoid a mess of callbacks, resulting in clean, easy-to-read, non-blocking code.
ZRTPCPP gnu/ZRTPCPP 4.7.0 A library that adds ZRTP support to the GNU ccRTP stack and serves as library for other RTP stacks (PJSIP, GStreamer).
a2ps gnu/a2ps 4.15.6 GNU a2ps converts almost anything to a PostScript file, ready for printing. It accomplishes this by being able to delegate files to external handlers, such as Groff and Gzip. It handles as many steps as is necessary to produce a pretty-printed file. It also includes some extra abilities for special cases, such as pretty-printing "--help" output.
The GNU Accounting Utilities gnu/acct 6.6.4 GNU acct provides a means for system administrators to determine system usage patterns. It provides information on, for example, connections, programs executed, and system resources used.
ACM gnu/acm 5.1 GNU ACM is a flight simulator in which players can compete in aerial combat from different computers, piloting well-equipped jet aircraft similar to an F-16C Falcon or a MiG-29 Fulcrum.
adns gnu/adns 1.6.0 GNU adns is a C library that provides easy-to-use DNS resolution functionality. The library is asynchronous, allowing several concurrent calls. The package also includes several command-line utilities for use in scripts.
Alive gnu/alive 2.0.5 GNU Alive sends periodic pings to a server, generally to keep a connection alive.
anastasis gnu/anastasis 0.4.1 GNU Anastasis is a key backup and recovery tool
anastasis-gtk gnu/anastasis-gtk 0.4.1 GNU key manager gui
Anubis gnu/anubis 4.3 Anubis is a daemon that sits between the Mail User Agent (MUA) and the Mail Transfer Agent (MTA). When a mail is sent by a user in the MUA, it is first passed to Anubis, which performs additional processing to the message before passing it on for delivery by the MTA. Anubis may, for example, modify the message headers or body, or encrypt or sign the message.
GNU APL gnu/apl 1.9 GNU APL is a free interpreter for the programming language APL. It is an implementation of the ISO standard 13751.
Archimedes gnu/archimedes 2.0.1 Archimedes is a free package for semiconductor device simulations. It is intended to assist engineers in designing and simulating submicron and mesoscopic semiconductor devices based on the Ensemble Monte Carlo method. It is able to handle a wide variety of materials and structures, which are described through simple scripts.
Aris gnu/aris 2.2 Aris is a program for performing logical proofs. It supports propositional and predicate logic, as well as Boolean algebra and arithmetical logic. In addition to its predefined inference and equivalence rules, Aris also supports references to older proofs. Its use of standard logical symbols and its natural deduction interface make it easy to use for beginners.
artanis gnu/artanis 0.6 GNU Artanis is a web application framework written in Guile Scheme. A web application framework (WAF) is a software framework that is designed to support the development of dynamic websites, web applications, web services and web resources. The framework aims to alleviate the overhead associated with common activities performed in web development. Artanis provides several tools for web development: database access, templating frameworks, session management, URL-remapping for RESTful, page caching, and more.
Aspell gnu/aspell Aspell is a spell-checker which can be used either as a library or as a standalone program. Notable features of Aspell include its full support of documents written in the UTF-8 encoding and its ability to use multiple dictionaries, including personal ones. Dictionaries in
AUCTeX gnu/auctex 13.3 AUCTeX is an integrated environment for producing TeX documents in Emacs. It allows many different standard TeX macros to be inserted with simple keystrokes or menu selection. It offers an interface to external programs, enabling you to compile or view your documents from within Emacs. AUCTeX also features the ability to place inline previews of complex TeX statements such as mathematical formulae.
Autoconf gnu/autoconf 2.72 Autoconf offers the developer a robust set of M4 macros which expand into shell code to test the features of Unix-like systems and to adapt automatically their software package to these systems. The resulting shell scripts are self-contained and portable, freeing the user from needing to know anything about Autoconf or M4.
Autoconf gnu/autoconf 2.72d Autoconf offers the developer a robust set of M4 macros which expand into shell code to test the features of Unix-like systems and to adapt automatically their software package to these systems. The resulting shell scripts are self-contained and portable, freeing the user from needing to know anything about Autoconf or M4.
Autoconf Archive gnu/autoconf-archive 2023.02.20 Autoconf Archive is a collection of over 450 new macros for Autoconf, greatly expanding the domain of its functionality. These macros have been contributed as free software by the community.
AutoGen gnu/autogen 5.18.16 AutoGen is a program to ease the maintenance of programs that contain large amounts of repetitive text. It automates the construction of these sections of the code, simplifying the task of keeping the text in sync. It also includes an add-on package called AutoOpts, which is specialized for the maintenance and documentation of program options.
autogen-alpha gnu/autogen-alpha 5.19.96 autogen
Automake gnu/automake 1.17 Automake the part of the GNU build system for producing standards-compliant Makefiles. Build requirements are entered in an intuitive format and then Automake works with Autoconf to produce a robust Makefile, simplifying the entire process for the developer.
libavl gnu/avl 2.0.3 libavl provides a large collection of binary search tree and balanced tree routines for C. These trees offer at least O(log n) performance for usually costly operations such as searching, inserting or deleting items from a data structure.
Ball and Paddle gnu/ballandpaddle 0.8.1 Ball and Paddle is a classic arcade game in which you use a paddle at the bottom of the screen to bounce a ball against bricks in the upper region, eliminating the bricks as they are hit. As a novel twist, events and attributes of all the objects (bricks, ball, etc.) may be scripted with GNU Guile.
Barcode gnu/barcode 0.99 GNU Barcode is a flexible tool to produce printed barcodes from text strings. It supports a variety of encoding standards and sizing measurements. Barcodes can be output in PostScript or Encapsulated PostScript formats.
Bash gnu/bash 5.2 Bash is the shell, or command-line interpreter, of the GNU system. It is compatible with the Bourne Shell, but it also integrates useful features from the Korn Shell and the C Shell and new improvements of its own. It allows command-line editing, unlimited command history, shell functions and aliases, and job control while still allowing most sh scripts to be run without modification.
Bayonne gnu/bayonne 2.3.2 Bayonne is the telephony server of the GNU Telephony project. It offers a scalable environment for the development and deployment of telephony solutions, with a focus on SIP.
bc gnu/bc 1.07.1 bc is an arbitrary precision numeric processing language. It includes an interactive environment for evaluating mathematical statements. Its syntax is similar to that of C, so basic usage is familiar. It also includes "dc", a reverse-polish calculator.
Binutils gnu/binutils 2.43.1 GNU Binutils is a collection of tools for working with binary files. Perhaps the most notable are "ld", a linker, and "as", an assembler. Other tools include programs to display binary profiling information, list the strings in a binary file, and utilities for working with archives. The "bfd" library for working with executable and object formats is also included. Programs: addr2line ar as c++filt dwp elfedit gp-archive gp-collect-app gp-display-html gp-display-src gp-display-text gprof gprofng ld ld.bfd nm objcopy objdump ranlib readelf size strings strip
Bison gnu/bison 3.8.2 GNU Bison is a general-purpose parser generator. It can build a deterministic or generalized LR parser from an annotated, context-free grammar. It is versatile enough to have many applications, from parsers for simple tools through complex programming languages.
Bool gnu/bool 0.2.2 GNU Bool is a utility to perform text searches on files using Boolean expressions. For example, a search for "hello AND world" would return a file containing the phrase "Hello, world!". It supports both AND and OR statements, as well as the NEAR statement to search for the occurrence of words in close proximity to each other. It handles context gracefully, accounting for new lines and paragraph changes. It also has robust support for parsing HTML files.
BPEL2oWFN gnu/bpel2owfn 2.0.4 GNU BPEL2oWFN translates a web service expressed in Web Service Business Process Execution Language (WS-BPEL) into an open Workflow Net (oWFN). It may additionally convert a BPEL4Chor choreography to a Petri Net model. Properties of Petri Nets may be analyzed efficiently, due to the use of static analysis to make the models compact. Control and data flow analysis, as well as basic checks for deadlocks and other such properties are available.
breezy aka brz gnu/breezy 3.3.8 The GNU distributed version control system. Do not confuse this with another program on also called "bazaar" Bazaar, aka bzr, a python 2 program, has been replaced with this python 3 program, breezy aka brz. Also handles git or bzr archives.
Bazaar aka bzr gnu/bzr 2.7.0 The GNU distributed version control system, using python2. Do not confuse this with another program on also called "bazaar"
C-Graph gnu/c-graph 2.0.1 GNU C-Graph is a tool for demonstrating the theory of convolution. Thus, it can serve as an excellent aid to students of signal and systems theory in visualizing the convolution process. Rather than forcing the student to write code, the program offers an intuitive interface with interactive dialogs to guide them.
The GNU C Intro and Reference gnu/c-intro-and-ref 0.0 Intro and Reference for the GNU C programming language, as of 2023. Tutorial. Not the same document as "GNU C reference manual"
ccAudio2 gnu/ccaudio 2.2.0 GNU ccAudio2 is a portable C++ class for working with audio data from disk. The classes are both endian and content aware; rather than treating audio as binary data, this library treats it as an sequence of samples. It can also handle metadata information. ccAudio2 supports sun audio, raw samples, and RIFF encoded audio data.
ccd2cue gnu/ccd2cue 0.5 GNU ccd2cue is a preprocessor for CD burning software that allows the conversion of the proprietary CCD format to the CUE format, which is well-supported by free software. These files are commonly distributed with CD images and are used to describe how tracks are laid out on the image.
Ccide gnu/ccide 0.6.6 GNU Ccide is a decision table code generator for the C language. This helps to avoid unmanageable and error-prone chains of nested if-else statements. Instead, decision tables are entered in an intuitive and easy-to-read format, which is then expanded into portable C code.
ccRTP gnu/ccrtp 2.1.2 GNU ccRTP is an implementation of RTP, the real-time transport protocol from the IETF. It is suitable both for high capacity servers and personal client applications. It is flexible in its design, allowing it to function as a framework for the framework, rather than just being a packet-manipulation library.
ccScript3 gnu/ccscript 5.1.0 GNU ccScript3 is a library to add a virtual machine execution system for use with/as a scripting or assembler language for real-time, state-transition driven systems.
Cfengine gnu/cfengine 2.0.6 Cfengine, or the configuration engine, is an agent/software robot to configure and administer large computer networks. It also functions as a high-level language for designing expert systems to perform such tasks. It consists of a primitive intelligence for defining and automating the configuration and maintenance of the system state.
cflow gnu/cflow 1.7 GNU cflow analyzes C source files and produces a graph charting the control flow of the program. It can output the graph in several styles and in either the POSIX format or in an extended GNU format. cflow also includes a major mode for Emacs for examining the flowcharts that it produces.
cgicc gnu/cgicc 3.2.20 GNU cgicc is an ANSI-compliant C++ library for writing CGI applications, featuring support for FastCGI. The library supports several features, including handling both GET and POST data, handling a variety of form data types, and on-the-fly HTML generation.
challenger gnu/challenger 0.13.0 Challenger implements an HTTP server that allows clients to validate that a user is able to receive TAN codes at a given address using OAuth 2.0-style authorization. Envisioned use-cases are KYC checks where a user must prove that they are able to receive SMS, e-mails or physical mail.
Cim gnu/cim 5.1 Cim is the GNU compiler for Simula, the first object-oriented programming language.
Classpath gnu/classpath 0.99 GNU Classpath provides essential libraries for Java virtual machines and compilers. It is compatible with a large percentage of the language API specifications and provides a wide array of functionality.
Classpathx Activation Framework gnu/classpathx-activation 1.1.2 Type data and locate components suitable for acting on it
Classpathx Comm gnu/classpathx-comm 20040420 An implementation of the javax.comm API
Classpathx JavaMail gnu/classpathx-mail 1.1.2 A complete internet mail system, including MIME, for Java
Classpathx Servlet API gnu/classpathx-servletapi 3.0 An extensible framework for building web applications
CLISP gnu/clisp 2.49 GNU CLISP is an implementation of ANSI Common Lisp. Common Lisp is a high-level, object-oriented functional programming language. CLISP includes an interpreter, a compiler, a debugger, and much more.
com_payage_taler gnu/com_payage_taler 1.0 com_payage_taler
combine gnu/combine 0.4.0 GNU combine works to merge files based on a common key in a hash table. It can be seen as similar to, albeit much more powerful than, the standard "join" utility. Unlike "join", any number of files may be merged based on the matches found. combine also has other advanced features, such as date parsing and directory traversal.
Common C++ gnu/commoncpp 1.8.1 GNU Common C++ is an portable, optimized class framework for threaded applications, supporting concurrent synchronization, inter-process communications via sockets, and various methods for data handling, such as serialization and XML parsing. It includes the uCommon C++ library, a smaller reimplementation.
Complexity gnu/complexity 1.13 GNU complexity provides tools for finding procedures that are convoluted, overly long or otherwise difficult to understand. This may help in learning or reviewing unfamiliar code or perhaps highlighting your own code that seemed comprehensible when you wrote it.
config gnu/config 2022-10 config.guess and config.sub scripts, of use by package developers Shows canonical platform name triplet.
Coreutils gnu/coreutils 9.5 GNU Coreutils includes all of the basic command-line tools that are expected in a POSIX system. These provide the basic file, shell and text manipulation functions of the GNU system. Most of these tools offer extended functionality beyond that which is outlined in the POSIX standard.
cpio gnu/cpio 2.15 GNU cpio copies files into or out of cpio or tar archives. Indeed, many formats are supported, including legacy formats. The format is determined automatically by the program and is handled appropriately. Furthermore, the location of the archive is not important. It can be another file on the drive, a tape, or data on a pipe.
Cppi gnu/cppi 1.18 GNU Cppi processes C source code files to properly indent the preprocessor directives to reflect their nesting. It also performs other standardizations, such as correcting the number of spaces between directives and the text following them.
CSSC gnu/cssc 1.4.1 GNU CSSC provides a replacement for the legacy Unix source code control system SCCS. This allows old code still under that system to be accessed and migrated on modern systems. The executable is still called "sccs".
Cursynth gnu/cursynth 1.5 GNU cursynth is a polyphonic synthesizer that runs graphically in the terminal. It is built on a full-featured subtractive synthesis engine. Notes and parameter changes may be entered via MIDI or the computer s keyboard.
Dap gnu/dap 3.10 GNU Dap is a statistics and graphics package. It can read programs written for the proprietary statistics system SAS. Its syntax is similar to, but simpler than C, making performing most tasks relatively easy while still providing advanced graphical capabilities.
datamash gnu/datamash 1.8 Perform basic numeric, textual and statistical operations on plain text files. Designed to work within standard pipelines without additional code.
DDD gnu/ddd 3.4.1 GNU DDD, the Data Display Debugger, is a graphical front-end for command-line debuggers. Many back-end debuggers are supported, notably the GNU debugger, GDB. In addition to usual debugging features such as viewing the source files, DDD has additional graphical, interactive features to aid in debugging.
Ddrescue gnu/ddrescue 1.28 GNU ddrescue is a fully automated data recovery tool. It copies data from one file to another, working to rescue data in case of read errors. The program also includes a tool for manipulating its log files, which are used to recover data more efficiently by only reading the necessary blocks.
DejaGnu gnu/dejagnu 1.6.3 DejaGnu is a framework for testing software. In effect, it serves as a front-end for all tests written for a program. Thus, each program can have multiple test suites, which are then all managed by a single harness.
Denemo gnu/denemo 2.6.0 GNU Denemo is a music notation editor that provides a convenient interface to the powerful music engraving program Lilypond. Music can be typed in using the computer keyboard, played in using a MIDI keyboard, or even input via a microphone connected to the sound card. The final product is publication-quality music notation that is continuously generated in the background while you work.
Dico gnu/dico 2.11 GNU Dico implements a flexible dictionary server and client according to RFC 2229 (DICT Server). It is able to access any database available, regardless of format, thanks to its modular structure. New modules may be written in C, Guile or Python. Dico also includes a command-line client, which may be used to query remote dictionary databases.
Style and Diction gnu/diction 1.11 A package providing two classic Unix commands, style and diction. Diction is used to identify wordy and commonly misused phrases in a body of text. Style instead analyzes surface aspects of a written work, such as sentence length and other readability measures.
Diffutils gnu/diffutils 3.10 GNU Diffutils is a package containing tools for finding the differences between files. The "diff" command is used to show how two files differ, while "cmp" shows the offsets and line numbers where they differ. "diff3" allows you to compare three files. Finally, "sdiff" offers an interactive means to merge two files.
Dionysus gnu/dionysus 1.4.0 GNU Dionysus is a convenient system for quickly retrieving the values of mathematical constants used in science and engineering. Values can be searched using a simple command-line tool, choosing from three databases: universal constants, atomic numbers, and constants related to semiconductors.
Direvent gnu/direvent 5.4 A daemon that monitors directories for events, such as creating, deleting or modifying files. It can monitor different sets of directories for different events. When an event is detected, direvent calls a specified external program with information about the event, such as the location within the file system where it occurred. Thus, "direvent" provides an easy way to react immediately if given files undergo changes, for example, to track changes in important system configuration files.
Dominion gnu/dominion 2.8.2 GNU Dominion is a multi-player world simulation game. In it, each player rules a nation and must maintain their nation in the face of competition from the other players. Players must make political, economical, military and diplomatic decisions in order for their nations to survive. This game is intended to be played by players all with access to the same computer system.
Dr Geo gnu/drgeo 24.06a interactive geometry program for education
ease.js gnu/easejs 0.2.9 ease.js is a classical object-oriented framework for JavaScript, intended to eliminate boilerplate code and ease the transition to JavaScript from other object-oriented languages.
ed gnu/ed 1.20.2 Ed is a line-oriented text editor: rather than offering an overview of a document, ed performs editing one line at a time. It can be executed both interactively and via shell scripts. Its method of command input allows complex tasks to be performed in an automated way. GNU ed offers several extensions over the standard utility.
EDMA gnu/edma 0.18.6 GNU EDMA is a development environment that combines ideas from both object-oriented programming and component-based systems. It is used to build modular, evolving applications as well as reusable components. EDMA provides a convenient means to build object-oriented programs in C without requiring C++. Also, it has a unique component system, unlike other free software component-based systems which imitate the design of proprietary counterparts. It includes a graphical wizard, gidfwizard, a tool for building GNU EDMA Interface definition files and to create skeleton files necessary to build EDMA classes, and a graphical class browser, gecb.
EDMA alpha gnu/edma-alpha 0.19.1 GNU EDMA is a development environment that combines ideas from both object-oriented programming and component-based systems. It is used to build modular, evolving applications as well as reusable components. EDMA provides a convenient means to build object-oriented programs in C without requiring C++. Also, it has a unique component system, unlike other free software component-based systems which imitate the design of proprietary counterparts. It includes a graphical wizard, gidfwizard, a tool for building GNU EDMA Interface definition files and to create skeleton files necessary to build EDMA classes, and a graphical class browser, gecb.
Electric gnu/electric 9.07 GNU Electric is a CAD program for designing electrical circuits, handling custom IC layout, schematic drawing and hardware description language specifications. Several CAD operations are supported, such as rule checking and simulation. Many different types of designs can be produced and input or output in a wide variety of formats.
Emacs gnu/emacs 29.4 GNU Emacs is an extensible and highly customizable text editor. It is based on an Emacs Lisp interpreter with extensions for text editing. Emacs has been extended in essentially all areas of computing, giving rise to a vast array of packages supporting, e.g., email, IRC and XMPP messaging, spreadsheets, remote server editing, and much more. Emacs includes extensive documentation on all aspects of the system, from basic editing to writing large Lisp programs. It has full Unicode support for nearly all human languages.
Emacs Muse gnu/emacs-muse 3.20 Muse is an authoring and publishing environment for GNU Emacs. It supports entering text in a convenient and easy-to-learn format. Later, your documents may be published in a variety of different formats, such as HTML, LaTeX or PDF. Muse supports projects consisting of several documents, which are properly merged according to the output format.
EMMS gnu/emms 6.00 EMMS is the Emacs Multimedia System. It is a small front-end which can control one of the supported external players. Thus, it supports whatever formats are supported by your music player. It also supports tagging and playlist management, all behind a clean and light user interface.
Enscript gnu/enscript 1.6.6 GNU Enscript is a program to convert ASCII text files to PostScript, HTML or RTF formats, to be stored in files or sent immediately to a printer. It also includes the capability to perform syntax highlighting for several different programming languages.
epsilon gnu/epsilon master GNU epsilon, an extensible programming language. Reductionism is a viable strategy for designing and implementing practical programming languages, leading to solutions which are easier to extend, experiment with and formally analyze. We formally specify and implement an extensible programming language, based on a minimalistic first-order imperative core language plus strong abstraction mechanisms, reflection and self-modification features. The language can be extended to very high levels: by using Lisp-style macros and code-to-code transforms which automatically rewrite high-level expressions into core forms, we define closures and first-class continuations on top of the core.
Ferret gnu/ferret 0.7 GNU Ferret is a graphical data modeler for the Entity/Relationship paradigm. It can automatically create relational schemas from the data models and it can be used to generate SQL statements in a variety of dialects.
Findutils gnu/findutils 4.10.0 Findutils supplies the basic file directory searching utilities of the GNU system. It consists of two primary searching utilities: "find" recursively searches for files in a directory according to given criteria and "locate" lists files in a database that match a query. Two auxiliary tools are included: "updatedb" updates the file name database and "xargs" may be used to apply commands with arbitrarily long arguments.
foliot gnu/foliot 0.9.8 GNU Foliot is an application for keeping track of time spent working on projects.
fontopia gnu/fontopia 2.0 Fontopia is an easy-to-use, text-based, console font editor. It is used to edit the fonts that GNU/Linux uses to display text on text-based terminals. Fontopia works on both PSF 1 and 2, BDF, Code Paged (CP) fonts, and Raw font files. It provides a user-friendly, easy-to-use glyph editor and it can easily change font metrics (e.g. length, width, and height) and convert between different font formats.
Fontutils gnu/fontutils 0.7 GNU Fontutils is a collection of programs for handling fonts. Bitmaps can be extracted from scanned images of characters, edited, and converted into outline fonts. In general, Fontutils supports the font formats supported by the TeX typesetting environment, including PostScript Type 1 fonts.
FreeDink gnu/freedink 109.6 GNU FreeDink is a free and portable re-implementation of the engine for the role-playing game Dink Smallwood. It supports not only the original game data files but it also supports user-produced game mods or "D-Mods". To that extent, it also includes a front-end for managing all of your D-Mods.
FreeFont gnu/freefont 20120503 GNU FreeFont is a collection of scalable outline fonts that are suitable for general computer use and for desktop publishing. A serif, a sans serif and a monospace font are included, all available in both TrueType and OpenType formats. The fonts support a broad range of characters for many different writing systems, and have excellent coverage of mathematical notation.
FreeIPMI gnu/freeipmi 1.6.14 GNU FreeIPMI is a collection of in-band and out-of-band IPMI software in accordance with the IPMI v1.5/2.0 specification. These programs provide a set of interfaces for platform management. Common functionality includes sensor monitoring, system event monitoring, power control and serial-over-LAN.
Freetalk gnu/freetalk 4.2 GNU Freetalk is a command-line Jabber/XMPP chat client. It notably uses the Readline library to handle input, so it features convenient navigation of text as well as tab-completion of buddy names, commands and English words. It is also scriptable and extensible via Guile.
FriBidi gnu/fribidi 1.0.12 GNU FriBidi is an implementation of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm. This algorithm is used to properly display text in left-to-right or right-to-left ordering as necessary.
GNU G-Golf gnu/g-golf master G-Golf is a Guile Object Library for GNOME. G-Golf low level API comprises a binding to (most of) the GObject Introspection and (some of) the GObject and Glib libraries, as well as additional (G-Golf) utilities used to import GObject libraries and build their corresponding G-Golf high level API. Note: to be precise, G-Golf imports (and depends on the existence of) a Typelib - a binary, readonly, memory-mappable database containing reflective information about a GObject library.
gama gnu/gama 2.31 GNU Gama is a program for the adjustment of geodetic networks. It is useful in measurements where Global Positioning System (GPS) is not available, such as underground. It features the ability to adjust in local Cartesian coordinates as well as partial support for adjustments in global coordinate systems.
Gama-qt gnu/gama-qt 1-02 Gama-qt subproject is implementing Qt based GUI for GNU Gama project.
Gratuitous ARP Daemon gnu/garpd 0.2.0 GNU garpd broadcasts Gratuitous ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) requests/replies for a list of MAC address <-> IP address mappings on specified interfaces at regular intervals. Gratuitous ARP request packets are those where the source and the destination IPs are both the IP of the requesting machine. Gratuitous ARP replies are those made without a corresponding request.
Gawk gnu/gawk 5.3.1 Gawk is the GNU implementation of Awk, a specialized programming language for the easy manipulation of formatted text, such as tables of data. Gawk features many extensions beyond the traditional implementation, including network access, sorting, and large libraries.
gcal gnu/gcal 4.1 Gcal is a program to calculate and print calendars on the command-line. Calendars can be printed in 1-month, 3-month or whole-year views. In addition, eternal holiday lists can be generated for many countries, which can be complemented by user-made lists of fixed dates to make an agenda. Gcal can also calculate astronomical data, such as the phases of the moon, and supports alternative calendar formats: Julian, Gregorian, Islamic, Chinese and more.
The GNU Compiler Collection version 10 gnu/gcc10 10.5.0 GCC is the GNU Compiler Collection 10. It provides compiler front-ends for several languages, including C, C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++, Fortran, Ada, D, Brig, and Go. It also includes runtime support libraries for these languages.
The GNU Compiler Collection version 11 gnu/gcc11 11.5.0 GCC is the GNU Compiler Collection 11. It provides compiler front-ends for several languages, including C, C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++, Fortran, Ada, D, Brig, and Go. It also includes runtime support libraries for these languages.
The GNU Compiler Collection version 12 gnu/gcc12 12.4.0 GCC is the GNU Compiler Collection 12. It provides compiler front-ends for several languages, including C, C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++, Fortran, Ada, D, Brig, and Go. It also includes runtime support libraries for these languages.
The GNU Compiler Collection version 12 development version gnu/gcc12snapshot 12-20240919 GCC is the GNU Compiler Collection 12. It provides compiler front-ends for several languages, including C, C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++, Fortran, Ada, D, Brig, and Go. It also includes runtime support libraries for these languages.
The GNU Compiler Collection version 13 gnu/gcc13 13.3.0 GCC is the GNU Compiler Collection. It provides compiler front-ends for several languages, including C, C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++, Fortran, Ada, D, Go, and Modula 2. With runtime support libraries for these languages.
The GNU Compiler Collection version 13 development version gnu/gcc13snapshot 13-20240920 GCC is the GNU Compiler Collection. It provides compiler front-ends for several languages, including C, C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++, Fortran, Ada, D, Go, and Modula 2. WIth runtime support libraries for these languages.
The GNU Compiler Collection version 14 gnu/gcc14 14.2.0 GCC is the GNU Compiler Collection. It provides compiler front-ends for several languages, including C, C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++, Fortran, Ada, D, Go, and Modula 2. WIth runtime support libraries for these languages.
The GNU Compiler Collection version 14 development version gnu/gcc14snapshot 14-20240921 GNU Compiler Collection 14 snapshot
The GNU Compiler Collection version 15 development version gnu/gcc15snapshot 15-20240922 GCC is the GNU Compiler Collection. It provides compiler front-ends for several languages, including C, C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++, Fortran, Ada, D, Go, and Modula 2. WIth runtime support libraries for these languages.
The GNU Compiler Collection version 7 gnu/gcc7 7.5.0 GCC 7 is the GNU Compiler Collection version 7. It provides compiler front-ends for several languages, including C, C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++, Fortran, Java, Ada, and Go. It also includes runtime support libraries.
The GNU Compiler Collection version 8 gnu/gcc8 8.5.0 GCC 8 is the GNU Compiler Collection version 8. It provides compiler front-ends for several languages, including C, C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++, Fortran, Ada, and Go. It also includes runtime support libraries.
The GNU Compiler Collection version 9 gnu/gcc9 9.5.0 GCC is the GNU Compiler Collection 9. It provides compiler front-ends for several languages, including C, C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++, Fortran, Ada, D, Brig, and Go. It also includes runtime support libraries for these languages.
Collaborative International Dictionary of English gnu/gcide 0.53 GCIDE is a free English dictionary based on a combination of sources, published 1890, updated 1913. It can be used via the GNU Dico program or accessed online at
GNU Common Lisp gnu/gcl Version_2_7_0pre26 GCL is an implementation of the Common Lisp language. It features the ability to compile to native object code and to load native object code modules directly into its lisp core. It also features a stratified garbage collection strategy, a source-level debugger and a built-in interface to the Tk widget system.
GCompris gnu/gcompris 15.02 GCompris is a suite of educational software for children. It features a variety of activities suitable for kids aged 2 to 10 years old. The suite includes activities to introduce and develop skills in computer use, algebra, science, reading and more. It also features some games such as chess and sudoku.
GNU debugger gnu/gdb 15.1 GDB is the GNU debugger. With it, you can monitor what a program is doing while it runs or what it was doing just before a crash. It allows you to specify the runtime conditions, to define breakpoints, and to change how the program is running to try to fix bugs. It can be used to debug programs written in C, C++, Ada, Objective-C, Pascal, D, Fortran, Go, OpenCL, Modula-2, Rust, assembly, and more.
gdbm gnu/gdbm 1.24 GDBM is a library for manipulating hashed databases. It is used to store key/value pairs in a file in a manner similar to the Unix dbm library and provides interfaces to the traditional file format.
GECB gnu/gecb 0.8.4 A graphical class browser for GNU EDMA
Gengen gnu/gengen 1.4.2 GNU Gengen is a program to generate text-generators, i.e., functions producing text with variable sections. The text is first specified by the user in a template file containing parameters, then processed by gengen to create the text-generator. At runtime, the variable text is defined by the rest of the program and passed to the text-generator, which then substitutes it into the template parameters and returns the result. Gengen can be used to generate C and C++ code.
Gengetopt gnu/gengetopt 2.23 GNU Gengetopt is a program to generate a C/C++ function for parsing command-line options using the getopt_long function found in GNU libc, removing some of the tedium of this task for large programs that accept many options. The options parsed by the generated function may be in both short (e.g., "-h") and long ("--help") formats, as specified by the GNU coding standards. Additionally, the output of the standard options "--help" and "--version" is generated automatically.
gettext gnu/gettext 0.22.5 GNU Gettext is a package providing a framework for translating the textual output of programs into multiple languages. It provides translators with the means to create message catalogs, as well as an Emacs mode to work with them, and a runtime library to load translated messages from the catalogs. Nearly all GNU packages use Gettext.
Gforth gnu/gforth 0.7.9_20240821 Gforth is a fast and portable implementation of the ANSI Forth language. It includes an editing mode for Emacs and an interpreter featuring completion and history. A generic virtual machine environment, vmgen, is also included.
gradebook gnu/ggradebook 0.91 GNU Gradebook is an application for teachers for tracking student grades. It supports several grading styles, including American (A, B, C, D, F) and European numeric scales.
Ghostscript gnu/ghostscript 10.03.1 Ghostscript is an interpreter for the PostScript language and the PDF file format. It also includes a C library that implements the graphics capabilities of the PostScript language. It supports a wide variety of output file formats and printers.
Graphical IDF Wizard gnu/gidfwizard 0.6.4 A tool to build GNU EDMA Interface Definition files
gift, GNU Image-Finding Tool gnu/gift master The GNU Image-Finding Tool (gift) is a Content Based Image Retrieval System. It uses the content of images to perform queries on a collection, enabling you to query by example. Also, a tool to index whole directory trees is included.
GNU Image Manipulation Program gnu/gimp 2.10.38 GIMP is an application for image manipulation tasks such as photo retouching, composition and authoring. It supports all common image formats as well as specialized ones. It features a highly customizable interface that is extensible via a plugin system.
gjdoc gnu/gjdoc 0.7.9 A documentation generation framework for Java source files
glean gnu/glean 0.1 The goals of the Glean project are to provide a highly personal learning environmentd that is nonetheless capable of building on collaborative content contributions, which provides the means to build hierarchies of content, and that is deployable in different ways (web service, self-hosted, single executable).
The GNU C Library glibc gnu/glibc 2.40 The GNU C Library is the standard C library of the GNU system. It defines the system calls and other basic functionality necessary to write programs in the C language. It handles low-level functionality that communicates with the kernel, such as process and file management, as well as higher-level functionality such as string manipulation or command-line argument handling.
global gnu/global 6.6.13 GLOBAL is a source code tagging system that functions in the same way across a wide array of environments, such as different text editors, shells and web browsers. The resulting tags are useful for quickly moving around in a large, deeply nested project.
GNU Linear Programming Kit gnu/glpk 5.0 GLPK is a C library for solving large-scale linear programming (LP), mixed integer programming (MIP), and other related problems. It supports the GNU MathProg modeling language, a subset of the AMPL language, and features a translator for the language. In addition to the C library, a stand-alone LP/MIP solver is included in the package.
GMediaServer gnu/gmediaserver 0.13.0 GMediaServer is a UPnP-compatible media server. It serves audio and video files to network-connected media players via a command-line program that runs in the background.
GNU MP gnu/gmp 6.3.0 GMP is a library for arbitrary precision arithmetic, operating on signed integers, rational numbers and floating point numbers. The precision is only limited by the available memory. The library is highly optimized, with a design focus on execution speed. It is aimed at use in, for example, cryptography and computational algebra.
Gnash gnu/gnash 0.8.10 Gnash is a free Flash movie player. It supports SWF version v7 and some of v8 and v9. It is possible to configure Gnash to use several different audio or video backends, ensuring good performance.
GNATS gnu/gnats 4.2.0 GNATS is a set of tools for tracking bugs and other user-reported software issues. It is completely open-ended in how its database may be queried, edited and maintained, featuring interfaces ranging from the command-line to Emacs, though the main means of interaction is via its web interface. It is also flexible enough to support user-made utilities.
Gnatsweb gnu/gnatsweb 4.00 Gnatsweb is the web interface to GNATS, the GNU bugtracking system. It provides a convenient means for working remotely with a GNATS database.
The GNU C Reference Manual gnu/gnu-c-manual 0.2.5 This is a reference manual for the C programming language, as implemented by the GNU C Compiler (gcc). As a reference, it is not intended to be a tutorial of the language. Rather, it outlines all of the constructs of the language. Library functions are not included.
gnu-pw-mgr gnu/gnu-pw-mgr 2.7.4 This program is designed to make it easy to reconstruct difficult passwords when they are needed while limiting the risk of attack. The user of this program inputs a self-defined transformation of a web site URL and obtains the password and user name hint for that web site.
gnuastro gnu/gnuastro 0.23 Various programs and library functions for the manipulation and analysis of astronomical data, with high quality manual.
GNUbatch gnu/gnubatch 1.11 GNUbatch is an advanced batch scheduling system. It executes computational jobs at specified dates and times or according to interdependencies. The jobs may be completed on any number of processors shared across a network. Full access-control of the jobs is supported.
GNU Backgammon gnu/gnubg 1.08.003 The GNU backgammon application can be used for playing, analyzing and teaching the game. It has an advanced evaluation engine based on artificial neural networks suitable for both beginners and advanced players. In addition to a command-line interface, it also features an attractive, 3D representation of the playing board.
gnubiff gnu/gnubiff 2.2.16 GNUbiff is a program that checks for mail and notifies you when new messages arrive. It supports multiple mailboxes which may be accessed via a variety of methods such as POP3, IMAP, MH and mailfiles. Graphical notifications are provided with GTK and complete integration with GNOME is supported.
Gnubik gnu/gnubik 2.4.3 GNUbik is a puzzle game in which you must manipulate a cube to make each of its faces have a uniform color. The game is customizable, allowing you to set the size of the cube (the default is 3x3) or to change the colors. You may even apply photos to the faces instead of colors. The game is scriptable with Guile.
gnuboot gnu/gnuboot 0.1-rc3 gnuboot source, 400 MB
Gnucap gnu/gnucap 20171003 GNUcap, GNU Circuit Analysis Package. It offers a general purpose circuit simulator and can perform DC and transient analyses, fourier analysis and AC analysis. The engine is designed to do true mixed-mode simulation. See also for add-ons.
GnuCash gnu/gnucash 3.0 GnuCash is personal and professional financial-accounting software. It can be used to track bank accounts, stocks, income and expenses, based on the double-entry accounting practice. It includes support for QIF/OFX/HBCI import and transaction matching. It also automates several tasks, such as financial calculations or scheduled transactions.
GNUChess gnu/gnuchess 6.2.9 GNU Chess is a chess engine. It allows you to compete against the computer in a game of chess, either through the default terminal interface or via an external visual interface such as GNU XBoard.
GnuCOBOL gnu/gnucobol 3.2 A modern COBOL compiler
GnuDOS gnu/gnudos 2.0 GnuDOS is a set of programs designed to help new users of the GNU system in growing accustomed to the system, particularly users who might be coming from a DOS background. It consists of a file manager, a text editor and a form designer for the console as well as a core library for building similar utilities.
GNUfdisk gnu/gnufdisk 2.0.0a1 GNU fdisk provides a GNU version of the common disk partitioning tool fdisk. fdisk is used for the creation and manipulation of disk partition tables, and it understands a variety of different formats.
GNU Go gnu/gnugo 3.8 GNU Go is a program that plays the game of Go, in which players place stones on a grid to form territory or capture other stones. While it can be played directly from the terminal, rendered in ASCII characters, it is also possible to play GNU Go with 3rd party graphical interfaces or even in Emacs. It supports the standard game storage format (SGF, Smart Game Format) and inter-process communication format (GMP, Go Modem Protocol).
gnuhealth gnu/gnuhealth 4.4.1 GNU Health is a free medical software system, including support for electronic medical records (EMR), a hospital information system (HIS), and health information system. It supports both Spanish and English interfaces. It has been adopted by the United Nations University for implementation and training, and several hospitals and health ministries around the world.
gnuhealth-client gnu/gnuhealth-client 4.2.1 GNU Health is a free medical software system, including support for electronic medical records (EMR), a hospital information system (HIS), and health information system. It supports both Spanish and English interfaces. It has been adopted by the United Nations University for implementation and training, and several hospitals and health ministries around the world. Client.
gnuhealth-control gnu/gnuhealth-control 4.2.0 GNU Health is a free medical software system, including support for electronic medical records (EMR), a hospital information system (HIS), and health information system. It supports both Spanish and English interfaces. It has been adopted by the United Nations University for implementation and training, and several hospitals and health ministries around the world. gnuhealth-control update, put in gnuhealth folder.
gnuhealth-setup gnu/gnuhealth-setup 4.2.0 GNU Health is a free medical software system, including support for electronic medical records (EMR), a hospital information system (HIS), and health information system. It supports both Spanish and English interfaces. It has been adopted by the United Nations University for implementation and training, and several hospitals and health ministries around the world. Setup update, put in gnuhealth folder.
GNU Interactive Tools gnu/gnuit 4.9.5 The GNU Interactive Tools are a set of lightweight, interactive command-line tools. They include an extensible, orthodox (two-pane) file manager, an ASCII/hex file viewer, and a process viewer/killer. The package also includes some related utilities and scripts, such as a tool to decompress any type of archive file. All the tools can be enhanced and extended through their configuration files to perform new commands.
GNUjump gnu/gnujump 1.0.8 GNUjump is a simple, yet addictive game in which you must jump from platform to platform to avoid falling, while the platforms drop at faster rates the higher you go. The game features multiplayer, unlimited FPS, smooth floor falling, themeable graphics and sounds, and replays.
gnulib gnu/gnulib master Gnulib is a central location for common infrastructure needed by GNU packages. It provides a wide variety of functionality, e.g., portability across many systems, working with Unicode strings, cryptographic computation, and much more. The code is intended to be shared at the level of source files, rather than being a standalone library that is distributed, built, and installed. The included "gnulib-tool" script helps with using Gnulib code in other packages. Gnulib also includes copies of licensing and maintenance-related files, for convenience.
GNUmed-client gnu/gnumed-client 1.8.15 medical records software
GNUmed-server gnu/gnumed-server 22.25 medical records software, server part
GNUMP3d gnu/gnump3d 3.0 GNUMP3d is a streaming server for MP3s and OGG vorbis audio files, movies, and other media formats. It is small and self-contained, presenting a simple, themeable HTML interface. The audio files can then be played in any player that supports streaming over HTTP.
GNUnited Nations gnu/gnun 1.5 GNUnited Nations is a build system for translating the web site at It works via template files, which allow changes to be merged into individual translations of a page, from which the final HTML is generated. In effect, this helps to keep all translations of a page up-to-date.
GNUnet gnu/gnunet 0.22.0 GNUnet is a framework for secure peer-to-peer networking. The high-level goal is to provide a strong foundation of free software for a global, distributed network that provides security and privacy. GNUnet in that sense aims to replace the current internet protocol stack. Along with an application for secure publication of files, it has grown to include all kinds of basic applications for the foundation of a GNU internet.
GNUnet-fuse gnu/gnunet-fuse 0.22.0 A FUSE filesystem client for GNUnet
GNUnet-gtk gnu/gnunet-gtk 0.22.0 GNUnet GTK+ interface
GnuPG gnu/gnupg 2.5.1 The GNU Privacy Guard is a complete implementation of the OpenPGP standard. It is used to encrypt and sign data and communication. It features powerful key management and the ability to access public key servers. It includes several libraries: libassuan (IPC between GnuPG components), libgpg-error (centralized GnuPG error values), and libskba (working with X.509 certificates and CMS data).
GNUpod gnu/gnupod 0.99.8 GNUpod is a collection of scripts for using iPods with GNU/Linux and other operating systems. It can be used for transferring music and cover art, searching files, removing files, editing tags, creating playlists and more.
Prolog for Java gnu/gnuprologjava 0.2.6 GNU Prolog for Java is an implementation of the ISO Prolog standard as a Java library (gnu.prolog). Thus, with it you can use Prolog from within Java programs. java -jar share/java/gnuprologjava.jar
GNU Radio gnu/gnuradio GNU Radio is a toolkit for implementing software radios. Its signal processing blocks can be combined with low-cost external RF hardware to create software-defined radios. Without hardware, it can be used for simulation. Radio applications are primarily written in Python, with C++ support for performance-critical processing tasks.
gnurl gnu/gnurl 7.72.0 a fork of curl, HTTP downloader, needed for gnunet
Robots gnu/gnurobots 1.2.0 GNU Robots is a game in which you program a robot to explore a world full of enemies that can hurt it, obstacles and food to be eaten. The goal of the game is to stay alive and collect prizes. The robot program conveniently may be written in a plain text file in the Scheme programming language.
gnuschool gnu/gnuschool 0.2 GNUschool is a web application for students, teachers and school administrators. With it, teachers can create tests for the students to take online, give feedback and assign grades. School administrators can use it to monitor student attendance and edit student information.
Shogi gnu/gnushogi 1.4.2 GNU Shogi is a program that plays the game Shogi (Japanese Chess). It also includes a graphical interface to the game. While similar to standard chess, this variant is far more complicated.
GNUsound gnu/gnusound 0.7.5 GNUsound is a multitrack sound editor for GNOME 1 and 2. It can read and write many audio file formats such as WAV, MP3 and FLAC. It can work with the OSS, ALSA or JACK audio backends. It provides many different built-in audio processing modules, such as fades in/out, delay, and filters. GLADSPA plugins may also be used for further processing.
gnuspeech_sa gnu/gnuspeech_sa 0.1.8 gnuspeech_sa makes it easy to produce high quality computer speech output, design new language databases, and create controlled speech stimuli for psychophysical experiments. The suite of programs uses a true articulatory model of the vocal tract and incorporates models of English rhythm and intonation based on extensive research that sets a new standard for synthetic speech. Based on a NeXT program, also available somewhere.
GNUspool gnu/gnuspool 1.8 GNUspool is an advanced print spooling system. In addition to the functionality of the standard printing system, it provides post-processing capabilities, form type handling, alignment pages and other features. It functions transparently on a network, sharing jobs on any host with printers on any other host. Several user different interfaces are available.
GNU Coding Standards gnu/gnustandards 2023.03 This package contains info documents, in info form, outlining the GNU coding standards. See to see it all online, ready to read; otherwise "info standards"
GnuTLS gnu/gnutls GnuTLS is a secure communications library implementing the SSL, TLS and DTLS protocols. It is provided in the form of a C library to support the protocols, as well as to parse and write X.509, PKCS 12, OpenPGP and other required structures.
GNUtrition gnu/gnutrition 0.32 GNUtrition is a free nutrition analysis software. With it, one can keep track of the nutritional information of food. The software uses the Nutrient Database of Standard Reference of the US Department of Agriculture as a source of food nutrient information.
Goptical gnu/goptical Goptical is a library for optical design and simulation in C++. It provides model classes for optical components, surfaces and materials. With it, one can simulate building an optical system by creating and placing optical components in a 3d space, and visualize light propagating through the system.
gpa gnu/gpa 0.10.0 gpa is a graphical frontend to GnuPG.
gpaint gnu/gpaint 0.3.3 GNU Paint is a simple, easy-to-use paint program for the GNOME environment. It supports drawing freehand as well as basic shapes and text. It features cut-and-paste for irregular regions or polygons.
gperf gnu/gperf 3.1 gperf is a perfect hash function generator. For a given list of strings, it produces a hash function and hash table in C or C++ code. That the hash function is perfect means that no collisions can exist and that look-ups can be made by single string comparisons.
gpgme gnu/gpgme 1.23.2 gpgme, GPG Made Easy, library connection to GNU Privacy Guard
gprofng-gui gnu/gprofng-gui 1.1 The GNU gprofng GUI is a feature rich graphical user interface for the GNU gprofng tool. It makes it possible to interactively analyze and compare gprofng profiling experiments. Users can drill into an applications profile together with the applications code to gather an understanding and insight into what an application is doing throughout its runtime.
gprolog gnu/gprolog 1.5.0 GNU Prolog is a standards-compliant Prolog compiler with constraint solving over finite domains. It accepts Prolog+ constraint programs and produces a compiled, native binary which can function in a stand-alone manner. It also features an interactive interpreter.
GNU Radio How to write a block gnu/gr-howto-write-a-block 3.6.0 GnuRadio Software defined radio implementation documentation
phpGrabComics gnu/grabcomics 1.5.4 phpGrabComics is a program that fetches and saves comic strips from the web. It features both a server, which can download strips from different sources, and ports, tiny applications which get the list of available comics from the server.
Greg gnu/greg 1.4 GNU Greg is a framework for testing programs and libraries. It provides a single front-end for all tests of a package as well as a simple framework for writing the tests. It is loaded as a Guile module into any software with an embedded Guile interpreter. It also provides a compiled module that may be dynamically linked into Guile to permit testing external programs.
grep gnu/grep 3.11 grep is a tool for finding text inside files. Text is found by matching a pattern provided by the user in one or many files. The pattern may be provided as a basic or extended regular expression, or as fixed strings. By default, the matching text is simply printed to the screen, however the output can be greatly customized to include, for example, line numbers. GNU grep offers many extensions over the standard utility, including, for example, recursive directory searching.
gretl gnu/gretl 2023a GNU Gretl is a package for performing statistical computations for econometrics. It consists of both a command-line client and a graphical client. It features a variety of estimators such as least-squares and maximum likelihood; several time series methods such as ARIMA and GARCH; limited dependent variables such as logit, probit and tobit; and a powerful scripting language. It can output models as LaTeX files. It also may be linked to GNU R and GNU Octave for further data analysis.
groff, troff etc gnu/groff 1.23.0 Groff is a typesetting package that reads plain text and produces formatted output based on formatting commands contained within the text. It is traditionally the formatter of "man" documentation pages.
GRUB gnu/grub 2.12 GRUB is a multiboot bootloader. It is used for initially loading the kernel of an operating system and then transferring control to it. The kernel then goes on to load the rest of the operating system. As a multiboot bootloader, GRUB handles the presence of multiple operating systems installed on the same computer; upon booting the computer, the user is presented with a menu to select one of the installed operating systems.
GNU SASL gnu/gsasl 2.2.1 GNU SASL is an implementation of the Simple Authentication and Security Layer framework. On network servers such as IMAP or SMTP servers, SASL is used to handle client/server authentication. This package contains a command-line tool to access the library. The library in in libgsasl.
GSEGrafix gnu/gsegrafix 1.0.6 GSEGrafix is an application which produces high-quality graphical plots for science and engineering. Plots are specified via simple ASCII parameter files and data files and are presented in an anti-aliased GNOME canvas. The program supports rectangular two-dimensional plots, histograms, polar-axis plots and three-dimensional plots. Plots can be printed or saved to BMP, JPEG or PNG image formats.
The GNU Scientific Library gnu/gsl 2.8 The GNU Scientific Library is a library for numerical analysis in C and C++. It includes a wide range of mathematical routines, with over 1000 functions in total. Subject areas covered by the library include: differential equations, linear algebra, Fast Fourier Transforms and random numbers.
GNU Slip gnu/gslip 1.0.2 GNU Slip is a functional extension of the capabilities provided in the C++ Standard Template Library (STL) list and queue containers, though SLIP is not a replacement for the STL containers. SLIP data cells can be used in application-specific computations, among other enhancements.
Generic Security Service gnu/gss 1.0.4 The GNU Generic Security Service provides a free implementation of the GSS-API specification. It provides a generic application programming interface for programs to access security services. Security services present a generic, GSS interface, with which the calling application interacts via this library, freeing the application developer from needing to know about the underlying security implementation.
GTick gnu/gtick 0.5.4 GTick is a metronome application. It supports different meters, such as 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, etc. It also supports a wide range of speeds, from 10 to 1000 BPM. It provides a GTK+-based user interface and it can use both OSS and ALSA as the audio back-end.
Typist gnu/gtypist 2.9.5 GNU Typist is a universal typing tutor. It can be used to learn and practice touch-typing. Several tutorials are included; in addition to tutorials for the standard QWERTY layout, there are also tutorials for the alternative layouts Dvorak and Colemak, as well as for the numpad. Tutorials are primarily in English, however some in other languages are provided.
Guile gnu/guile 3.0.10 Guile is the GNU Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extensions, the official extension language of the GNU system. It is an implementation of the Scheme language which can be easily embedded in other applications to provide a convenient means of extending the functionality of the application without requiring the source code to be rewritten.
guile-clutter gnu/guile-clutter A Guile interface to the Clutter library
guile-cv gnu/guile-cv 0.4.0 Computer Vision functional programming library for Guile, wraps the vigra library.
guile-dbi gnu/guile-dbi 2.1.9 guile-dbi is a library for Guile that provides a convenient interface to SQL databases. Database programming with guile-dbi is generic in that the same programming interface is presented regardless of which database system is used. It currently supports MySQL, Postgres and SQLite3.
guile-debbugs gnu/guile-debbugs 0.0.3 provides a Guile library to communicate with a Debbugs bug tracker_s SOAP service.
guile-gnome-gstreamer gnu/guile-gnome-gstreamer 0.9.91 Guile bindings to the GStreamer audio framework
guile-gnome-platform gnu/guile-gnome-platform 2.16.5 A Guile interface to GNOME development libraries
guile-GnuTLS gnu/guile-gnutls 4.0.0 GnuTLS is a secure communications library implementing the SSL, TLS and DTLS protocols. guile interface
guile-gtksourceview gnu/guile-gtksourceview 1.8.0 Guile bindings to the gtksourceview widget
guile-ncurses gnu/guile-ncurses 3.1 guile-ncurses provides Guile language bindings for the ncurses library.
Guile-OpenGL gnu/guile-opengl 0.2.0 Guile-OpenGL is a library for Guile that provides bindings to the OpenGL graphics API.
Guile-RPC gnu/guile-rpc 0.4 GNU Guile-RPC is an implementation of the Open Network Computing Remote Procedure Call (ONC RPC) protocol and its underlying binary data format, XDR, for the Guile Scheme programming language.
Guile-SDL gnu/guile-sdl 0.6.1 Guile-SDL is a set of bindings to the Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL). With them, Guile programmers can have easy access to graphics, sound and device input (keyboards, joysticks, mice, etc.). See also "other/guile-sdl2"
GURGLE gnu/gurgle 1.61 GURGLE produces database report listings from record and field information from a file. It uses the report to produce (La)TeX-formatted output, plain ASCII text, troff, PostScript, HTML, XML, or any other ASCII-based output format. It may be used for producing large bodies of text where small parts of the text are substituted with information from the database. GURGLE supports GNUSQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL and CA-Ingres databases.
GV gnu/gv 3.7.4 GNU GV is a graphical user interface to the Ghostscript interpreter. With it, one can view and navigate through PostScript and PDF documents in X Windows.
GNU Virtual Private Ethernet gnu/gvpe 3.1 The GNU Virtual Private Ethernet creates a virtual network with multiple nodes using a variety of transport protocols. It works by creating encrypted host-to-host tunnels between multiple endpoints.
gwl gnu/gwl 0.5.1 The Guix Workflow Language (GWL) provides an extension to GNU Guix s declarative language for package management to automate the execution of programs in scientific workflows. The GWL can use process engines to integrate with various computing environments.
gxmessage gnu/gxmessage 3.4.3 GNU gxmessage is a program that pops up dialog windows, which display a message to the user and waits for their action. The program then exits with an exit code corresponding to the response.
Gzip gnu/gzip 1.13 GNU Gzip provides data compression and decompression utilities; the typical extension is ".gz". Unlike the "zip" format, it compresses a single file; as a result, it is often used in conjunction with "tar", resulting in ".tar.gz" or ".tgz", etc.
HaliFAX Sender gnu/halifax-sender 0.4.2 A program or sending faxes
HaliFAX Viewer gnu/halifax-viewer 0.22.0 A program for viewing faxes
Hello gnu/hello 2.12.1 GNU Hello prints the message "Hello, world!" and then exits. It serves as an example of standard GNU coding practices. As such, it supports command-line arguments, multiple languages, and so on.
help2man gnu/help2man 1.49.3 GNU help2man is a program that converts the output of standard "--help" and "--version" command-line arguments into a manual page automatically.
hp2xx gnu/hp2xx 3.4.4 GNU hp2xx converts vector graphics specified in the HP-GL plotter language into a variety of graphical formats, both vector- and raster-based, including EPS, PCX, IMG, and formats intended for use within TeX documents.
httptunnel gnu/httptunnel 3.3 GNU httptunnel creates a bidirectional data path tunneled in HTTP requests. This allows users behind firewalls to send and receive data that would otherwise be blocked, such as telnet or ssh connections.
Hyperbole gnu/hyperbole 9.0.1 Hyperbole is a programmable information and hypertext system for GNU Emacs. It allows hypertext to be embedded within documents, mail messages and news articles. This permits mouse-based control of the displayed information.
IceCat gnu/icecat 128.0-2gnu1 IceCat is the GNU version of the Firefox browser. It is entirely free software, which does not recommend non-free plugins and addons. It also features built-in privacy-protecting features.
ID Utils gnu/idutils 4.6 The GNU idutils package includes tools to create an index of textual tokens used in a list of file names and then to query that index. Thus, it allows the user to, for example, find all the uses of a particular function in a large programming project. In addition to handling textual tokens, it can also handle numeric constants and the contents of character strings.
Ignuit gnu/ignuit 2.24.3 Ignuit is a tool for aiding in the memorization of new information based on the Leitner flashcard system. In this system, new cards are studied with decreasing frequency as they grow older, unless you encounter difficulty memorizing them, after which you encounter them more often. Cards can include embedded audio, images and mathematical formulae and a card collection can be exported to several formats.
Indent gnu/indent 2.2.13 Indent is a program that makes source code easier to read by reformatting it in a consistent style. It can change the style to one of several different styles such as GNU, BSD or K&R. It has some flexibility to deal with incomplete or malformed syntax. GNU indent offers several extensions over the standard utility.
inetlib gnu/inetlib 1.1.2 A Java library of clients for common internet protocols
Inetutils gnu/inetutils 2.5 Inetutils is a collection of common network programs; ftp client and server, a telnet client and server, and an rsh client and server. inetd, tftp, talk, syslogd, ping, traceroute, whois, hostname, dnsdomainname, ifconfig, logger.
inklingreader gnu/inklingreader 0.8 GNU InklingReader is a package to support the Wacom Inkling device, including data conversion to various free formats, basic editing features, and an Inkscape plugin.
Intlfonts gnu/intlfonts 1.4.2 GNU intlfonts contains free X11 fonts in the BDF and TrueType formats. They notably cover a large number of characters from different writing systems: European, Asian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Ethiopic and others.
JACAL gnu/jacal 1c8 GNU JACAL is an interactive symbolic mathematics program based on Scheme. It manipulate and simplify a range of mathematical expressions such as equations, scalars, vectors, and matrices.
Jami a.k.a. Ring gnu/jami 20240627.0 Jami is a program for universal communication which respects freedoms and privacy of its users. Jami uses distributed hash tables for establishing communication. This avoids keeping centralized registries of users and storing personal data. The old name was "Ring project".
Java getopt gnu/java-getopt 1.0.14 java-getopt provides a Java port of the GNU getopt function from glibc. It supports parsing both long and short command-line arguments in a flexible manner, which is completely compatible with the C version.
java-training-wheels gnu/java-training-wheels 2.8 A simplified Java environment for learning programming
JEL gnu/jel 2.1.2 GNU JEL is a library that lets a program accept user-defined expressions to be entered and evaluated at runtime. In fact, the expressions are compiled by JEL to Java bytecode to avoid the performance penalty of adding interpreted expressions to an already-interpreted language.
GNU jitter gnu/jitter master GNU Jitter is a software automatically generating a portable, very efficient language virtual machine with performance close to native code, starting from a relatively high-level specification provided by the user.
JWHOIS gnu/jwhois 4.0 GNU jwhois is a client for the WHOIS protocol, which allows you to query the owner of a domain name. The program uses an extensible configuration file to determine the most appropriate server to query and, upon success displays the result to the user, otherwise it can optionally redirect the query to another server.
Kawa gnu/kawa 3.1.1 GNU Kawa is an implementation of the Scheme programming language that is built on top of the Java platform. It is thus conveniently integrated with Java and benefits from this by having a compiler, optional static typing, and so on. Kawa also serves as a framework for implementing other programming languages on the Java platform. Included in Kawa is qexo, a partial implementation of XQuery in Java.
Leg gnu/leg GNU Leg is a set of libraries for game engines and game development. In addition to the libraries, it also includes resource editors designed to make game creation easier. The package is designed to be generic and modular, supporting many different styles of games.
less gnu/less 661 GNU less is a pager, a program that allows you to view large amounts of text in page-sized chunks. Unlike traditional pagers, it allows both backwards and forwards movement through the document. It also does not have to read the entire input file before starting, so it starts faster than most text editors.
libassuan gnu/libassuan 3.0.1 A library implementing the Assuan IPC protocol
Compact Disc Input and Control Library gnu/libcdio 2.1.0 The GNU Compact Disc Input and Control Library (libcdio) is a library for CD-ROM and CD image file access. It allows the developer to add CD access to an application without having to worry about the OS- and device-dependent properties of CD-ROM or the specific details of CD image formats. It includes pycdio, a Python interface to libcdio, and libcdio-paranoia, a library providing jitter-free and error-free audio extraction from CDs.
libcdio-paranoia gnu/libcdio-paranoia 10.2+2.0.2 A library providing CD data extraction capabilities
libdbh gnu/libdbh 5.0.22 libdbh provides disk-based hash tables, providing quick lookup of key-value pairs. While its usage is similar in general to that of (G)DBM, it has a different design supporting advanced, atypical usage.
liberty-eiffel gnu/liberty-eiffel bell Eiffel compiler, a fork of SmartEiffel
libeufin gnu/libeufin 0.13.0-sources libeufin some EU thing for taler
libextractor gnu/libextractor 1.13 GNU libextractor is a library for extracting metadata from files. It supports a very large number of file formats, including audio files, document files, and archive files. Each file format is implemented as a plugin, so new formats can be added easily. The package also contains a command-line tool to extract metadata from a file and print the results.
libffcall gnu/libffcall 2.5 foreign function call library
Libgcrypt gnu/libgcrypt 1.11.0 Libgcrypt is a general-purpose cryptographic library. It provides the standard cryptographic building blocks such as symmetric ciphers, hash algorithms, public key algorithms, large integer functions and random number generation.
libgnunetchat gnu/libgnunetchat 0.5.1 A client-side library for applications to utilize the messenger service of GNUnet.
libgpg-error gnu/libgpg-error 1.50 A library that defines common error values for GnuPG
libgsasl gnu/libgsasl 1.10.0 GNU SASL is an implementation of the Simple Authentication and Security Layer framework. On network servers such as IMAP or SMTP servers, SASL is used to handle client/server authentication. This package contains thelibrary. The command-line tool to access the library in in gsasl.
libiconv gnu/libiconv 1.17 libiconv provides an implementation of the iconv function for systems that lack it. iconv is used to convert between character encodings in a program. It supports a wide variety of different encodings.
IDN Library gnu/libidn 1.42 GNU Libidn is a fully documented implementation of the Stringprep, Punycode and IDNA specifications. Libidn.s purpose is to encode and decode internationalized domain name strings. There are native C, Csharp and Java libraries. Note, there is also libidn2, intended as successor.
IDN Library 2 gnu/libidn2 2.3.7 Libidn2 is a free software implementation of IDNA2008, Punycode and TR46. Its purpose is to encode and decode internationalized domain names. (See also separate package libidn.)
Libksba gnu/libksba 1.6.7 A library for working with X.509 certificates and CMS data
libmatheval gnu/libmatheval 1.1.11 GNU libmatheval is a library to parse and evaluate symbolic expressions input by the user as text. It can be loaded from both C and Fortran. The interpreter is flexible, supporting any number of variables of arbitrary names, decimal and symbolic constants, basic unary and binary operators, and elementary mathematical functions. It can also compute symbolic derivatives and output expressions to strings.
libmicrohttpd gnu/libmicrohttpd 1.0.1 GNU libmicrohttpd is a small, embeddable HTTP server implemented as a C library. It makes it easy to run an HTTP server as part of another application. The library is fully HTTP 1.1 compliant. It can listen on multiple ports, supports four different threading models, and supports IPv6. It also features security features such as basic and digest authentication and support for SSL3 and TLS.
liboSIP gnu/libosip2 5.3.1 GNU oSIP is an implementation of the SIP protocol. It is used to provide multimedia and telecom software developers with an interface to initiate and control SIP sessions.
LibreDWG gnu/libredwg 0.13.3 LibreDWG is a free C library to read and write "DWG files". The DWG file format was created in the 1970s for the then-emerging CAD applications.
LibreJS gnu/librejs 7.21.1 LibreJS is an add-on for GNU Icecat and other Firefox-based browsers. It detects non-trivial and non-free JavaScript code from being loaded without your consent when you browse the web. JavaScript code that is free or trivial is allowed to be loaded.
libsigsegv gnu/libsigsegv 2.14 GNU libsigsegv is a library to handle page faults, which occur when a program tries to access an unavailable region of memory, in user mode. By catching and handling page faults, the program can implement pageable virtual memory, stack overflow handlers, and so on.
Libtasn1 gnu/libtasn1 4.19.0 GNU libtasn1 is a library implementing the ASN.1 notation. It is used for transmitting machine-neutral encodings of data objects in computer networking, allowing for formal validation of data according to some specifications.
libtextstyle gnu/libtextstyle 0.8 addon to gettext
Libtool gnu/libtool 2.5.2 GNU Libtool helps in the creation and use of shared libraries, by presenting a single consistent, portable interface that hides the usual complexity of working with shared libraries across platforms.
libunistring gnu/libunistring 1.2 GNU libunistring is a library providing functions to manipulate Unicode strings and for manipulating C strings according to the Unicode standard.
Libxmi gnu/libxmi 1.2 GNU libxmi is a library for rasterizing 2D vector graphics for C and C++. It supports drawing 2D primitives into a user-supplied matrix of pixels. It also supports the specification of sophisticated line styles such as multi-colored dashed patterns. Filling and texturing polygons is also supported.
libzrtpcpp gnu/libzrtpcpp 2.3.4 Library that adds ZRTP support to the GNU ccRTP stack. Phil Zimmermann developed ZRTP to allow ad-hoc, easy to use key negotiation to setup SRTP (Secure Real-time Transport Protocol) sessions. GNU ZRTP works together with GNU ccRTP (1.5.0 or later) and provides a ZRTP implementation that can be directly embedded into client and server applications.
lightning gnu/lightning 2.2.3 GNU Lightning is a library that generates assembly language code at run-time. Thus, it is useful in creating Just-In-Time compilers. It abstracts over the target CPU by exposing a standardized RISC instruction set to the clients.
LilyPond gnu/lilypond 2.25.18 GNU LilyPond is a music typesetter, which produces high-quality sheet music. Music is input in a text file containing control sequences which are interpreted by LilyPond to produce the final document. It is extendable with Guile.
Linux Libre kernel gnu/linux-libre 6.11-gnu GNU Linux-Libre is a free (as in freedom) variant of the Linux kernel. It has been modified to remove all non-free binary blobs.
Liquid War 6 gnu/liquidwar6 0.6.3902 GNU Liquid War 6 is a fast-paced, unique action game. Each player controls a blob of liquid with the goal of conquering the entire map. It has 13 levels by default and over 100 more with a bonus pack; new levels can be easily created using simple image files.
lrzsz gnu/lrzsz 0.12.20 GNU lrzsz is a communication package supporting the XMODEM, YMODEM and ZMODEM file transfer protocols.
lsh gnu/lsh 2.1 GNU lsh is a free implementation of the SSH version 2 protocol. It is used to create a secure line of communication between two computers, providing shell access to the server system from the client. It provides both the server daemon and the client application, as well as tools for manipulating key files.
M4 gnu/m4 1.4.19 GNU M4 is an implementation of the M4 macro language, which features some extensions over other implementations, some of which are required by GNU Autoconf. It is used as a macro processor, which means it processes text, expanding macros as it encounters them. It also has some built-in functions, for example to run shell commands or to do arithmetic.
MAC Changer gnu/macchanger 1.6.0 GNU MAC Changer is a utility for viewing and changing MAC addresses of networking devices. New addresses may be set explicitly or randomly. They can include MAC addresses of the same or other hardware vendors or, more generally, MAC addresses of the same category of hardware.
Mailman gnu/mailman 2.1.39 GNU Mailman is software for managing email discussion and mailing lists. Both users and administrators generally perform their actions in a web interface, although email and command-line interfaces are also provided. The system features built-in archiving, automatic bounce processing, content filtering, digest delivery, and more.
Mailutils gnu/mailutils 3.17 GNU Mailutils is a collection of programs for managing, viewing and processing electronic mail. It contains both utilities and server daemons and all operate in a protocol-agnostic way. The underlying libraries are also available, simplifying the addition of mail capabilities to new software.
Make gnu/make 4.4.1 Make is a program that is used to control the production of executables or other files from their source files. The process is controlled from a Makefile, in which the developer specifies how each file is generated from its source. It has powerful dependency resolution and the ability to determine when files have to be regenerated after their sources change. GNU make offers many powerful extensions over the standard utility.
MARST gnu/marst 2.7 GNU MARST is an Algol-to-C translator. The package consists of the translator itself, a library that contains the necessary Algol 60 procedures, and a converter that converts existing Algol 60 programs from other representations to the MARST representation.
MAVERIK gnu/maverik 6.5 GNU MAVERIK is a development toolkit that supports 3D virtual environments and interaction with those environments. It sits on top of a low-level rendering engine that uses OpenGL or Mesa, and provides mechanisms to render different kinds of objects, to manage environments and to provide support for 3D interaction.
Midnight Commander gnu/mc 4.6.1 GNU Midnight Commander is a command-line file manager laid out in a common two-pane format. In addition to standard file management tasks such as copying and moving, Midnight Commander also supports viewing the contents of RPM package files and other archives and managing files on other computers via FTP or FISH. It also includes a powerful text editor for opening text files.
Mcron gnu/mcron 1.2.3 GNU Mcron is a complete replacement for Vixie cron. It is used to run tasks on a schedule, such as every hour or every Monday. Mcron is written in Guile, so its configuration can be written in Scheme; the original cron format is also supported.
MCSim gnu/mcsim 6.2.0 GNU MCSim is a package to perform simulations. It supports statistical or deterministic simulation models via Monte Carlo stochastic simulations or dynamic, ODE-based simulations. It also can do Bayesian inference through Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations.
MIX Development Kit gnu/mdk 1.3.0 GNU MDK is the Mix Development Kit, an emulation of the pedagogical computer MIX and its assembly language MIXAL. MIX has a virtual CPU with standard features such as registers, memory cells, an overflow toggle, comparison flags, input-output devices, and a set of binary instructions. The package includes a compiler, a virtual machine, a GUI for the virtual machine, and more.
MediaGoblin gnu/mediagoblin 0.14.0 GNU MediaGoblin is a free media publishing platform. It runs in a federalized manner, freeing the user from centralized web services. It supports pictures, videos, and audio.
GNU Mes gnu/mes 0.27 GNU Mes is a Scheme interpreter and C compiler for bootstrapping the GNU System. Since version 0.22 it has again helped to halve the size of opaque, uninspectable binary seeds that are currently being used in the Reduced Binary Seed bootstrap GNU Guix. The final goal is to help create a full source bootstrap as part of the "bootstrappable builds" effort for UNIX-like operating systems.
messenger-cli gnu/messenger-cli 0.3.0 The goal is to provide private and secure communication between any group of devices.
messenger-gtk gnu/messenger-gtk 0.10.1 A convergent GTK messaging application using the GNUnet Messenger service. The goal is to provide private and secure communication between any group of devices. The interface is also designed in a way to scale down to mobile and small screen devices like phones or tablets.
Meta-HTML gnu/metahtml 5.091 GNU MetaHTML is a server-side programming language designed for the World Wide Web. It has a syntax that is similar to HTML and Lisp. It provides a large function library, including support for sockets, image creation and connections to other programs.
metalogic-inference mli gnu/metalogic-inference master metalogic inference mli
micron gnu/micron 1.4 micron , a cron daemon replacement, run jobs at times
Mifluz gnu/mifluz 0.26.0 GNU mifluz is a C++ library to store a full-text inverted index. It stores the occurrences of words in a set of texts in such a way that they can later be searched. Upon searching for a word, the index returns the list of documents which contain that word.
Miscfiles gnu/miscfiles 1.5 GNU Miscfiles is a collection of common data files. They include, for example, country abbreviations, names and capital cities; currency abbreviations and names; a Best Current Practices index; a map of the ASCII character set; a list of three-letter airport codes; and an English word list.
MIT/GNU Scheme gnu/mit-scheme 12.1 GNU/MIT Scheme is an implementation of the Scheme programming language. It provides an interpreter, a compiler and a debugger. It also features an integrated Emacs-like editor and a large runtime library.
Moe gnu/moe 1.14 GNU Moe is a powerful-but-simple-to-use text editor. It works in a modeless manner, and features an intuitive set of key-bindings that assign a degree of severity to each key; for example, key combinations with the Alt key are for harmless commands like cursor movements while combinations with the Control key are for commands that will modify the text. Moe features multiple windows, unlimited undo/redo, unlimited line length, global search and replace, and more.
Motti gnu/motti 3.1.1 GNU Motti is a simple multiplayer strategy game played in a terminal. The objective of the game is to conquer enemy capitals by occupying and encircling territory.
MPC gnu/mpc 1.3.1 GNU MPC is a C library for performing arithmetic on complex numbers. It supports arbitrarily high precision and it correctly rounds the results.
MPFR gnu/mpfr 4.2.1 GNU MPFR is a C library for performing multiple-precision, floating-point computations with correct rounding.
mpria gnu/mpria 0.7.3 GNU MPRIA is a C library for performing rational arithmetic computations with arbitrarily high precision. It builds on the GMP library.
mtools gnu/mtools 4.0.44 GNU Mtools is a set of utilities for accessing MS-DOS disks from a GNU or Unix system. It supports long file names and multiple disk formats. It also supports some FAT-specific features such as volume labels and FAT-specific file attributes.
mygnuhealth gnu/mygnuhealth 2.2.0 personal health and hospital information system
Nana gnu/nana 2.5 GNU Nana is a framework for adding assertion checking, logging and performance measurement to C and C++ programs. Operations can either be implemented directly in C or by generating debugger commands. Checking and logging features can be enabled or disabled at compile or runtime.
nano gnu/nano 8.2 GNU nano is a small and simple text editor for use in a terminal. Besides basic editing, it supports: undo/redo, syntax highlighting, spell checking, justifying, auto-indentation, bracket matching, interactive search-and-replace (with regular expressions), and the editing of multiple files.
nano-archimedes gnu/nano-archimedes 2.0 nano-archimedes is a free package for the simulation of quantum systems. It is based on the Wigner equation, a formulation of quantum mechanics in terms of a phase-space which is mathematically equivalent to the Schroedinger equation. nano-archimedes implements the Wigner Monte Carlo method. The code can be easily extended to density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent ab-initio simulations.
ncurses gnu/ncurses 6.5-20240914 GNU Ncurses is a library which provides capabilities to write text to a terminal in a terminal-independent manner. It supports pads and color as well as multiple highlights and forms characters. It is typically used to implement user interfaces for command-line applications. The accompanying ncursesw library provides wide character support.
Nettle gnu/nettle 3.10 GNU Nettle is a low-level cryptographic library. It is designed to fit in easily in almost any context. It can be easily included in cryptographic toolkits for object-oriented languages or in applications themselves.
nPth gnu/npth 1.7 nPth is a library providing the GNU Pth API and thus a non-preemptive threads implementation. In contrast to GNU Pth it is based on the system_s standard threads implementation. This allows the use of libraries which are not compatible with GNU Pth. Used by GnuPG.
ntbTLS gnu/ntbtls 0.3.2 a tiny TLS 1.2 only implementation to be used with Libgcrypt and LibKSBA
Ocrad gnu/ocrad 0.29 GNU Ocrad is an optical character recognition program based on a feature extraction method. It can read images in PBM, PGM or PPM formats and it produces text in 8-bit or UTF-8 formats.
Octave gnu/octave 9.2.0 GNU Octave is a high-level interpreted language that is specialized for numerical computations. It can be used for both linear and non-linear applications and it provides great support for visualizing results. Work may be performed both at the interactive command-line as well as via script files.
Oleo gnu/oleo 1.99.16 GNU Oleo is a spreadsheet program. It offers both a terminal interface and a LessTif-based graphical user interface. It features familiar, Emacs-like keybindings. It supports many standard spreadsheet features such as macros and functions.
OrgaDoc gnu/orgadoc 1.3 GNU OrgaDoc is a system for easily maintaining a pool of documents between computers. Documents are synchronized by rsync or unison; no database or HTTP server is required.
Panorama gnu/panorama 0.18.01 GNU Panorama is a framework for producing 3D graphics. It can perform various effects, such as focal blur, arbitrary light sources, bump mapping, and several lighting effects.
Parallel gnu/parallel 20240822 GNU Parallel is a tool for executing shell jobs in parallel using one or more computers. Jobs can consist of single commands or of scripts and they are executed on lists of files, hosts, users or other items.
Parted gnu/parted 3.6 GNU Parted is a package for creating and manipulating disk partition tables. It includes a library and command-line utility.
patch gnu/patch 2.7.6 Patch is a program that applies changes to files based on differences laid out as by the program "diff". The changes may be applied to one or more files depending on the contents of the diff file. It accepts several different diff formats. It may also be used to revert previously applied differences.
paxutils gnu/paxutils 2.4h GNU paxutils is a suite of archive utilities. It contains versions of the cpio, tar and pax archivers.
PCB gnu/pcb 4.0.0 GNU PCB is an interactive tool for editing printed circuit board layouts. It features a rats-nest implementation, schematic/netlist import, and design rule checking. It also includes an autorouter and a trace optimizer; and it can produce photorealistic and design review images.
Pem gnu/pem 0.7.9 GNU Pem is a simple tool for tracking personal income and expenses. It operates from the command line and it stores its data in a basic text format in your home directory. It can easily print reports of your spending on different expenses via a basic search feature.
pexec gnu/pexec 1.0rc8 GNU pexec is a program for executing commands or shell scripts in parallel on one or many computers. As it works, execution parameters such as the environment variables or standard input, output and error can be varied.
Pies gnu/pies 1.8 GNU pies is a program that supervises the invocation and execution of other programs. It reads the list of programs to be started from its configuration file, executes them, and then monitors their status, re-executing them as necessary.
pinentry gnu/pinentry 1.3.1 pinentry, needed for GNU Privacy Guard
plotutils gnu/plotutils 2.6 GNU Plotutils is a package for plotting and working with 2D graphics. It includes a library, "libplot", for C and C++ for exporting 2D vector graphics in many file formats. It also has support for 2D vector graphics animations. The package also contains command-line programs for plotting scientific data.
GNU poke gnu/poke 4.2 GNU poke is an interactive, extensible editor for binary data. Not limited to editing basic entities such as bits and bytes, it provides a full-fledged procedural, interactive programming language designed to describe data structures and to operate on them.
Proxyknife gnu/proxyknife 1.7 GNU proxyknife is a tool to validate free proxies from behind a firewall. The validation process is fully customizable to meet your needs.
PSPP gnu/pspp 2.0.1 GNU PSPP is a statistical analysis program. It can perform descriptive statistics, T-tests, linear regression and non-parametric tests. It features both a graphical interface as well as command-line input. PSPP is designed to interoperate with Gnumeric, LibreOffice and OpenOffice. Data can be imported from spreadsheets, text files and database sources and it can be output in text, PostScript, PDF or HTML.
Psychosynth gnu/psychosynth 0.3.0 GNU Psychosynth is an interactive, modular soft-synth. It emulates a 3D surface on which modules are placed and manipulated, generating and altering music. Psychosynth consists of a C++ library, a 3D interface and a command-line interface.
Pth gnu/pth 2.0.7 GNU Pth is a portable library providing non-preemptive, priority-based scheduling for multiple execution threads. Each thread has its own program-counter, run-time stack, signal mask and errno variable. Threads are scheduled in a cooperative way, rather than in the standard preemptive way, such that they are managed according to priority and events. However, Pth also features emulation of POSIX.1c threads ("pthreads") for backwards compatibility.
pycdio gnu/pycdio 2.1.0 A Python interface to libcdio
qalbum gnu/qalbum 1.2 Java code to make webpages of pictures
qgama gnu/qgama 2.05 qgama is a gui for gama. GNU Gama is a program for the adjustment of geodetic networks. It is useful in measurements where Global Positioning System (GPS) is not available, such as underground. It features the ability to adjust in local Cartesian coordinates as well as partial support for adjustments in global coordinate systems.
R gnu/r 4.4.1 R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. It provides a variety of statistical techniques, such as linear and nonlinear modeling, classical statistical tests, time-series analysis, classification and clustering. It also provides robust support for producing publication-quality data plots. A large amount of 3rd-party packages are available, greatly increasing its breadth and scope.
Radius gnu/radius 1.6.1 Radius is a server for remote user authentication and accounting. It is generally useful for networks that require a centralized authentication and accounting services for its workstations. Authentication can be performed in a variety of ways, such as via "/etc/passwd" or credentials stored in an SQL database.
RCS gnu/rcs 5.10.1 RCS is the original Revision Control System. It works on a file-by-file basis, in contrast to subsequent version control systems such as CVS, Subversion, and Git. This can make it suitable for system administration files, for example, which are often inherently local to one machine.
Readline gnu/readline 8.2 The GNU readline library allows users to edit command lines as they are typed in. It can maintain a searchable history of previously entered commands, letting you easily recall, edit and re-enter past commands. It features both Emacs-like and vi-like keybindings, making its usage comfortable for anyone.
Recutils gnu/recutils 1.9 GNU Recutils is a set of tools and libraries for creating and manipulating text-based, human-editable databases. Despite being text-based, databases created with Recutils carry all of the expected features such as unique fields, primary keys, time stamps and more. Many different field types are supported, as is encryption.
RefTeX gnu/reftex 4.34 GNU RefTex is a package for implementing labels, references, citations and indices in LaTeX documents. It works by wrapping around four LaTeX macros: label, ref, cite and index. It automates the common tasks that normally are required when using these macros.
remotecontrol gnu/remotecontrol 2.0 GNU Remotecontrol is a web application for managing IP-enabled HVAC thermostats and other building automation devices. The application can read data from and write data to multiple such devices.
Rot[t]log gnu/rottlog 0.72.2 GNU Rot[t]log is a program for managing log files. It is used to automatically rotate out log files when they have reached a given size or according to a given schedule. It can also be used to automatically compress and archive such logs. Rot[t]log will mail reports of its activity to the system administrator.
GNU Role Playing Game Engine gnu/rpge 0.0.3 The GNU Role Playing Game Engine provides an engine for creating two-dimensional, graphical role-playing games, providing, for example, a sprite-tiling grid, sprite rendering, and event handling.
Rush gnu/rush 2.4 GNU Rush is a restricted user shell, for systems on which users are to be provided with only limited functionality or resources. Administrators set user rights via a configuration file which can be used to limit, for example, the commands that can be executed, CPU time, or virtual memory usage.
Sather gnu/sather 1.2.3 GNU Sather is an object-oriented programming language similar to Eiffel. It is designed to be simple, efficient, safe, and non-proprietary. It features garbage collection, statically-checked strong typing, multiple inheritance, parameterized classes and more. This package consists of a compiler, a class library, the language specification and programming manual, and a browser for displaying sources and directed graphs of class inheritance.
SAUCE gnu/sauce 0.7.7 An anti-spam SMTP mail filter
SCM gnu/scm 5f4 GNU SCM is an implementation of Scheme. This implementation includes Hobbit, a Scheme-to-C compiler, which can generate C files whose binaries can be dynamically or statically linked with a SCM executable.
screen gnu/screen 5.0.0 GNU Screen is a terminal window manager that multiplexes a single terminal between several processes. The virtual terminals each provide features such as a scroll-back buffer and a copy-and-paste mechanism. Screen then manages the different virtual terminals, allowing you to easily switch between them, to detach them from the current session, or even splitting the view to show two terminals at once.
Scute gnu/scute 1.7.0 Scute is a PKCS_11 provider on top of GnuPG.
sed gnu/sed 4.9 Sed is a non-interactive, text stream editor. It receives a text input from a file or from standard input and it then applies a series of text editing commands to the stream and prints its output to standard output. It is often used for substituting text patterns in a stream. The GNU implementation offers several extensions over the standard utility.
Serveez gnu/serveez 0.3.1 GNU Serveez is a server framework providing the routines necessary to easily implement IP-based servers in your application. It demonstrates aspects of network programming in a portable manner, making it convenient for both simplifying the process of adding a server to your application or for learning about how network services work. Several example servers are provided already, such as an HTTP server and an IRC server.
Sharutils gnu/sharutils 4.15.2 GNU sharutils is a package for creating and manipulating shell archives that can be readily emailed. A shell archive is a file that can be processed by a Bourne-type shell to unpack the original collection of files. This package is mostly for compatibility and historical interest.
shepherd gnu/shepherd 0.10.5 The GNU Shepherd is a daemon-managing daemon, meaning that it supervises the execution of system services, replacing similar functionality found in typical init systems. It provides dependency-handling through a convenient interface and is based on GNU Guile.
Shishi gnu/shishi 1.0.3 GNU Shishi is a free implementation of the Kerberos 5 network security system. It is used to allow non-secure network nodes to communicate in a secure manner through client-server mutual authentication via tickets.
SHMM gnu/shmm 1.0 GNU SHMM is a shared memory manager. It can read or write to shared memory. It also supports other commands such as locking or unlocking a block of shared memory identified by key and size.
shtool gnu/shtool 2.0.8 GNU shtool is a multipurpose shell tool. It can perform the functions of many different commands, in order to provide a single tool to distribute with a source distribution in order to ensure portability of shell scripts. For example, shtool can perform the jobs of the common commands "install", "mkdir" or "echo" on systems that lack them.
SIP Witch gnu/sipwitch 1.9.15 GNU SIP Witch is a peer-to-peer Voice-over-IP server that uses the SIP protocol. Calls can be made from behind NAT firewalls and without the need for a service provider. Its peer-to-peer design ensures that there is no central point for media intercept or capture and thus it can be used to construct a secure telephone system that operates over the public internet.
SLIB scheme library gnu/slib 3c1 GNU SLIB is a portable common library for the Scheme programming language. It supports a large variety of different Scheme implementations, offering them a framework for using packages of Scheme procedures and syntax.
Smalltalk gnu/smalltalk 3.2.5 GNU Smalltalk is a free implementation of the Smalltalk language. It implements the ANSI standard for the language and also includes extra classes such as ones for networking and GUI programming.
Smalltalk alpha gnu/smalltalk-alpha 3.2.91 GNU Smalltalk is a free implementation of the Smalltalk language. It implements the ANSI standard for the language and also includes extra classes such as ones for networking and GUI programming.
Solfege gnu/solfege 3.22.2 GNU Solfege is a program for practicing musical ear-training. With it, you can practice your recognition of various musical intervals and chords. It features a statistics overview so you can monitor your progress across several sessions. Solfege is also designed to be extensible so you can easily write your own lessons.
Solfege gnu/solfege-alpha 3.23.4 GNU Solfege is a program for practicing musical ear-training. With it, you can practice your recognition of various musical intervals and chords. It features a statistics overview so you can monitor your progress across several sessions. Solfege is also designed to be extensible so you can easily write your own lessons.
SpaceChart gnu/spacechart 0.9.5 GNU SpaceChart lets you view how the stars are distributed in three-dimensional space. It allows you, for example, to determine the distances between stars, to view them from any point of view, or to filter your view by spectral class and luminosity.
spell gnu/spell 1.1 Spell is a command-line spell-checking program. It reads through a text input and prints each misspelled word on a line of its own. It is implemented as a wrapper for GNU aspell or ispell.
spread-sheet-widget ssw gnu/spread-sheet-widget 0.10 spread-sheet widget using gtk3,
Sqltutor gnu/sqltutor 1.0 GNU Sqltutor is a web-based, interactive SQL tutorial. It features multiple tutorials available in different languages. The tutorials present a series of questions in a dialog and, when complete, they display a final evaluation including correct answers for wrong solutions.
Source-highlight gnu/src-highlite 3.1.9 GNU source-highlight reads in a source code file and produces an output file in which the keywords are highlighted in different colors to designate their syntactic role. It supports over 150 different languages and it can output to 8 different formats, including HTML, LaTeX and ODF. It can also output to ANSI color escape sequences, so that highlighted source code can be seen in a terminal.
Stow gnu/stow 2.4.1 GNU Stow is a symlink manager. It generates symlinks to directories of data and makes them appear to be merged into the same directory. It is typically used for managing software packages installed from source, by letting you install them apart in distinct directories and then create symlinks to the files in a common directory such as /usr/local.
STUMP gnu/stump 2.5 GNU STUMP is a robomoderator program for USENET newsgroups and mailing lists, featuring web-based moderation. It supports group moderation via multiple human moderators. It can also automatically reject non-conforming messages without human intervention. It includes a web interface.
Superopt gnu/superopt 2.5 GNU Superopt is a function sequence generator for superoptimization. It uses an exhaustive generate-and-test approach to find the shortest instruction sequence for a given function.
Swbis gnu/swbis 1.13.3 Swbis is a software administration system specified by POSIX. It features network-transparent management of software packages for system administrators. For example, entire file system directories can be copied host-to-host across a network in a transparent manner. The package also features advanced tarball creation methods and integrity checking mechanisms.
sync gnu/sync 0.13.1 Sync implements an HTTP server that allows clients to backup data. Envisioned use-cases are the creation of backups for Taler wallets and (GnuPG) key rings and other small but essential sensitive information.
tack gnu/tack 1.10 The tack program is a diagnostic that is designed to create and verify the correctness of terminfo s. This program can be used to create new terminal descriptions that are not included in the standard release. Although tack has been distributed with ncurses, it is not an integral part of ncurses.
taler-bank gnu/taler-bank 0.8.2 GNU Taler-bank is a privacy-preserving payment system
taler-exchange gnu/taler-exchange 0.13.0 GNU Taler is a privacy-preserving payment system. Exchange part.
taler-mdb gnu/taler-mdb 0.9.4 This is a app to run a snack machine as Taler merchant with NFC payment interface. Optionally there can a QRCode be shown on a display to get the payment link.
taler-merchant gnu/taler-merchant 0.13.0 GNU Taler is a privacy-preserving payment system, merchant part.
taler-twister gnu/taler-twister 0.9.4 GNU Taler-twister
taler-wallet gnu/taler-wallet v0.13.1 Electronic payments for a liberal society, wallet part
taler-wallet-webex gnu/taler-wallet-webex 0.5.0 Electronic payments for a liberal society, wallet-webex part
Talk Filters gnu/talkfilters 2.3.8 The GNU Talk Filters are programs that convert English text into stereotyped or otherwise humorous dialects. The filters are provided as a C library, so they can easily be integrated into other programs.
Tar gnu/tar 1.35 Tar provides the ability to create tar archives, as well as the ability to extract, update or list files in an existing archive. It is useful for combining many files into one larger file, while maintaining directory structure and file information such as permissions and creation/modification dates. GNU tar offers many extensions over the standard utility.
Termcap gnu/termcap 1.3.1 GNU termcap is a library and a database that are used to enable the use of display terminals in a terminal-independent manner. The database describes the capabilities of many different display terminals. The library can then adapt generalized instructions given by a program to the specific capabilities of the display terminal as found in the database.
Termutils gnu/termutils 2.0 The GNU Termutils package contains two programs, "tput" and "tabs". "tput" is used in shell scripts to manipulate the terminal display, for example by clearing it or moving the cursor to a specific point, centering text or underlining text. "tabs" is used to specify and set hardware tab stops on terminals that support it.
Teseq gnu/teseq 1.1.1 GNU Teseq is a program that analyzes files that contain control sequences. It converts the sequences that it encounters into a human-readable description of what actions those sequences perform. It can also translate its output back into machine-readable control sequences.
TeX for the Impatient gnu/teximpatient 2.4 TeX for the Impatient is a ~350 page book on TeX, plain TeX and Eplain, written by Paul Abrahams, Kathryn Hargreaves and Karl Berry.
Texinfo gnu/texinfo 7.1.1 Texinfo is the official documentation format of the GNU project. It uses a single source file using explicit commands to produce a final document in any of several supported output formats, such as HTML or PDF. This package includes both the tools necessary to produce Info documents from their source and the command-line Info reader. The emphasis of the language is on expressing the content semantically, avoiding physical markup commands.
TeXmacs gnu/texmacs 2.1.1 GNU TeXmacs is a text editing platform which is specialized for scientists. It is ideal for editing structured documents with different types of content. It has robust support for mathematical formulas and plots. It can also act as an interface to external mathematical programs such as R and Octave. TeXmacs is completely extensible via Guile.
time gnu/time 1.9 Time is a command that displays information about the resources that a program uses. The display output of the program can be customized or saved to a file.
time alpha gnu/time-alpha 1.9.5-4aa7 The time command runs another program, then displays information about the resources used by that program, collected by the system while the program was running.
tramp gnu/tramp 2.7.1 TRAMP is a GNU Emacs package that allows you to access files on remote machines as though they were local files. This includes editing files, performing version control tasks and modifying directory contents with dired. Access is performed via ssh, rsh, rlogin, telnet or other similar methods.
Trueprint gnu/trueprint 5.4 GNU Trueprint translates C source code files as PostScript files. In addition to the basic source code output, it can also perform diff-marking, indentation counting, function and file indices and more.
uCommon C++ gnu/ucommon 7.0.0 A portable C++ library
unifont gnu/unifont 16.0.01 GNU Unifont is a bitmap font covering essentially all of Unicode s Basic Multilingual Plane. The package also includes utilities to ease adding new glyphs to the font. Includes APL font.
Units gnu/units 2.23 GNU Units converts numeric quantities between units of measure. It can handle scale changes through adaptive usage of standard scale prefixes (micro-, kilo-, etc.). It can also handle nonlinear conversions such as Fahrenheit to Celsius. Its interpreter is powerful enough to be used effectively as a scientific calculator.
UnRTF gnu/unrtf 0.21.10 GNU UnRTF converts text documents from RTF to HTML, LaTeX, or troff. It supports changes in font characteristics, underlines and strikethroughs, superscripts and subscripts, and more.
userv gnu/userv 1.2.0 GNU Userv is a utility that allows one program to invoke another even when only limited trust exists between them. This prevents the need from having to first switch to a different user account to perform certain tasks.
Taylor UUCP gnu/uucp 1.07 Taylor UUCP is the GNU implementation of UUCP (Unix-to-Unix Copy), a set of utilities for remotely transferring files, email and net news between computers.
vc-dwim gnu/vc-dwim 1.10 The vc-dwim package contains two tools, "vc-dwim" and "vc-chlog". vc-dwim is a tool that simplifies the task of maintaining a ChangeLog and using version control at the same time, for example by printing a reminder when a file change has been described in the ChangeLog but the file has not been added to the VC. vc-chlog scans changed files and generates standards-compliant ChangeLog entries based on the changes that it detects.
VCDImager gnu/vcdimager 2.0.1 GNU VCDImager is a suite of programs for working with Video CDs and Super Video CDs. It can be used for authoring, disassembling and analyzing discs. It supports full playback control, segment play items, automatic padding of MPEG streams on the fly, and extraction of Video CDs into files.
V.E.R.A.(Virtual Entity of Relevant Acronyms) gnu/vera 1.24 V.E.R.A. (Virtual Entity of Relevant Acronyms) is a list of computing acronyms distributed as an info document.
Vector Optimized Library of Kernels gnu/volk 3.1.2 Vector Optimized Library of Kernels, used as part of GNUradio
WB gnu/wb 2b4 GNU WB is a disk-based, sorted, associative-array database package for C, Scheme, Java and C#. Rather than being implemented via hashing, WB uses B-trees, which are optimized for using the minimum number of disk operations.
Wdiff gnu/wdiff 1.2.2 GNU Wdiff is a front-end to the diff program from Diffutils that allows you to compare files on a word-by-word basis, where a word is anything between whitespace.
Gnu WebSocket4J gnu/websocket4j 1.3 GNU Websocket4j is a Java library implementing the WebSocket protocol. With it, you can build web applications that interact with Java applications. The library includes both server- and client-side functionality.
WebSTUMP gnu/webstump 2.0 WebSTUMP provides a web-based interface to STUMP.
Wget gnu/wget 1.24.5 GNU Wget is a non-interactive tool for fetching files using the HTTP, HTTPS and FTP protocols. It can resume interrupted downloads, use file name wild cards, supports proxies and cookies, and it can convert absolute links in downloaded documents to relative links.
Wget2 gnu/wget2 2.1.0 GNU Wget is a non-interactive tool for fetching files using the HTTP, HTTPS and FTP protocols. It can resume interrupted downloads, use file name wild cards, supports proxies and cookies, and it can convert absolute links in downloaded documents to relative links. Version 2.
which gnu/which 2.21 The which program finds the location of executables in PATH, with a variety of options. It is an alternative to the shell "type" built-in command.
XaoS gnu/xaos 4.2.1 GNU XaoS is a graphical program that generates fractal patterns and allows you to zoom in and out of them infinitely in a fluid, continuous manner. It also includes tutorials that help to explain how fractals are built. It can generate many different fractal types such as the Mandelbrot set.
XBoard gnu/xboard 4.9.1 GNU XBoard is a graphical board for all varieties of chess, including international chess, xiangqi (Chinese chess), shogi (Japanese chess) and Makruk. Several lesser-known variants are also supported. It presents a fully interactive graphical interface and it can load and save games in the Portable Game Notation.
Xlogmaster gnu/xlogmaster 1.6.2 GNU Xlogmaster is a program with a graphical user interface that lets you monitor your system logs in a convenient way. The logs can be displayed with filters for highlighting or hiding lines. The program can also be used to automate taking actions upon user-defined events.
Xnee gnu/xnee 3.19 GNU Xnee is a program that can record, replay and distribute user actions in X11. It can be used to automate user interactions for testing or demonstration purposes.
xorriso gnu/xorriso 1.5.6.pl02 GNU Xorriso is a tool for copying files to and from ISO 9660 Rock Ridge, a.k.a. Compact Disc File System, filesystems and it allows session-wise manipulation of them. It features a formatter and burner for CD, DVD and BD. It can operate on existing ISO images or it can create new ones. xorriso can then be used to copy files directly into or out of ISO files.
Zile gnu/zile 2.6.2 GNU Zile is a lightweight Emacs clone. It usage is similar to the default Emacs configuration, but it carries a much lighter feature set.
AClock gnustep/AClock 0.4.0 GNUstep analog clock with display of smooth seconds. It stays in your dock. Has alarms and ringing.
Addresses gnustep/Addresses 0.4.8 Addresses for GNUstep is a versatile address book application for managing contact information. It stores addresses, phone numbers, pictures, instant messaging information, email, homepages and whatever. Addresses is also a framework that allows access to the addresses database in a way that is sourcecode-compatible with Apple s AddressBook.framework. It also contains a view framework to facilitate the construction of applications that use the contact database. Package and Framework is called "Addresses", but the executable is "AddressManager" for some reason, one hopes.
Astro gnustep/Astro 1.2.5 astrology
Cenon gnustep/Cenon 4.0.6 vector graphics drawing app and desktop publishing, many formats
Cynthiune gnustep/Cynthiune 1.0.0 Cynthiune is a free-software and romantic music player for GNUstep (and unmentionable non-free, able to play a lot of different audio formats. The author, Wolfgang Sourdeau, wrote it originally as a Christmas gift to a girl that he liked because she could not listen to music on her XXX computer with a free program.
DataBasin gnustep/DataBasin 1.0 DataBasin is a tool to access and work with (Not an endorsement.) It allows one to perform queries remotely, export and import data. DataBasin uses the WebServices exposed by the SFDC API and exposes them as methods of the DBSoap class. To send and receive the SOAP messages, DB uses the websevices (GSWS) available from GNUstep libraries and which is a mandatory requisite. Access to the SFDC API is provided by the framework DataBasinKit.
DataBasinKit gnustep/DataBasinKit 1.0 DataBasin is a tool to access and work with (Not an endorsement.) Access to the SFDC API is provided by the framework DataBasinKit which constitutes the core of DataBasin and is available for building other connected applications. DataBasinKit allows you to connect from any Objective-C app using GNUstep or similarOS. DataBasin is now divided in its DataBasinKit framework which is LGPLed and the application itself.
FTP gnustep/FTP 0.6 FTP client application with GNUstep GUI.
GMastermind gnustep/GMastermind 0.6 GNUstep GUI Mastermind game
GMines gnustep/GMines 0.2 Venerable Minesweeper game, GNUstep interface.
GSPdf gnustep/GSPdf 0.5 GNUstep Postscript and PDF viewer, using ghostscript.
GShisen gnustep/GShisen 1.3.0 GNUstep match tiles and remove game
Graphos gnustep/Graphos 0.7 Graphos is a GNUstep vector drawing application, which reminds me of the original MacDraw (1985), but uses bezier paths and color.
Grr gnustep/Grr 1.0 Günther s (Reliable) RSS Reader, GNUstep interface
HKThemes gnustep/HKThemes 1.0 HighlighterKit themes for GNUstep Gemas editor
HelpViewer gnustep/HelpViewer 0.4 views help files in gnustep apps
HighlighterKit gnustep/HighlighterKit 0.1.3 highlights text, a library framework
InnerSpace gnustep/InnerSpace 0.2.0 Screen blanker with installable modules. Currently not working for me.
Jigsaw gnustep/Jigsaw 0.8 Simulates a jigsaw puzzle and illustrates the use of clipping paths.
Ladder gnustep/Ladder 1.0 Ladder is a graphically pleasing implementation of Go. It uses gnugo as it s engine and you must have a recent version of gnugo installed in order to run it.
LapisPuzzle gnustep/LapisPuzzle 1.2 A tetris-like game where each player is affected by the other s game play. When one player clears blocks, the other gets more put on.
LaternaMagica gnustep/LaternaMagica 0.5 GNUstep image viewer
MPDCon gnustep/MPDCon 1.5.1 MPDCon is a client for the Music Player Daemon; allows you to change repeat and shuffle modes as well as crossfade on the server; manage playlists; rating of songs in the playlist; lyrics inspector, etc.
OresmeKit gnustep/OresmeKit 0.1 GNUstep graphing library
PDFKit gnustep/PDFKit 1.2.0 GNUstep pdf libs framework, wrap xpdf
price gnustep/PRICE 1.3.0 PRICE is a high quality image viewing, filtering and enhancement application for GNUstep and suchlike.
RSSKit gnustep/RSSKit 0.4 RSSKit is a simple library for reading the different types of RSS file formats.
RemoteDesk gnustep/RemoteDesk 0.1 RemoteDesk is a graphical interface to rdesktop and it allows you to remotely access XXXXXXX computers, if you must.
StepSync gnustep/StepSync 1.0 StepSync allows keeping two folders synchronized, it can be thus used as a back-up utility. StepSync manages two trees, starting from a folder as root and recursing in them. StepSync determines which files were added or removed or changed; then it allows, distinctly, to insert new files, to update or delete. It allows also to apply changes from target to source.
Sudoku gnustep/Sudoku 0.7 GNUstep sudoku game.
TalkSoup gnustep/TalkSoup 1.1 TalkSoup is a graphical IRC client for GNUstep and such. It is highly configurable and extensible with a fully-featured plugin system already in place.
Terminal gnustep/Terminal 0.9.9 GNUstep Terminal emulator has multple windows, scrollback buffers, etc. can provide services for other applications by piping the selection through arbitrary commands. Services are configured in one of the preferences panel s tabs. The sevice then appears in the menus of other GNUstep applications, which is one of GNUstep s nice features.
TimeMon gnustep/TimeMon 4.2 Graphic display of CPU time. System time, User time, Nice time, idle time.
WindowMaker gnustep/WindowMaker 0.96.0 X11 window manager with NextStep look and feel
Zipper gnustep/Zipper 1.5 Zipper is a tool for inspecting and extracting the contents of compressed archives. It allows archive creation of various archiving formats and creation of archive services
batmon gnustep/batmon 0.8 Battery Monitor is a battery monitor for laptops. It displays the current status of the battery (charge/discharge and energy level) as well as some information about the general health of the cell.
CoreGTK gnustep/coregtk 3.22.0 CoreGTK is an Objective-C language binding for the GTK+ 3 widget toolkit. Like other "core" Objective-C libraries, CoreGTK is designed to be a thin wrapper.
EnterpriseControlConfigurationLogging gnustep/enterprise 1.1.3 Classes for building and administering 24*7 server processes for large scale software systems.
FísicaLab gnustep/fisicalab 0.4.0 GNU FisicaLab is an educational application for solving physics problems. Its main objective is allow the user to focus on physics concepts, leaving aside the mathematical details.
Gemas gnustep/gemas 0.4 A GNUstep simple programmer editor
GNUMail gnustep/gnumail 1.4.0 GNUMail is a fully featured e-mail application made with GNUstep. It uses Pantomime as its backend, so it supports POP3, IMAP and local mailboxes.
GNUstep Back gnustep/gnustep-back 0.30.0 GNUstep generic graphical backend
GNUstep Base gnustep/gnustep-base 1.29.0 GNUstep base foundation library
GNUstep CoreBase gnustep/gnustep-corebase 0.1.1 A GNUstep developer library, poorly named because it might be optional and sounds like some other libraries.
GNUstep examples gnustep/gnustep-examples 1.4.0 GNUstep GUI examples, Calculator, Ink, a simple text processor, NSScreenTest, NSPanelTest, NSBrowserTest, NSImageTest, and more source not automatically made. Fractal viewer, GL example.
GNUstep GUI gnustep/gnustep-gui 0.30.0 GNUstep graphical user interface class library
GNUstep-Make gnustep/gnustep-make 2.9.1 global GNUstep Makefile package
PPDs gnustep/gnustep-ppd 1.0.0 GNUstep printer PPDs
Gorm gnustep/gorm 1.3.1 Gorm, the "Graphical Object Relationship Modeller" is a graphical interface builder for GNUstep. It makes designing graphical user interfaces intuitive by allowing widgets to be dragged and dropped into place. It also features powerful inspectors and interoperability with the GNUstep ProjectCenter.
GWorkspace gnustep/gworkspace 1.0.0 A file manager and desktop for GNUstep
libobjc2 gnustep/libobjc2 2.1.0 Updated libobjc2 runtime for Objective C. See for explanation. Options depend on use of gcc vs. clang.
GNUstep libs-renaissance gnustep/libs-renaissance master GNUstep libs for user interfaces
LuserNET gnustep/lusernet 0.4.3 A GNUstep news reader application
MathArray gnustep/matharray 1.3 GNUstep number array manipulation
netclasses gnustep/netclasses 1.1.0 Netclasses is an asynchronous networking framework for GNUstep and such. Has built-in support for line-based protocols, IRC, and raw TCP/IP streams. It can also be used for synchronous connections but this is -not- its primary use.
NeXTGo gnustep/nextgo 3.0 A GNUstep go game
Pantomime gnustep/pantomime 1.4.0 Pantomime provides an e-mail framework, primarily for the GNUstep enviroment. It is an Objective-C library that provides access to local mailboxes, POP3 accounts and IMAP mailboxes. It also features functions for working with message objects and a full MIME encoder and decoder. Pantomime supports sending messages via a local mailer and an SMTP conduit.
Performance gnustep/performance 0.5.0 Performance improvement and measuring classes for GNUstep
PictureFrame gnustep/pictureframe 1.1.3 A GNUstep picture frame from laptop screen
PikoPixel gnustep/pikopixel 1.0-b10a PikoPixel is a free app for drawing and editing pixel-art images.
Project Center gnustep/projectcenter 0.7.0 GNUstep project developer
Renaissance gnustep/renaissance 0.9.0 An XML-based GUI-design system
SQLClient gnustep/sqlclient 1.8.1 A simple, object-oriented interface to SQL databases
WebServer gnustep/webserver 1.5.6 Simple webserver for GNUstep applications
WebServices gnustep/webservices 0.7.3 Classes for building web services
gnonlin gstreamer/gnonlin 1.4.0 Non-linear editing elements , obsolete; deprecated (replacement by gnl in gst-editing-services)
gst-devtools gstreamer/gst-devtools 1.24.7 gst developer tools
gst-editing-services gstreamer/gst-editing-services 1.24.7 gstreamer editing services
gst-libav gstreamer/gst-libav 1.24.7 Libav-based plug-in containing many decoders and encoders
gst-monkeysaudio gstreamer/gst-monkeysaudio 0.8.2 gstreamer, obsolete code
gst-omx gstreamer/gst-omx 1.22.12 gstreamer, OpenMax plugins
gst-player gstreamer/gst-player 0.8.0 gstreamer player, old version; not to be confused with python package gstreamer-player (pip install gstreamer-player)
gst-plugins-bad gstreamer/gst-plugins-bad 1.24.7 gstreamer, a set of plug-ins that need more quality, testing or documentation. But don_t we all?
gst-plugins-base gstreamer/gst-plugins-base 1.24.7 gst-plugins-base, essential exemplary set of elements
gst-plugins-good gstreamer/gst-plugins-good 1.24.7 gstreamer plugins, set of good-quality plug-ins under gstreamer preferred license, LGPL
gst-plugins-ugly gstreamer/gst-plugins-ugly 1.24.7 gstreamer plugins, a set of good-quality plug-ins that might pose distribution problems; live a little
gst-python gstreamer/gst-python 1.24.7 gstreamer python bindings
gst-rtsp-server gstreamer/gst-rtsp-server 1.24.7 gstreamer RTSP server
gst-validate gstreamer/gst-validate 1.16.3 gst validator
gstreamer gstreamer/gstreamer 1.24.7 multimedia core library and elements
gstreamer-docs gstreamer/gstreamer-docs 1.24.7 gstreamer documentation
gstreamer-sharp gstreamer/gstreamer-sharp 1.24.7 gstreamer C sharp/.NET bindings
gstreamer-vaapi gstreamer/gstreamer-vaapi 1.24.7 gstreamer VA-APR integration
orc gstreamer/orc 0.4.40 gstreamer, Optmised inner loop Runtime Compiler
qt-gstreamer gstreamer/qt-gstreamer 1.2.0 QtGStreamer, old, not maintained
GNU Mach hurd/gnumach 1.8 GNU Mach is the microkernel around which GNU Hurd is based. It provides an Inter Process Communication mechanism that the Hurd uses to define interfaces for implementing standard kernel services in a distributed, multi-server manner.
hurd hurd/hurd 0.9 The Hurd is the kernel for the GNU system, a replacement and augmentation of standard Unix kernels. It is a collection of protocols for system interaction (file systems, networks, authentication), and servers implementing them. Subprojects include Mach, the microkernel on which the Hurd is based, which provides a basic inter-process communication mechanism, and MIG, an interface generator for Mach.
MIG hurd/mig 1.8 MIG is an interface generator for the Mach microkernel. It is used to support inter-process communication in the Hurd. It generates C code, which is then to be compiled and linked to the client and server programs.
SDL2 other/SDL2 2.30.2 Simple Direct Layer to video and media
argtable other/argtable 2.13 Argtable is an ANSI C library for parsing GNU style command line options with a minimum of fuss.
ATLAST 2 other/atlast 2.0 A forth interpreter to be embedded in other programs for adding scripting to other programs. From John Walker. This is the 64 bit version; 32 bit version on
bdw-gc other/bdw-gc 8.2.4 The Boehm-Demers-Weiser conservative garbage collector can be used as a garbage collecting replacement for C malloc or C++ new. It allows you to allocate memory basically as you normally would, without explicitly deallocating memory that is no longer useful. The collector automatically recycles memory when it determines that it can no longer be otherwise accessed.
bluez other/bluez 5.77 bluez, bluetooth kernel module
boost other/boost 1_86_0 emphasize libraries that work well with the C++ Standard Library. Boost libraries are intended to be widely useful, and usable across a broad spectrum of applications. The Boost license encourages both commercial and non-commercial use. aims to establish "existing practice" and provide reference implementations so that Boost libraries are suitable for eventual standardization.
CFITSIO other/cfitsio 4.5.0 CFITSIO is a library of C and Fortran subroutines for reading and writing data files in FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) data format. CFITSIO provides simple high-level routines for reading and writing FITS files that insulate the programmer from the internal complexities of the FITS format. CFITSIO also provides many advanced features for manipulating and filtering the information in FITS files.
CGAL other/cgal 6.0-beta1 The Computational Geometry Algorithms Library (CGAL) is a C++ header-only library that aims to provide easy access to efficient and reliable algorithms in computational geometry.
Complete Goban 1 other/cgoban 1.9.14 Graphical interface to a Go board game program, such as GNUGo. This is the old original C version. Play, store, replay games, connect to Go server on the net. Later better versions available in Java, see
cmake other/cmake 3.30.3 cmake build utility, works with or as make or other build systems
curl other/curl 8.9.1 Download files from internet with command line
DataExplorer other/dataexplorer 3.9.1 data explorer, chart data from serial port, files, devices
dillo other/dillo 3.1.1 Dillo displays HTML, text, PNG, JPEG, and GIF files. It handles cookies, HTTP authentication (basic and digest), proxying (basic), and some CSS. Framesets are displayed as links to frames, and there is currently no support for javascript or video. Some consider this an advantage.
Eigen other/eigen 3.4.0 Eigen is a C++ template library for linear algebra. It can handle matrices, vectors, numerical solvers and related algorithms.
enchant other/enchant 2.6.5 Enchant aims to provide a simple but comprehensive abstraction for dealing with different spell checking libraries in a consistent way. A client, such as a text editor or word processor, need not know anything about a specific spell-checker, and since all back-ends are plugins, new spell-checkers can be added without needing any change to the program using Enchant.
expat other/expat 2.6.2 XML parser c library
ffmpeg other/ffmpeg 7.0.2 video player, transcoder, video format converter, etc
fftw other/fftw 3.3.10 fastest fourier transform in the west
fibers other/fibers 1.3.1 Go-like concurrency for Guile Scheme, in the tradition of Concurrent ML.
flex other/flex 2.6.4 Free implementation of the well-known Lex program for lexical analysis.
fltk other/fltk 1.4.0 GUI designer using GUI and C++
fontforge other/fontforge 20230101 Design outline fonts, see
FORM other/form 4.3.1 FORM is a symbolic equation manipulation system for very big expressions that tries to use the computer resources as efficiently as possible, while at the same time trying to be as general as possible. Great for particle physics.
FreeFem other/freefem 4.14 FreeFem is a partial differential equation solver. It has its own language. freefem scripts can solve multiphysics non-linear systems in 2D and 3D. Problems involving PDE (2d, 3d) from several branches of physics such as fluid-structure interactions require interpolations of data on several meshes and their manipulation within one program. FreeFem includes a fast 2^d-tree-based interpolation algorithm and a language for the manipulation of data on multiple meshes (as a follow up of bamg, now a part of FreeFem). Formerly called "FreeFEM++".
freetype other/freetype 2.13.3 library to render typefaces (fonts), in C, producing high-quality output (glyph images) of most vector and bitmap font formats.
freeverb3 other/freeverb3 3.2.1 Freeverb3 is a signal processing library with many types of audio processing effects and signal generators. The linear feedback shift register (LFSR) maximum length sequence (MLS) generator, multiple types of high quality mono+stereo reverb effects, an multi slot impulse response processor, multiband hardknee+softknee compressor and limiter, a stereo enhancer, a limiter and a lot of types of infinite impulse respose (IIR) and finite impulse response (FIR) filters are available. The convolution reverb algorithm is highly optimized for x86 processors by using hand optimized codes of 3DNow!/SSE/SSE3/AVX/FMA/FMA4 (single precision), SSE2/SSE4/AVX/FMA/FMA4 (double precision). This algorithm can be used for zero latency realtime sound effect processing.
g-wrap other/g-wrap 1.9.15 program to make guile warpers for C library code
galois other/galois 0.7 galois, falling blocks game
GDAL other/gdal 3.9.2 GDAL is a translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats. As a library, it presents a single raster abstract data model and single vector abstract data model to the calling application for all supported formats. It also comes with a variety of useful command line utilities for data translation and processing.
geos other/geos 3.12.2 geospatial library
gnans other/gnans 1.6.2 Gnans is a program (and language) for the numerical study of deterministic and stochastic dynamical systems. The dynamical systems may evolve in continuous or discrete time. Gnans loads a system, a definition of a dynamical system in a special, equation oriented language. The description consists of declarations of states etc, and equations describing the dynamics of the system. As an advanced feature, arbitrary C++-code may also be contained in the system description. Gnans sorts the equations, translates them into C++, which is subsequently compiled and linked into the running program. It is then able to solve the system equations numerically with the speed of a compiled (as opposite to interpreted) program.
gnome-chemistry-utils other/gnome-chemistry-utils 0.15.1 Six chemistry related programs: 1. GChemPaint, a 2D chemical formula editor. 2. a chemical calculator (computes raw formule, molar weight, mass composition and isotopic pattern). 3. a molecule 3d viewer using OpenGL to display molecular models. 4. a crystal structure editor and viewer. 5. a periodic table of the elements. 6. a spectrum viewer. And widgets.
gnuplot other/gnuplot 6.0.0 plotting tool, not related to GNU organization
gp2c other/gp2c 0.0.13 convert gp scripts to C code for pari math library
grip other/grip 0.2.0 Grip of Really Important Procedures, is a Guile scheme toolbox currently composed of Grip itself, Grip-SQLite, Grip-Gnome and Grip-Clutter.
gsequencer other/gsequencer 6.16.0 Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer is a tree based audio processing engine. It uses extensively threads, supporting LADSPA, DSSI and Lv2 plugin format. Capable of doing multi-channel editing, it contains an automation editor and live export to audio files. There are sequencer machines as well a fully featured notation editor. Supporting copy and paste, resizing audio channels or align in-/output pads. Intended to use for music composition. It features a piano roll, as well a synth, matrix editor, drum machine, soundfont2 player, mixer and an output panel.
guile-cairo other/guile-cairo 1.11.2 guile scheme wrapper to the Cairo graphics library
guile-config other/guile-config 0.5.1 Guile Config is a library providing a declarative approach to application configuration specification. The library provides clean configuration declaration forms, and processors that take care of a bunch of detail.
guile-curl other/guile-curl 0.9 ‘guile-curl’ provides bindings for the underlying libcurl library, which provides functionality for accessing files via urls.
guile-dsv other/guile-dsv 0.7.2 Guile code to parse delimiter-separated-value files
guile-eris other/guile-eris 1.1.0 Guile implementation of the Encoding for Robust Immutable Storage (ERIS). This library can be used to encoded and decode content with ERIS.
guile-file-names other/guile-file-names 0.2 The (file-names) module provides methods for manipulating file names (aka file paths, but for GNU Coding Standards reasons, the module does not refer to "paths"). The module was built based on the idea that doing anything more than a non-trivial modification of a file name string is a pain (making sure all slashes are present and accounted for, resolving . and .., etc). Inevitably, you have to break the string up into chunks and operate on that list of components. This module takes care of that for you.
guile-gi other/guile-gi 0.3.2 This is a library for GNU Guile to create language bindings via GObject Introspection. GNU Guile is an implementation of Scheme, which is a Lisp-like language. This library allows Guile to use GObject-based libraries -- such as GTK+3, GLib, and WebKit2 -- by generating a Scheme API from the GObject Introspection information provided by those libraries.
guile-git other/guile-git 0.5.2 a Guile interface to libgit2
guile-hall other/guile-hall 0.3.0 "Hall is a command-line application and a set of Guile libraries that allow you to quickly create and publish Guile projects. It allows you to transparently support the GNU build system, manage a project hierarchy and provides tight coupling to Guix."
guile-hoot other/guile-hoot 0.5.0 Hoot is the codename for the Guile->WebAssembly project ( In addition to the compiler, Hoot contains a full WebAssembly toolchain with a WAT parser, an assembler, a disassembler, an interpreter, etc.
guile-json other/guile-json 4.7.3 guile-json is a JSON module in Guile for parsing and building JSON documents. Strictly complies to specification. Build JSON documents programmatically via macros. Unicode support for strings. Allows JSON pretty printing.
guile-lib other/guile-lib Guile-Lib is intended as an accumulation place for pure-scheme Guile modules, allowing for people to cooperate integrating their generic Guile modules into a coherent library.
guile-oauth other/guile-oauth 1.3.0 guile-oauth is a simple OAuth client module for Guile. It supports OAuth 1.0 protocol, and HMAC-SHA1 and PLAINTEXT signatures. It depends on the following Guile version >-2.2.0 and modules GnuTLS
guile-png other/guile-png 0.7.3 Guile code for png
guile-reader other/guile-reader 0.6.2 Guile-Reader is a simple framework for building readers for GNU Guile. The idea is to make it easy to build procedures that extend Guile_s read procedure. Readers supporting various syntax variants can easily be written, possibly by re-using existing “token readers” of a standard Scheme readers. For example, it is used to implement Skribilo_s R5RS-derived document syntax.
guile-redis other/guile-redis 2.2.0 guile scheme redis wrapper
guile-sdl2 other/guile-sdl2 0.8.0 Guile scheme SDL2 (Simple DirectMedia Layer 2) wrapper. See also "gnu/sdl"
guile-sodium other/guile-sodium main Guile bindings to libsodium cryptographic library
guile-ssh other/guile-ssh 0.17.0 Guile code for ssh
guile-xapian other/guile-xapian 0.4.0 Guile code for xapian database connection
ibus other/ibus 1.5.30 ibus Intelligent Input Bus
Imath other/imath 3.1.10 Imath is a basic, light-weight, and efficient C++ and python representation of 2D and 3D vectors and matrices and other simple but useful mathematical objects, functions, and data types common in computer graphics applications, including the half 16-bit floating-point type. Previously part of OpenEXR, now distributed separately.
isl other/isl 0.26 isl is a library for manipulating sets and relations of integer points bounded by linear constraints. Supported operations on sets include intersection, union, set difference, emptiness check, convex hull, (integer) affine hull, integer projection, and computing the lexicographic minimum using parametric integer programming. It also includes an ILP solver based on generalized basis reduction.
iso-codes other/iso-codes v4.16.0 ISO-codes, centralized repository
jansson other/jansson 2.14 json parser and manipulator
jpeg other/jpeg 9e library to encode/decode jpeg images
lapack other/lapack 3.12.0 linear algebra matrix calculations
lean4 other/lean4 4.10.0 1P Lean is a functional programming language that makes it easy to write correct and maintainable code. You can also use Lean as an interactive theorem prover. Lean programming primarily involves defining types and functions.
libann other/libann 1.4 Artificial Neural Network Library
libcaca other/libcaca 0.99.beta19 Color ascii-art library, used by liquidwar6 game.
libffi other/libffi 3.4.5 The libffi library provides a portable, high level programming interface to various calling conventions. This allows a programmer to call any function specified by a call interface description at run-time.
libgd other/libgd 2.3.3 programatic creation of images
libgeotiff other/libgeotiff 1.7.3 libgeotiff, add geo coordinate info to tiff files
libgit2 other/libgit2 1.6.2 libgit2 is a portable, pure C implementation of the Git core methods provided as a re-entrant linkable library with a solid API
libGTextUtils other/libgtextutils 0.7 libGTextUtils is a library containing various functions for processing text.
libjpeg-turbo other/libjpeg-turbo 3.0.0 library to encode/decode jpeg images, faster than ijg jpeg
libmypaint other/libmypaint 1.6.1 library of brushstroke code. Gimp depends on this.
liboop other/liboop 1.0.1 Liboop is a low-level event loop management library for POSIX-based operating systems. It supports the development of modular, multiplexed applications which may respond to events from several sources. It replaces the "select() loop" and allows the registration of event handlers for file and network I/O, timers and signals.
libosinfo other/libosinfo 1.11.0 libosinfo, database of operating systems and hardware information. The goal of libosinfo is to provide a single place containing all the information about an operating system that is required in order to provision and manage it in a virtualized environment.
libpaper other/libpaper master The libpaper package enables users to indicate their preferred paper size, provides the paper utility to find the user_s preferred default paper size and give information about known sizes, and specifies system-wide and per-user paper size catalogues (see “man paperspecs”).
libpng other/libpng 1.6.44 libpng, official PNG reference library.
librekontrol other/librekontrol 0.1 Librekontrol is a programmable controller editor for GNU/Linux. You use Librekontrol to (re-)define the events that occur when you interact with a controller: keyboards, gamepads, music controllers, etc. using guile.
LibrePCB other/librepcb 1.0.0 EDA and printed circuit board software
libsdl2 other/libsdl2 2.24.1 Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform development library designed to provide low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, and graphics hardware via OpenGL and Direct3D.
LibSpiro other/libspiro 20221101 Using bézier splines an artist can easily draw curves with the same slope on either side of an on-curve point. Spiros, on the other hand, are based on clothoid splines which make it easy to maintain constant curvature as well as constant slope. Such curves will simply look nicer.
libsvm other/libsvm 3.35 LIBSVM is an integrated software for support vector classification, (C-SVC, nu-SVC), regression (epsilon-SVR, nu-SVR) and distribution estimation (one-class SVM). It supports multi-class classification.
libtiff other/libtiff 4.6.0 libtiff, lib for Tagged Image File Format image format
LibTomCrypt other/libtomcrypt 1.18.2 Modular cryptgraphic libraries, for use and study, with much tutorial info. Warning: Cryptologic software. Do not do anything to anger your local Overloads.
LibTomFloat other/libtomfloat 0.02 Modular cryptgraphic libraries, for use and study, with much tutorial info. Warning: Cryptologic software. Do not do anything to anger your local Overloads.
LibTomMath other/libtommath 1.1.0 Modular cryptgraphic libraries, for use and study, with much tutorial info. Warning: Cryptologic software. Do not do anything to anger your local Overloads.
LibTomPoly other/libtompoly 0.04 Modular cryptgraphic libraries, for use and study, with much tutorial info. Warning: Cryptologic software. Do not do anything to anger your local Overloads.
log4cpp other/log4cpp 1.1.3 logging tools and library for C++
lynx other/lynx 2.9.2 WWW browser using text only from command line; for the literate. Quarter century of development, in progress.
lzip other/lzip 1.24.1 Compression utility, highly robust recoverability
massXpert2 other/massxpert2 8.4.1-1 mass spectometry software, successor to polyxmass
Mercury other/mercury 22.01.8 Mercury is a pure logic programming language intended for the creation of large, fast, reliable programs. The syntax of Mercury is based on the syntax of Prolog, but semantically the two languages are very different due to Mercury_s purity, its type, mode, determinism and module systems.
mineXpert other/minexpert 8.4.1-1 minexpertis a desktop-oriented program that allows one to visualize mass spectrometric data in their full MS^n depth. Sophisticated mouse-driven mass data integrations are easily performed.
mypaint other/mypaint 2.0.1 paint program
mypaint-brushes other/mypaint-brushes 1.3.1 mypaint library of brushs code. Gimp depends on this.
net-snmp other/net-snmp 5.9.4 Various tools relating to the Simple Network Management Protocol including an extensible agent, an SNMP library, tools to request or set information from SNMP agents, tools to generate and handle SNMP traps, a version of the unix netstat command using SNMP, a graphical Perl/Tk/SNMP based mib browser
NLopt other/nlopt 2.7.1 NLopt is a library for nonlinear optimization, providing a common interface for a number of different optimization routines. It features bindings for a wide array of languages, such as C/C++, Python, and R.
nyacc other/nyacc 2.00.1 NYACC, for Not Yet Another Compiler Compiler, is set of guile modules for generating parsers and lexical analyzers. It also provides sample parsers and pretty-printers using SXML trees as an intermediate representation. It provides a decent C parser and a FFI Helper tool to help create Guile Scheme bindings for C-based libraries. It provides (partially implemented) compilers based on above mentioned parsers to allow execution with Guile as extension languages.
openbabel other/openbabel 3.1.1 chemistry utils, file converter etc
OpenEXR other/openexr 3.2.4 OpenEXR is a high dynamic-range (HDR) image file format developed by Industrial Light and Magic for use in computer imaging applications. Features: Higher dynamic range and color precision than existing 8- and 10-bit image file formats. Support for 16-bit floating-point, 32-bit floating-point, and 32-bit integer pixels. The 16-bit floating-point format, called "half". Multiple image compression algorithms, both lossless and lossy.New compression codecs and image types can easily be added by extending the C++ classes New image attributes (strings, vectors, integers, etc.) can be added to OpenEXR image headers without affecting backward compatibility with existing OpenEXR applications. Deep Data. Pixels can store a variable length list of samples. IlmImf, a library that reads and writes OpenEXR images.
openssl other/openssl 3.3.2 Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols, and cryptography library
osinfo-db other/osinfo-db 20240701 libosinfo database of operating systems and hardware information
osinfo-db-tools other/osinfo-db-tools 1.11.0 tools to manage libosinfo database of operating systems and hardware information
pari other/pari 2.16.2.beta math library, calculator and library, unlimited-precision discrete math etc.
pariTwine other/paritwine 0.1.1 code to interface pari-gp numerical types to other math libraries GMP, GNU MPFR, GNU MPC, FLINT, ARB, CMH
pcre2 other/pcre2 10.44 pcre.2 perl compatible regular expressions library
pforth other/pforth master pforth, a portable forth written in C; executable is pforth_standalone
postgis other/postgis 3.4.3 Geospatial Data in postgresql
proj other/proj 9.4.1 library for doing geodesic and cartographic projections
Python other/python 3.12.5 Python is a high-level programming language that emphasizes code readability and expressiveness. It features a large standard library that encompases a wide range of functionality. It supports multiple programming paradigms including object-oriented, imperative or procedural styles.
Matplotlib other/python-matplotlib 1.4.3 Matplotlib is a 2-D plotting library for python, which exposes many low-level functions to have a complete control over the creation of plots.
NetworkX other/python-networkx 1.8.1 NetworkX is a Python library for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks. The library features the implementation of undirected and directed graphs, a rich set of analysis algorithms and the ability to import/export graphs in common-used formats.
NumPy other/python-numpy 1.11.1 NumPy is a package for scientific computing with Python. Its central feature is an N-dimensional array object and efficient functions for manipulating instances of it. It also includes many other useful numerical functions, tools for integrating C/C++ and Fortran code, and linear algebra capabilities.
Pandas other/python-pandas 0.13.1 pandas is an open source, BSD-licensed library providing high-performance, easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools for the Python programming language.
SciPy other/python-scipy 0.17.1 SciPy is a collection of mathematical algorithms and convenience functions for Python. It provides high-level commands and classes for manipulating and visualizing data.
setuptools other/python-setuptools 34.3.3 Easily download, build, install, upgrade and uninstall Python packages
six other/python-six 1.10.0 six provides utilities for maintaining a codebase that is compatible with both Python 2 and 3.
SQLAlchemy other/python-sqlalchemy 0.9.4 SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper that allows interfacing with SQL databases in a high-level manner using a simple Pythonic domain language with the full power of SQL.
Python 2 other/python2 2.7.18 Python is a high-level programming language that emphasizes code readability and expressiveness. It features a large standard library that encompases a wide range of functionality. It supports multiple programming paradigms including object-oriented, imperative or procedural styles. Python2 superceeded by python3.
Dateutil (Python 2) other/python2-dateutil 2.2 The dateutil module provides powerful extensions to the datetime module available in the Python standard library (Python 2 version).
Matplotlib other/python2-matplotlib 1.4.3 Matplotlib is a 2-D plotting library for python, which exposes many low-level functions to have a complete control over the creation of plots.
NetworkX (Python 2) other/python2-networkx 1.8.1 NetworkX is a Python library for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks. The library features the implementation of undirected and directed graphs, a rich set of analysis algorithms and the ability to import/export graphs in common-used formats. (Python 2 version)
NumPy (Python 2) other/python2-numpy 1.8.0 NumPy is a package for scientific computing with Python. Its central feature is an N-dimensional array object and efficient functions for manipulating instances of it. It also includes many other useful numerical functions, tools for integrating C/C++ and Fortran code, and linear algebra capabilities. (Python 2 version)
Pandas (Python 2) other/python2-pandas 0.13.1 pandas is an open source, BSD-licensed library providing high-performance, easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools for the Python programming language (Python 2 version).
SciPy (Python 2) other/python2-scipy 0.13.3 SciPy is a collection of mathematical algorithms and convenience functions for Python. It provides high-level commands and classes for manipulating and visualizing data. (Python 2 version)
SQLAlchemy (Python 2) other/python2-sqlalchemy 0.9.4 SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper that allows interfacing with SQL databases in a high-level manner using a simple Pythonic domain language with the full power of SQL.
Toolz (Python 2) other/python2-toolz 0.7.0 Toolz provides a set of utility functions for iterators, functions, and dictionaries. These functions interoperate well and form the building blocks of common data analytic operations. They extend the standard libraries itertools and functools and borrow heavily from the standard libraries of contemporary functional languages.
ROOT other/root 6.32.04 ROOT is a modular scientific software framework. It provides all the functionalities needed to deal with big data processing, statistical analysis, visualisation and storage. It is mainly written in C++ but integrated with other languages such as Python and R. Include a C++ interpreter, which might be the most widely usable feature. Source code tar.gz is 185 megabytes.
sdsl-lite other/sdsl-lite 2.1.1 The Succinct Data Structure Library (SDSL) is a powerful and flexible C++11 library implementing succinct data structures. In total, the library contains the highlights of 40 research publications. Succinct data structures can represent an object (such as a bitvector or a tree) in space close to the information-theoretic lower bound of the object while supporting operations of the original object efficiently. The theoretical time complexity of an operation performed on the classical data structure and the equivalent succinct data structure are (most of the time) identical.
SFCGAL other/sfcgal 1.5.2 SFCGAL is a C++ wrapper library around CGAL with the aim of supporting ISO 19107:2013 and OGC Simple Features Access 1.2 for 3D operations. SFCGAL provides standard compliant geometry types and operations, that can be accessed from its C or C++ APIs. PostGIS uses the C API, to expose some SFCGALs functions in spatial databases.
skribilo other/skribilo 0.10.0 Skribilo is a free document production tool that takes a structured document representation as its input and renders that document in a variety of output formats: HTML and Info for on-line browsing, and Lout and LaTeX for high-quality hard copies.
SoundTouch other/soundtouch 2.3.2 SoundTouch is an open-source audio processing library for changing the Tempo, Pitch and Playback Rates of audio streams or audio files. The library additionally supports estimating stable beats-per-minute rates for audio tracks. Tempo (time stretch): Changes the sound to play at faster or slower tempo than originally without affecting the sound pitch. Pitch (key) : Changes the sound pitch or key while keeping the original tempo (speed). Playback Rate : Changes both tempo and pitch together as if a vinyl disc was played at different RPM rate. The SoundTouch library is intended for application developers writing sound processing tools that require tempo/pitch control functionality, or just for playing around with the sound effects.
sparsehash other/sparsehash 2.0.4 sparsehash is a C++ library that implemnts several hash-map implementations, including ones that optimize for space or speed. It also contains code to serialize and unserialize hash-maps from disk.
stage0 other/stage0 Release_0.4.0 A class of minimal bootstrap binaries that has a reproducible build on all platforms. Providing a verifiable base for defeating the trusting trust attack.
swig other/swig 4.2.1 SWIG is an interface compiler that connects programs written in C and C++ with scripting languages such as Perl, Python, Ruby, and Tcl, etc. It works by taking the declarations found in C/C++ header files and using them to generate the wrapper code that scripting languages need to access the underlying C/C++ code.
systemtap other/systemtap 5.1 Linux kernel realtime diagnostics, tracing, probing
Tensor Algebra Compiler, taco other/taco master A fast and versatile library for linear and tensor algebra; converts tensor expressions to C++ code
tidy-html5 other/tidy-html5 5.8.0 HTML validator and pretty-printer
tile-forth other/tile-forth 2.1 Demo Forth F83 interpreter written in understandable C. Due to assigning each Forth "word" to a C function, it is slower than a native forth. 32 bit, it says.
TomsFastMath other/tomsfastmath 0.13.1 Modular cryptgraphic libraries, for use and study, with much tutorial info. Warning: Cryptologic software. Do not do anything to anger your local Overloads.
UCB logo other/ucblogo-code master Logo language, from UCB
uncrustify other/uncrustify 0.78.1 A source code beautifier for C, C++, C#, Objective-C, D, Java, Pawn and Vala.
util-linux other/util-linux 2.40.2 low level utilities for working with GNU-Linux, including: cal colcrt findmnt ipcmk lastb lscpu lsns nsenter scriptreplay ul wall chfn colrm flock ipcrm linux32 lsfd mcookie prlimit setarch umount wdctl chmem column getopt ipcs linux64 lsipc mesg rename setsid uname26 whereis choom dmesg hardlink irqtop logger lsirq more renice setterm unshare x86_64 chrt eject hexdump isosize login lslocks mount rev su utmpdump chsh fallocate i386 kill look lslogins mountpoint script taskset uuidgen col fincore ionice last lsblk lsmem namei scriptlive uclampset uuidparse addpart blkzone ctrlaltdel fsck fstrim mkfs mkswap readprofile runuser swapoff agetty blockdev delpart fsck.cramfs hwclock mkfs.bfs nologin resizepart sfdisk swapon blkdiscard cfdisk fdisk fsck.minix ldattach mkfs.cramfs partx rfkill sulogin switch_root blkid chcpu findfs fsfreeze losetup mkfs.minix pivot_root rtcwake swaplabel uuidd wipefs zramctl
valkey other/valkey 7.2.6 Valkey is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker. It supports data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglogs and geospatial indexes with radius queries. Valkey has built-in replication, Lua scripting, LRU eviction, transactions and different levels of on-disk persistence, and provides high availability. A fork of redis.
wcslib other/wcslib 8.3 The FITS "World Coordinate System" (WCS) standard defines keywords and usage that provide for the description of astronomical coordinate systems in a FITS image header.
WildMIDI other/wildmidi 0.4.3 WildMIDI is a simple software midi player which has a core softsynth library that can be used with other applications.
Xerces-C++ other/xerces 3.2.5 Xerces-C++ is a validating XML parser written in a portable subset of C++. A shared library is provided for parsing, generating, manipulating, and validating XML documents using the DOM, SAX, and SAX2 APIs.
xforms other/xforms master GUI designer using GUI, outputing C code, using xlib. Not related to an XML program of the same name.
xterm other/xterm 394 famous terminal for X displays, decades old, updated 2024
xz other/xz 5.4.6 XZ Utils is free general-purpose data compression software with a high compression ratio. XZ Utils were written for POSIX-like systems, but also work on some not-so-POSIX systems. XZ Utils are the successor to LZMA Utils.
zeptodb other/zeptodb 3.0.1 zeptodb provides command-line tools for creating and manipulating DBM databases. DBM databases are non-relational databases consisting of key-value pairs; thus, they are disk-bound hash tables, providing constant, fast look-up time even in large databases.
zlib other/zlib 1.3.1 zlib compression library
appres xorg/appres 1.0.7 The appres program prints the X resources seen by an application (or subhierarchy of an application) with the specified class and instance names. It can be used to determine which X resources a particular X program will load.
bdftopcf xorg/bdftopcf 1.1.1 bdftopcf X font converter
encodings xorg/encodings 1.0.6 font encodings
font-util xorg/font-util 1.3.3 font util
fonttosfnt xorg/fonttosfnt 1.2.3 fonttosfnt wraps a set of bdf or pcf bitmap fonts in a sfnt (TrueType or OpenType) wrapper.
igt-gpu-tools xorg/igt-gpu-tools 1.28 IGT GPU Tools is a collection of tools for development and testing of the DRM drivers. There are many macro-level test suites that get used against the drivers, including xtest, rendercheck, piglit, and oglconform, but failures from those can be difficult to track down to kernel changes, and many require complicated build procedures or specific testing environments to get useful results. Therefore, IGT GPU Tools includes low-level tools and tests specifically for development and testing of the DRM Drivers.
libFS xorg/libFS 1.0.10 libFS X font server client library
libICE xorg/libICE 1.1.1 libICE
libSM xorg/libSM 1.2.4 libSM xsession management
libX11 xorg/libX11 1.8.10 libX11 library
libXau xorg/libXau 1.0.10 libXau library for X
libXaw xorg/libXaw 1.0.14 libXaw library for X
libXaw3d xorg/libXaw3d 1.6.4 libXaw3d library for X
libXcursor xorg/libXcursor 1.2.1 libXcursor library
libXdmcp xorg/libXdmcp 1.1.4 libXdmcp - X Display Manager Control Protocol library
libXext xorg/libXext 1.3.5 libXext library
libXfixes xorg/libXfixes 6.0.0 libXfixes library
libXfont2 xorg/libXfont2 2.0.7 libXfont2 library
libXft xorg/libXft 2.3.8 libXft library for X font renderer
libXi xorg/libXi 1.8.2 libXi library for X input extension
libXinerama xorg/libXinerama 1.1.5 libXinerama
libXmu xorg/libXmu 1.2.1 libXmu, library
libXp xorg/libXp 1.0.4 libXp library for X
libXpm xorg/libXpm 3.5.17 libXpm, library for libXpm pixmap
libXrandr xorg/libXrandr 1.5.4 libXrandr, library for X rotation
libXrender xorg/libXrender 0.9.11 libXrender
libXres xorg/libXres 1.2.2 libXres X-Resource extension client library
libXt xorg/libXt 1.2.1 libXt library for X
libXtst xorg/libXtst 1.2.5 libXtst library for X
libXvMC xorg/libXvMC 1.0.13 libXvMC library for X
libdmx xorg/libdmx 1.1.5 libdmx
libpthread-stubs xorg/libpthread-stubs 0.5 libpthread-stubs
libxcb xorg/libxcb 1.17.0 libxcb, library for xcb, xlib-evolution
libxcvt xorg/libxcvt 0.1.2 libxcvt is a library providing a standalone version of the X server implementation of the VESA CVT standard timing modelines generator. libxcvt also provides a standalone version of the command line tool cvt copied from the Xorg implementation and is meant to be a direct replacement to the version provided by the Xorg server.
libxshmfence xorg/libxshmfence 1.3.1 libxshmfence, library for xcb
lndir xorg/lndir 1.0.5 make a shadow directory of links
mkfontscale xorg/mkfontscale 1.2.1 mkfontscalej
rgb xorg/rgb 1.1.0 rgb names to r g b list
setxkbmap xorg/setxkbmap 1.3.2 set X keyboard map
util-macros xorg/util-macros 1.20.1 This is a set of autoconf macros used by the scripts in other Xorg modular packages, and is needed to generate new versions of their configure scripts with autoconf.
wininfo xorg/wininfo 0.7 x window information utility
xbiff xorg/xbiff 1.0.5 xbiff email alert
xbitmaps xorg/xbitmaps 1.1.2 X bitmaps for xorg
xcb-demo xorg/xcb-demo 0.1 xcb demo
xcb-proto xorg/xcb-proto 1.17.0 xcb is an evolutionary descendent of xlib, to replace it
xcb-util xorg/xcb-util 0.4.1 xcb library for xcb-util
xcb-util-cursor xorg/xcb-util-cursor 0.1.5 xcb, library for xcb-util-cursor
xcb-util-errors xorg/xcb-util-errors 1.0.1 xcb, library for xcb-util-wm
xcb-util-image xorg/xcb-util-image 0.4.1 xcb, library for xcb-util-image
xcb-util-keysyms xorg/xcb-util-keysyms 0.4.1 xcb, library for xcb-util-keysyms
xcb-util-renderutil xorg/xcb-util-renderutil 0.3.10 xcb, library for xcb-util-renderutil
xcb-util-wm xorg/xcb-util-wm 0.4.2 xcb, library for xcb-util-wm
xcompmgr xorg/xcompmgr 1.1.8 xcompmgr is a sample compositing manager for X servers supporting the XFIXES, DAMAGE, RENDER, and COMPOSITE extensions. It enables basic eye-candy effects.
xcursor-themes xorg/xcursor-themes 1.0.6 X bitmaps for xorg
xcursorgen xorg/xcursorgen 1.0.7 make x cursor from pngs
xdm xorg/xdm 1.1.16 X display manager
xdriinfo xorg/xdriinfo 1.0.7 xdri information utility
xeyes xorg/xeyes 1.3.0 xeyes, early surveilance program
xf86-input-void xorg/xf86-input-void 1.4.2 ati video driver
xf86-video-ati xorg/xf86-video-ati 18.1.0 ati video driver
xf86-video-nouveau xorg/xf86-video-nouveau 1.0.16 nouveau video driver
xhost xorg/xhost 1.0.9 xhost, restrict host access
xkbcomp xorg/xkbcomp 1.4.5 The X Keyboard Extension essentially replaces the core protocol definition of keyboard. The extension makes possible to clearly and explicitly specify most aspects of keyboard behaviour on per-key basis and to more closely track the logical and physical state of the keyboard. It also includes a number of keyboard controls designed to make keyboards more accessible to people with physical impairments.
xkeyboard-config xorg/xkeyboard-config 2.42 X keyboard config
xload xorg/xload 1.2.0 xload displayer
xman xorg/xman 1.2.0 xman manpage displayer
xorg-docs xorg/xorg-docs 1.7.2 xorg-docs about X
xorg-server xorg/xorg-server 21.1.13 xorg-server
xorg-sgml-doctools xorg/xorg-sgml-doctools 1.12.1 xorg-sgml-doctools about X
xorgproto xorg/xorgproto 2024.1 Composite Extension, The DAMAGE Extension, The DRI2 Extension, The DRI3 Extension, Proxy Management Protocol, The Present Extension, The X Resize, Rotate and Reflect Extension, The X Rendering Extension, The X Resource Extension, X Video Extension
xprop xorg/xprop 1.2.5 xprop is a command line tool to display and/or set window and font properties of an X server.
xpyb xorg/xpyb 1.3.1 Python 2 binding for X windows system protocol via libxcb
xrdb xorg/xrdb 1.2.2 xrdb
xscope xorg/xscope 1.4.4 x scope
xset xorg/xset 1.2.5 xset, set parameters
xsetroot xorg/xsetroot 1.1.3 xsetroot
xtrans xorg/xtrans 1.5.0 xtrans is a library of code that is shared among various X packages to handle network protocol transport in a modular fashion, allowing a single place to add new transport types. It is used by the X server, libX11, libICE, the X font server, and related components.
xvidtune xorg/xvidtune 1.0.4 xvidtune
xvinfo xorg/xvinfo 1.1.4 xvinfo. Print out X-Video extension adaptor information
xwayland xorg/xwayland 24.1.0 xorg-server using wayland
xwd xorg/xwd 1.0.9 xwd x screen grabber
xwininfo xorg/xwininfo 1.1.5 xwininfo
xwud xorg/xwud 1.0.6 xwd x screen grabber file displayer