This documents the currently-needed tricks to successfully build a ?chroot in GNU/Hurd.


It can be a good idea to put the chroot on a separate translator, for instance:

# dd [...] < /dev/zero > storage
# mke2fs storage
# settrans -c chroot /hurd/ext2fs $PWD/storage


Debootstrap should be able to build the content:

# debootstrap sid chroot


One current issue to know about chroots is that since passive translators (e.g. /servers/socket/1) are started by the root translator, which is not aware of the chrooting, these passive translators are started non-chrooted, leading to a few issues.


Since the passive pflocal translator will not be chrooted, local socket creation will actually happen in the root filesystem. To make things work correctly the programs inside the chroot need to be able to access them:

# CHROOT=$PWD/chroot
# settrans -kp $CHROOT/servers /hurd/firmlink /servers
# settrans -kp $CHROOT/dev /hurd/firmlink /dev
# settrans $CHROOT/tmp /hurd/firmlink /tmp
# settrans -c $CHROOT/var/lib/dbus /hurd/firmlink /var/lib/dbus
# settrans -c $CHROOT/run/dbus /hurd/firmlink /run/dbus
# settrans -kp $CHROOT/proc /hurd/firmlink /proc
# settrans -c $CHROOT/$HOME/.dbus /hurd/firmlink /$HOME/.dbus


Debian build daemons use a specialized script instead of debootstrap:

# mkdir ~/chroots
# /usr/share/sbuild/create-chroot unstable

They also use sbuild to start the build:

# sbuild foo_1.2.3-1