What This Is
This document is an attempt at a short overview of the main concepts used in the process of development of translators using libnetfs. You will not find here a detailed description of the required callbacks (for this take a look at You will not find a complete example of code either (usually, unionfs is suggested as an example)
What libnetfs Is
libnetfs is a Hurd library used in writing translators providing some virtual directory structures. For example, if you would like to create a translator which shows a .tar archive in a unpacked way, you will definitely want to use libnetfs. However, it is important to understand one thing: real filesystem servers (like ext3 and such) do not use libnetfs, instead, they rely on libdiskfs, which is, generally speaking, seriously different from libnetfs.
All in all, libnetfs is the library you would choose when you want to write a translator which will show a file (or a directory) in a modified way (for example, if you'd like to show only .sh files or make an archive look unpacked). As different from libtrivfs, using libnetfs, you can show to your clients not just a single file, but a whole directory tree.
How It Works: Short Description
With the aid of libnetfs a translator (supposedly) publishes a directory tree. All lookups in this directory tree are directed to the translator and the latter is free to provide whatever (consistent) information as the result of the lookup. Of course, all other usual requests like reading, writing, setting a translator, etc. are directed to the translator, too. The translator has either to implement the required functionality in the corresponding callback or just return an appropriate error code (for example, EOPNOTSUPP), if the callback is compulsory.
The Main Concepts: Nodes
The most fundamental thing to understand about libnetfs is the notion of a node. Nearly always there are two types of nodes in a libnetfs-based translator:
Generic node, defined in <hurd/netfs.h>. This node contains information read and written by the programmer (like field nn_stat), as well as some internal information (like fields references and transbox). Of course, the programmer is free to use these fields at will, but they should know what they are doing.
Custom netnode, defined by the programmer and containing only the information valuable for the programmer, but not for libnetfs.
The generic node is probably the most important primitive introduced by libnetfs. Callbacks receive the nodes they should work with as parameters; some of them return nodes as the result of their operation. To some extent of certainty, a libnetfs node can be perceived similarly to a filesystem node -- the building-brick out of which everything is composed.
As it can be seen from the definition in <hurd/netfs.h>, a reference to a netnode is stored in each generic node. In a way, a netnode can be perceived as the custom attachment to the information contained in a generic node. The link between these is quite strong. At first this might not look like a very important thing, but let's analyze a simple example: you would like to show the contents of a directory in a filtered way. As a filtering criterion you would like to use the result of the execution of a command specified as a command line argument to the translator. If a client looks up a 'file' in the directory tree provided by the translator, the latter should feed the name of the file to the filtering command and decide whether to hide this file or not upon receiving the result.
To avoid trouble, the translator had better use the absolute name of 'file'. Obviously, the translator would like to organize all of the nodes in a hierarchy. To make things work more or less fast, it is a reasonable decision to construct the absolute path to a node at creation and store it inside the netnode (which, in turn, is inside the node). However, such an approach is not a good one when using libnetfs. Generally speaking, a new generic node is created at each lookup, and, together with it, a new netnode is constructed. The conclusion is that a libnetfs node is a rather transient phenomenon, and when we want to store some information which is relatively expensive to obtain, we need something more than a generic node + netnode. At this moment most of the translators (like unionfs, ftpfs, etc.) introduce the concept of a light node.
A light node is a user-defined node which contains some information expensive to obtain, which had better not be stored directly in a netnode. All netnodes, contained in generic nodes which resulted in lookups of the same file, share references (pointers, actually) to a single light node. Light nodes are created when the first attempt to lookup a file is done, and they are destroyed when no netnodes reference them. It is very important to understand that libnetfs does not enforce the programmer to define light nodes. Everything can be stored within netnodes inside generic nodes. Light nodes are just a matter of organizing data in an efficient way.
Probably, you are already thinking ``Why cannot netnodes be shared? Why do we need yet another notion?''. The answer is that the link between a netnode and a libnetfs node should be one-to-one, because netnodes usually store information specific of only one node, whilst light nodes contain information common to several nodes. If one chose to share netnodes, one would not be able to store additional information per a libnetfs node, and this is quite a serious problem in most practical problems.
Why a libnetfs Node Is Not Quit a Filesystem Node
The most demonstrative argument in this case is the definition of struct node in <hurd/netfs.h>. If you try to find in this definition some reference to other generic node called parent, or an array of references called children (which would be quite classical for a member of a hierarchy), you will fail. There are fields next and prevp, but these are for internal use and only include the node in an internally maintained list, not a tree. Surprisingly enough, libnetfs does not manage the tree-like structure for you. You have to do that on you own. This is another moment when light nodes come triumphantly to light. Most libnetfs-based translators organize their light nodes in the tree-like structure reflecting the directory tree shown to the user. When a lookup is performed, a light node is either created or reused (if it has already been created in a previous lookup). The result of the lookup is a libnetfs node created basing on the information contained in the found light node.
From the point of view of a libnetfs programmer, light nodes are the conceptual filesystem nodes. A translator knows who is the parent of who only from studying the links between light nodes. And a light node does contain a reference to its parent and an array of references to children. When a translator is asked to fetch a file, it finds this file in the tree of light nodes firstly, creates a libnetfs node based on the found light node, and returns the latter as the result. Therefore, it is not quite right to perceive libnetfs nodes as filesystem nodes. Instead, the focus of attention should stay upon light nodes.
How It Works: A More Verbose Description
At first let us see how the a libnetfs-based translator responds to lookup requests. At the beginning the netfs_attempt_lookup callback is called. It knows the generic libnetfs node corresponding to the directory under which the lookup shall take place, the name it has to lookup, and the information about the user requesting the lookup. This callback is supposed to create a new libnetfs node corresponding to the requested file or return an error. As it has been said before, usually translators browse their hierarchy of light nodes to know whether a file exists within a directory or not. Note that netfs_attempt_lookup does not know the flags with which a file_name_lookup call is done, what it has to do is just to provide a new node or return an error.
Then netfs_validate_stat callback is called and a node and information about the user is passed inside. This callback is a rather simple one: it has to assure that the nn_stat field of the supplied node is valid and up to date. Translators which mirror parts of real filesystem, like unionfs, usually treat the node corresponding to the root of their node hierarchy in a specific way. The reason is that the root node is not a mirror of a real file -- it is almost always a directory in translators of this kind.
The third stage is an invocation of netfs_check_open_permissions. This callback is, probably, one of the simplest in most cases. It knows some information about the user requesting the open, about the node that is about to be returned to the user, and about the flags supplied by the user in the call to file_name_lookup. Besides that, this callback is provided with the information whether the requested lookup ended in creating a new file or whether the requested file already existed. netfs_check_open_permissions has to decide if the user has the right to access the resulting file under the permissions specified in flags. It has to return either 0 or the corresponding error.
These are the most basic steps of the lookup. Note that if the file was requested with O_CREAT flag and netfs_attempt_lookup could not locate this file, netfs_attempt_create_file is called. In many ways a typical implementation of this callback might be similar to the implementation of netfs_attempt_lookup. However, netfs_attempt_create_file will most probably have to do less checks.
Let's move to listing the contents of a directory. The corresponding callback, netfs_get_dirents is triggered when a user invokes dir_readdir upon a directory provided by the translator. The parameters of netfs_get_dirents are therefore very similar to the parameters of dir_readdir. Actually, translator fakeroot only calls dir_readdir in this callback and nothing more. In translators which need more complex handling (like filtering the contents) the code of this is more sophisticated. Sometimes the listing of directory entries happens in several stages: netfs_get_dirents may call something like node_entries_get, and the latter may invoke dir_entries_get. The latter function calls dir_readdir and converts the result to an array of struct dirent 's. node_entries_get converts the array of struct dirent 's to a linked list and decides whether a specific file shall be included in the result or not. Finally, netfs_get_dirents converts the linked list provided by node_entries_get to the format of the result of dir_readdir and returns the converted data to the user. The described stages are the stages of listing directory entries in unionfs, for instance.
Other callbacks are, generally speaking, less sophisticated. For example, when the client wants to read (write) from a node provided by netfs_attempt_lookup, the callback netfs_attempt_read (netfs_attempt_write) is triggered. Both callbacks have sets of parameters to the corresponding io_read and io_write functions.
While browsing the code of very many libnetfs-based translators, you might notice that they define callbacks starting with netfs_S_. Usually a name similar to that of one of the file management function follows (like netfs_S_dir_lookup). These callbacks are triggered when the corresponding functions are called on files shown by the translator. Such translators override parts of the core functionality provided by libnetfs to achieve better performance or to solve specific problems.
Synchronization is Crucial
A libnetfs programmer shall always keep in mind that, as different from libtrivfs-based translators, libnetfs-based translators are always multithreaded. To guard data against damage each node incorporates a lock. Moreover, each light node usually contains a lock, too. This happens because libnetfs nodes and light nodes are loosely coupled and are often processed separately.
Node Cache
Most of libnetfs translators organize a node cache. However, this structure is not a real cache. The idea is to hold some control over life and death of libnetfs nodes. The cache is usually a doubly-linked list: each netnode contains a reference to the previous node in the cache and a reference to the next one. When a new node is created (for example, as a result of invocation of netfs_attempt_lookup), it is registered in the cache and its number of references is increased. It means that, by putting the node in the cache, the translators gets hold of an extra reference to the node. When in subsequent lookups the same nodes will be requested, the translator can just reuse an already existing node.
Of course, the cache is limited in size. When the cache gets overgrown, the nodes located at the tail of the list are removed from the cache and the references to them are dropped. This triggers their destruction (undertaken by libnetfs).
What Files Are Usually Created
If you take into a look at the sources ftpfs or unionfs you will notice files with names similar to the following:
cache.{c,h} -- here the node implementation of the node cache resides.
lib.{c,h}, dir.{c,h}, fs.{c,h} -- these contain the implementation of some internals. For example, the function dir_entriesget mentioned in the description of the process of listing directory entries, will most probably reside in one of these files.
options.{c,h} -- here the option parsing mechanism is usually placed. Argp parsers are implemented here.
<translator_name>.{c,h}, netfs.c -- the implementation of netfs_* callbacks will most probably lie in these files.
What Netnodes and Light Nodes Usually Contain
A netnode usually contains a reference to a light node, some flags describing the state of the associated generic libnetfs node, and the references to the previous and the next elements in the node cache.
A light node usually contains the name of the file associated with this light node, the length of this name, some flags describing the state of this light node. To make a light node fully usable in a multithreaded program, a lock and a reference counter are almost always incorporated in it. Since light nodes are organized in a hierarchical way, they contain a reference to their parent, a reference to their first child, and references to their siblings (usually not very descriptively called next and prevp).
The End
I very much hope this piece of text was at least a little helpful. Here I tried to explain the things which I understood least when I started learning libnetfs and which confused me most. Feel free to complete this introduction